
  • 网络banking crisis;banking crises
  1. 在全球经济复苏的预期增强之际,imf指出,银行业危机通常会给各国留下“长久的伤痕”,导致人均产出平均下降10%。

    As hopes strengthen that the global economy is recovering , the IMF pointed out that banking crises usually leave " long-lasting scars " on countries , knocking an average 10 per cent from output per capita .

  2. 这个平均结果决非均匀分布,但持久的产出损失仍具有统计学意义。在IMF调研的9成银行业危机中,产出损失为7%至13%不等。

    This average result is far from uniform , but the persistent output loss was statistically significant and , in 90 per cent of the banking crises it studied , ranged between 7 per cent and 13 per cent .

  3. 银行家们害怕会发生一场全球银行业危机。

    Bankers were fearful of a world banking crisis

  4. 银行业危机伊始,金曼即置身其中,在为北岩(northernrock)提供支持上扮演了重要角色。

    Mr Kingman was there at the start of the banking crisis , playing an important role in shoring up Northern Rock .

  5. 最著名的例子,是富兰克林德拉诺罗斯福(franklindelanoroosevelt)在大萧条(greatdepression)时期对银行业危机的管理。

    The most famous example is that of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in managing the banking crisis during the great depression .

  6. 剑桥大学(Cambridgeuniversity)的研究人员日前警告,一场全球银行业危机引发的紧张和焦虑,可能导致成千上万人死于心脏病发作。

    A global banking crisis would kill tens of thousands of people through heart attacks brought on by stress and anxiety , Cambridge university researchers warn today .

  7. 如果从未发生过银行业危机,那么,鲍勃戴蒙德(bobdiamond)将接任巴克莱集团(barclays)首席执行官的消息,简直不值一提。

    If there had never been a banking crisis , news that Bob diamond will take over as chief executive at Barclays would barely deserve comment .

  8. 上述数字突显出,银行业危机和富国投资者的避险意识正如何对新兴市场经济体产生抑制作用这是一个重要问题,将在今日开幕的达沃斯世界经济论坛(worldeconomicforum)加以讨论。

    The figures emphasise the extent to which the banking crisis and risk-aversion among rich-country investors are constraining emerging market economies , one of the important concerns to be debated at the world economic forum in Davos which starts today .

  9. 最近我与心理学家、社会评论员奥利弗詹姆斯(OliverJames)进行了一场辩论。他宣称,斯堪的纳维亚民族精神中一些值得赞许的特质,使他们免遭银行业危机的冲击。

    I recently debated with the psychologist and social commentator Oliver James , who announced that the commendable qualities of the Scandinavian psyche had insulated them from the banking crisis .

  10. Pave和Upstart均源于2008年银行业危机以及传统银行体系失去人们信任而带来的改变。

    Pave and Upstart both have roots in the changes that followed the banking crisis of 2008 and the subsequent mistrust in the traditional banking system .

  11. 担心在两个或更多国家出现欧洲银行业危机的并非只有我们,因为在欧洲央行(ecb)或欧元区的层面上,没有一个正式的机制来协调应对举措。

    We are not alone in worrying about a European banking crisis across two or more countries , as there is no formal mechanism at European central bank or eurozone level to co-ordinate a response .

  12. 正如博里奥所言,只盯着后视镜十分危险;无论下一场银行业危机缘何而起,抵押贷款CDO都不会是起因。

    As Mr Borio notes , focusing only on that rear view mirror is dangerous ; whatever causes the next banking shock , it will not be mortgage CDOs .

  13. 正如他所言,该计划消除了融资匮乏引发银行业危机的可能性(LTRO于2011年12月和2012年2月分两轮推出)。

    As he says , the LTRO ( which unfolded in two phases in December 2011 and February 2012 ) removed the possibility of a banking crisis caused by a lack of funding .

  14. FathomConsulting的经济学家劳拉伊顿(LauraEaton)表示,中国硬着陆的风险在过去几年逐步增长,并补充称:中国还没有爆发全面的银行业危机,但我们现在显然处在山脚下。

    Laura Eaton , an economist at Fathom Consulting , says the risk of a hard landing in China has been creeping up over the past few years , adding : There is not a full-blown banking crisis in China yet , but we are certainly in the foothills .

  15. 不过,几乎没有精品银行家愿意排除上市的可能性,而且上市模式对greenhill相当管用,该公司的股价在银行业危机期间一直保持强劲。

    Few boutique bankers , however , are willing to rule out a public listing , and the model has worked well for Greenhill , whose richly valued shares have stayed strong during the banking crisis .

  16. 它也以货币崩溃被称之为次级银行业危机而告终,并几乎迫使政府为国民西敏寺银行(natwest)纾困(35年后由苏格兰皇家银行代为完成)。

    It too ended in monetary collapse , namely the secondary banking crisis , which came close to necessitating the public rescue of NatWest ( accomplished 35 years later , courtesy of the Royal Bank of Scotland ) .

  17. 任何大的外部冲击(例如出现欧洲银行业危机)都可能使经济稳定进程终止,其确定性正如1931奥地利银行creditanstalt的破产让全球大萧条又持续了两年。

    Any big external shock ( for example , a European banking crisis ) could abort economic stabilisation just as surely as the 1931 failure of CREDITANSTALT gave the world two more years of depression .

  18. 那么日本最终是如何度过银行业危机的呢?

    So how did Japan finally emerge from its banking crisis ?

  19. 本币升值冲击与银行业危机:一个基于不对称信息的分析框架

    Currency Appreciation and Banking Crisis : A Framework of Asymmetric Information

  20. 主权债务危机源于银行业危机。

    The sovereign debt crisis was born of the banking crisis .

  21. 主权债务危机已经演变成一场银行业危机。

    The sovereign debt crisis has degenerated into a banking crisis .

  22. 在银行业危机中,人们已对这个谎言失去信任。

    In a banking crisis the lie ceases to be credible .

  23. 经济转轨国家银行业危机问题研究

    Study on Bank in g Crisis in Economic Transition Countries

  24. 银行业危机&从金融泡沫视角的分析

    Banking Crisis : Analysis from the View of Financial Bubbles

  25. 正是在这一严峻背景下,本文对银行业危机进行研究,并着重对银行业危机的形成机理进行分析。

    This paper studies the banking crises under this background .

  26. 这场银行业危机中断了双方的这种相互推崇。

    The banking crisis put this mutual admiration on hold .

  27. 中国将面临一场暴跌和迄今规模最大的银行业危机。

    China would face a slump and the mother of all banking crises .

  28. 一场银行业危机转化成的主权债务危机,最终有可能成为另一场银行业危机。

    A banking-turned-sovereign debt crisis could yet end up as another banking crisis .

  29. 从银行业危机到主权债务危机

    1   From banking crisis to sovereign debt crisis

  30. 正如此次银行业危机所表明的那样,许多银行家也不懂金融。

    As the banking crisis showed , many bankers did not understand it .