
  1. 然而,将这个信息与合适的流程策略联系起来,如您先前所看到的,将把您的解决方案带入下一个水平。

    However , tying this information to the appropriate stream strategy , as you will see later , will take your solution to the next level .

  2. 本文通过分析RFID技术的特点,提出了一套基于RFID技术的军械仓库物流管理流程构建策略和实现方法。

    By analyzing the characteristics of RFID , it brings forward the strategy of management process in arms depot and the way to realize it based on RFID technology .

  3. 这种业务流程外包策略不仅大胆,而且带来了重大改变。

    This business process outsourcing strategy was bold and a big change .

  4. 基于质量成本的单步生产流程检验策略

    The Inspection Policy Based on QCM in Single-step Manufacturing Flow

  5. 流程和策略是任何治理模型的可操作核心。

    Processes and policies are the actionable heart of any governance model .

  6. 企业创新过程中风险管理的流程和策略研究

    The Study on Process and Strategy of Risk Management in Enterprise Technological Innovation

  7. 本文讲述制定并管理规则来实施随需应变流程的策略。

    Develop and manage rules to enforce the policies for on demand processes .

  8. 高校办公自动化系统中流程设计策略及其实现

    The Flow Design Strategy and Its Realization of Office Automation System in Universities & Colleges

  9. 一是加强供应商的管理与合作策略:二是采购流程优化策略。

    One is strengthening management & cooperation with suppliers . Another is optimizing purchasing process .

  10. 甲醇合成流程模拟策略

    A strategy of methanol synthesis flowsheeting

  11. 本文的结论是,通过采用整合流程管理策略,可以提高客户的满意度,从而赢得客户。

    Therefore , integrated process management is an useful strategy to help enterprise to win customers .

  12. 二是采购流程优化策略。

    Another is optimizing purchasing process .

  13. 随后本文介绍了现有国有商业银行信贷风险管理的流程与策略,并对其进行了分析与评价。

    And then we introduce the standard process and strategy of credit risk management and make a review about this topic .

  14. 业务流程和策略管理组件使用了下面的安全组件,以实现它对业务应用程序的安全职责。

    The business process and policy management component uses the following security components to fulfill its security obligations to the business applications .

  15. 根据操作行为特点确定了产生式系统的操作流程控制策略,形成了系统的操作响应模型。

    Furthermore , this paper confirms the operation flow control strategy of production system and at last gets the operation response model of system .

  16. 研究了知识驱动协同创新的创成和吸纳相集成的原理、再设计建议的智能化生成方法及其过程链流程组织策略。

    The integration principles of generation with adoption , the intelligent generation methods of redesign instance and the organization strategies of process chain flow were studied .

  17. 案例分析结果显示,在实际营运过程中组织采取的柔性策略组合,与组织际流程柔性策略选择模型的计算结果是一致的。

    Case study results show that , in practice operation , the flexibility strategy mixes adopted by organizations are consistent with the outcomes of this model .

  18. 等等以上这些在本地供应商管理流程和策略上的改进和优化,无不有利于S公司产品本地化采购的顺利进行。

    With above improvement and optimization of supplier management in process and strategy , S gained many advantages of procurement of product localization and ensured its success .

  19. 在对邮储产品框架体系进行设计的基础上,提出了多元化产品策略、产品组合策略、流程优化策略、产品品牌策略等开发策略。

    Based on the design of post savings products system , it introduces diversified products strategy , products composing strategy , better process strategy , product brand strategy and so on .

  20. 根据预测结果和目标市场的特征,确定了优质服务策略、流程再造策略、电力价格策略、电力促销策略、降损增效策略等营销策略。

    According to the prediction results and the target market characteristics , the high-quality service strategy , BPR strategy , electricity price strategy ,? power promotion strategy , and reducing losses to increase the effectiveness strategy are proposed .

  21. 为了保证产品差异化战略的实施,苏州中小刺绣企业要从战略实施的领导者、人才策略、创新策略、营销策略和流程再造策略入手,全面提升企业的综合实力。

    In order for the effective execution of product differentiation strategy , Suzhou small and medium sized embroidery companies must not only have good leaders and talents , but also make use of innovation strategy , marketing strategy , and process reengineering strategy to upgrade their comprehensive strength .

  22. 介绍了一种基于ARM的智能液压阀门定位器控制系统的基本组成、系统结构、硬件设计、软件流程以及控制策略。

    The control system of the smart hydraulic valve positioner is introduced based on ARM microcontroller .

  23. 此时,您将需要向为业务服务的所有项目团队说明SOA的基本概念,并拟订与反馈和建议流程有关的策略计划。

    At this point you 'll want to explain the basics of the SOA concept to all project teams serving the business and plan a strategy for a feedback and suggestion process .

  24. 详细介绍了Lease策略的处理流程以及该策略如何在节点服务器增多的情况下扩展成为多级网络及自适应建立树形网络结构。

    There is a detailed introduction of the process of Lease strategy , and how it can be expanded to a multi-level network and adaptively establish tree-based network .

  25. 对XS公司的客户服务水平、销售预测、订单处理流程、库存策略和配送战略进行了设计和改进。

    Designs and improves level of customer service , sales forecast , dealing with order procedure , stock and distribution strategy to XS Company .

  26. 然后阐述了TOS架构的功能特点、TOS防火墙的数据处理流程和安全策略匹配过程。

    And then we expound the function characteristics of TOS architecture , data processing cycle of TOS firewall and security strategy matching process .

  27. 本文所涉及的数据转接流程和缓存策略算法,均以用户的呼叫服从泊松分布为前提,用OPNET对各种会话花费进行数据分析。

    The data forwarding process and caching strategy algorithm are based on the precondition that user call can obey the poisson distribution , and then it use concrete data to emulate various of the session cost by OPNET .

  28. 上海厂流程体系优化策略及工具

    The Optimized Strategy and Medium of Flow System in Shanghai Factory

  29. 兆瓦级风力发电机运行流程与安全策略的研究与实践

    Research of Running Process and Security Policy for MW Wind Turbine

  30. 复杂产品系统模块化创新流程与管理策略

    Modularization Innovation Process and Management Strategy of Complex Product Systems