
  • 网络liquidity crisis;liquidity run
  1. 台湾政府昨日向陷于困境的中华商业银行(TheChineseBank)注资纾困,并承诺保障储蓄客户的存款,以防这家银行的流动性危机扩散。

    Taiwan 's government tried yesterday to prevent a liquidity crisis at The Chinese Bank from spreading by injecting additional funds into the ailing lender and promising to guarantee depositors ' savings .

  2. 尽管流动性危机使杠杆收购活动陷于停滞,但合并套利型基金(mergerarbitragefunds)获得了正收益:上涨0.6%。

    Despite the liquidity crisis bringing leveraged buyout activity to a halt , merger arbitrage funds recorded a positive number : up 0.6 per cent .

  3. 泛亚有色金属交易所(FanyaMetalsExchange)囤积铟和铋等稀有金属,今年春季,在遭遇流动性危机后,该公司已停止兑付其高息投资产品。

    Fanya Metals Exchange , which stockpiled minor metals including indium and bismuth , stopped payouts on high interest rate investment products after it suffered liquidity problems this spring .

  4. 昨日发布的欧洲央行《金融稳定评论》(ecbfinancialstabilityreview)发现,半数以上的借贷成本源自于这样的风险:放贷银行自身面临“重大流动性危机”,即突然需要融资。

    The ECB financial stability review , published yesterday , found that more than half the borrowing costs were due to risks that lending banks would themselves face a " significant liquidity shock " or sudden need for funding .

  5. 欧洲央行(ecb)与全球其它央行协力提供美元融资,以阻止欧元区银行发生流动性危机的举动,推动这些银行的股票在周四出现短暂反弹。

    The offer of dollar funding by the European Central Bank and other global central banks to ward off a liquidity crisis among eurozone banks prompted a relief rally in their shares on Thursday .

  6. 此次的期权拍卖安排,与美联储1999年为应付千年虫问题(y2k)引发流动性危机风险时的策略相似。

    The options facility is similar to the strategy used by the fed in 1999 to deal with the risk of a millennium Y2K liquidity crisis .

  7. centro首席执行官安德鲁司各特(andrewscott)承认,如果流动性危机在明年2月恶化,他无法排除公司破产的可能性。

    Andrew Scott , Centro chief executive , admitted that , if the liquidity crunch worsened in February , he could not discount the possibility that the company would go bust .

  8. 比利时鲁汶大学的经济学家PaulDeGrauwe认为通过分散风险,欧洲债券可以成为一种持久应对不稳定的流动性危机的方法。

    By pooling risk , Eurobonds could be a more durable counter to such destabilising liquidity crises , argues Paul De Grauwe , an economist at the Catholic University of Leuven , in Belgium .

  9. 由于流动性危机,信贷违约掉期(creditdefaultswap)等其它许多衍生品市场交易量受到影响,相比之下,中国制造业的繁荣推动运费衍生品交易量大幅上升,因为中国制造业需要船舶进口原材料。

    With volumes in many other derivatives markets , such as credit default swaps , hit by the liquidity crunch , freight derivatives have by contrast seen a big surge in business on the back of the booming Chinese manufacturing sector , which needs ships to import raw materials .

  10. 但他在度假胜地索契(sochi)对西方记者否认俄罗斯有流动性危机,并拒绝承认金融动荡和格鲁吉亚冲突“有关系”的说法。

    But , speaking to Western journalists in the holiday resort of Sochi , he denied there was a liquidity crisis and rejected the view that the turmoil had " anything to do " with the Georgian conflict .

  11. 重建市场信心是缓解流动性危机的有效途径

    Rebuilding Market Confidence is an Effective Method to Relieve Liquidity Crisis

  12. 特里谢表示,欧元区不存在流动性危机。

    There was no eurozone liquidity crisis , Mr Trichet said .

  13. 随着流动性危机加深,资产价格开始大幅下滑。

    As the liquidity crisis deepened , asset prices began to fall sharply .

  14. 其目的是阻止一场流动性危机转变为一场偿付能力危机。

    The purpose is to prevent a liquidity crisis turning into a solvency crisis .

  15. 这不仅仅是流动性危机。

    This is no mere liquidity crisis .

  16. 流动性危机:入世后我国商业银行面临的最大冲击

    Liquidity Crisis : Our Country 's Commercial Bank will Face the Maximal Impact after Joining WTO

  17. 这仅仅是一场流动性危机吗?若是,那么现已采取的措施应该足够了。

    Is this a liquidity crisis only – in which case the measures taken should be sufficient ?

  18. 具有讽刺意味的是,对于嘉汉林业财务健康的担忧,目前可能引发一场流动性危机。

    The irony is that worries about its financial health now threaten to trigger a liquidity crisis .

  19. 他对美国国会表示,金融市场运转良好且正常。同时,他对出现流动性危机的担忧表示不以为然。

    He told Congress that financial markets were working well , normally and dismissed fears of a liquidity crunch .

  20. 伯南克还宣布,美联储可能很快就会开始缩减其余的金融流动性危机措施。

    Mr Bernanke also announced that the Fed might soon start scaling back its remaining financial liquidity crisis measures .

  21. 金融危机爆发后,资产价格泡沫突然破灭和流动性危机,注定了投资银行巨大危机的必然结局。

    The sudden burst of asset price bubbles and liquidity crisis dooms the fate of tremendous a financial crisis .

  22. 任何这类机制的最终目的,都应该是让欧元区外围国家政府自行解决当前的流动性危机。

    Allowing peripheral eurozone governments to address their current liquidity crisis should be the ultimate goal of any such mechanism .

  23. 最近几周,董事会每周都要召开多次电话会议,讨论公司解决流动性危机的对策。

    In recent weeks it has added several more weekly teleconferences to discuss how GM should approach the liquidity option .

  24. 如今,古巴正在应对流动性危机、生产萎缩以及来自失望的民众和债权人的压力加大等问题。

    Today Cuba is battling a liquidity crisis , shrinking production and increased pressure from a frustrated public and creditors .

  25. 一些观察人士强调,这主要是一场偿付能力危机,而其他人则认为,这主要是一场流动性危机。

    Some observers have stressed that it is mainly a solvency crisis ; others that it is mainly a liquidity crisis .

  26. 可以与欧元区政府制止流动性危机的决心相媲美的,只有他们拒绝承认这是一场偿付能力危机。

    Eurozone governments ' determination to stop the liquidity crisis is matched only by their refusal to recognise the solvency crisis .

  27. 分析人士表示,俄罗斯正经历着一场影响西方市场一年多的流动性危机。

    Analysts said Russia was experiencing a liquidity crunch of the type that has affected western markets for more than a year .

  28. 换句话说:如果你乐观,那么你肯定必须将此视为一场流动性危机。

    To put it another way : if you are optimistic , then surely you must treat this as a liquidity crisis .

  29. 这样国有商业银行长期累积的风险隐患将逐渐暴露出来,有可能成为其爆发流动性危机的导火索。

    Then the cumulative risk of state-owned commercial banks will be gradually exposed , which may become a fuse of liquidity crisis .

  30. 澳纽银行集团宣布了跳转,在下半年的规定,作为安装的损失,从全球的流动性危机吃的到公司的利润。

    ANZ Banking Group announced a jump in second half provisions as mounting losses from the global liquidity crisis eat into company profits .