
  • 网络Bank Financing;banking facility
  1. 在银行融资模式下,IPO业务是企业除银行业务之外的另外一条重要的筹资渠道。

    Other than bank financing , IPO is an important addition to the bank business outside source of funding .

  2. 在新兴市场,银行融资市场和首次公开发行(ipo)市场也可能相对欠发达,这让私募股权行业日益有发展的机会。

    Emerging markets may also have relatively undeveloped markets for bank financing and initial public offerings , increasingly the opportunity set for the private equity industry .

  3. 徽商银行融资额达到13亿美元,是自重庆农村商业银行(ChongqingRuralCommercialBank)2010年在香港上市以来中资银行最大的一宗IPO。

    At $ 1.3bn , the Huishang deal is the largest by a Chinese lender since Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank listed in the city in 2010 .

  4. imf经济学家从直接支持(包括注资和资产购买)、银行融资担保以及非标准央行贷款三方面,对美国未来5年的复苏成本进行了研究。

    IMF economists looked at costs net of recoveries over five years on direct support ( including capital injections and asset purchases ) , bank funding guarantees and non-standard central bank loans .

  5. 政府官员表示,由于提供了银行融资以外的另一种选择,Reit的推出有助于现金短缺的开发商。

    The introduction of Reits could help cash-strapped developers because it would give them an alternative to bank finance , officials said .

  6. 两相比较,不仅股东们会拒绝现有出价,也有助于黑石集团(TheBlackstoneGroup)和卡尔•伊坎(CarlIcahn)等竞争对手的更高出价获得银行融资。

    Not only would the comparison spur shareholders to reject the existing offer , but it also would help rivals like the Blackstone Group ( BX ) and Carl Icahn secure bank financing for higher bids .

  7. 诺顿罗氏律师事务所的资深顾问RachelChan表示,除这次配股之外,诺顿罗氏也为人和商业的银行融资和要约收购提供建议,这些被整合成一项前所未有的三层融资安排。

    As well as the rights issue , Norton Rose Fulbright advised Renhe on bank financing and tender offers that were combined into a triple-layered financing arrangement , which had not been done before , says Rachel Chan , senior counsel at the law firm .

  8. 结果是亚洲仍依赖于银行融资。

    The result is that Asia remains dependent on bank financing .

  9. 破解中小企业银行融资难的对策研究

    The Solution to Financing Straits of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise

  10. 商业银行融资业务担保出现的几个法律问题

    Several Law Issues in Financing Guarantee in Commercial Banks

  11. 大型商业银行融资技术发展与中小企业融资

    Development of Financing Facilities in Giant Commercial Banks and the Financing for SMEs

  12. 信用保险项下银行融资:并非绝对保险&一起信保融资纠纷引发的启示

    Financing under credit Insurance : Not Absolute Cover

  13. 它们仍依赖银行融资。

    They still rely on bank financing .

  14. 本文从民营经济的宏观经济效益和银行融资中的微观成本对立出发,从一般理论和沈阳市个案角度分析民营企业融资问题。

    This paper studies the general theory and case in Shenyang on private business finance .

  15. 随着经济的快速发展,银行融资成为企业确保资金充足的重要途径。

    With the rapid economic development , bank financing become an important way to ensure sufficient funds .

  16. 在亚洲,中小企业雇用最多工人,它们大部分都得倚赖银行融资。

    Small and medium-sized enterprises employ the most workers in Asia and they are mostly dependent on bank financing .

  17. 出口信用保险是保险人提供的一种以保护出口和与出口有关的银行融资为目的的保险。

    Export credit insurance is the insurance provided by the insurer aiming at protecting export and export-related bank financing .

  18. 银行融资是解决大部分中小企业的资金短缺难题的关键。

    Patency of the bank financing , SMEs will be able to solve most problems of a shortage of funds .

  19. 这表明,尽管银行融资仍然占据主导地位,但它对中国企业资产负债表的控制正在减弱。

    This indicates that while bank financing is still dominant , its grip on Chinese corporate balance sheets is diminishing .

  20. 银行融资的主要来源高级无担保债券的发行规模为2003年以来最低。

    The amount of senior unsecured debt , a mainstay of bank funding , is at its lowest since 2003 .

  21. 能够从银行融资对较小的企业至为关键,对那些如基建项目一类长期资产型企业也是如此。

    And the availability of bank financing is vital to smaller businesses or long-term asset-based activities such as infrastructure projects .

  22. 银行融资困难,提高了市场对于依赖银行融资的企业乃至整体经济遭受连锁效应的忧虑。

    The funding freeze has raised fears about the knock-on effects for companies reliant on bank funding and the broader economy .

  23. 当更为普通的商业和家庭贷款也转向恶化,投资者甚至将缺乏给给银行融资的意愿。

    Investors will be even less willing to finance banks , as more garden-variety loans to businesses and householders turn bad .

  24. 研究结果表明:(1)中小企业银行融资难是客观存在的社会现象,在经济越落后的地区形势越为严重。

    The results show that : ( 1 ) The problem of small-medium enterprise bank financing is a usual thing in society .

  25. 其次,把企业债券融资与其它融资方式,主要是银行融资和股票融资,做了比较分析。

    After that the dissertation compare the enterprise bonds financing with other financing methods , especially the bank financing and share financing .

  26. 尽管货币政策未变,小企业进行贷款、抵押和银行融资的成本全都在上涨。

    The costs of small business loans , mortgages , and bank funding are all creeping up despite the unchanged monetary policy .

  27. 第4、5两章着重探讨了乡镇企业的间接融资问题及其解抉思路。基于对乡镇企业银行融资难的特点及其原因的分析;

    Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 investigate problems in the indirect financing of TVEs , and put forward some countermeasure-thinking to tackle those problems .

  28. 其次,可使企业更容易取得银行融资的认可,获得信用保险项下的贷款融资便利。

    Second , make it easier for enterprises to obtain bank financing approval , access to loans under the credit insurance to facilitate financing .

  29. 在我国融资体系中,以银行融资为主,股票市场为辅,企业债券市场规模较小。

    In financing system of our country financing by banks is leading , by issuing stocks subsidiary . Scale of corporate bond market is less .

  30. 第五部分通过案例分析了中小企业借助影子银行融资的方式及存在的主要问题。

    Part 5 , basing on some real case , makes an analysis of the form of financing from shadow banking system and its main problems .