
  • 网络refinancing risk;refinance risk
  1. 我国上市公司股权再融资风险与绩效分析

    An Analysis of the Performance and Risk of Equity Refinancing of Listed Companies in China

  2. 诸如乌拉圭等以前曾经历过严重再融资风险的国家,在危机期间做好了充分准备,因此有能力在将近一年时间内避免从市场融资。

    Countries that had experienced severe refinancing crises previously , like Uruguay , were well-prepared during the crisis and could afford to avoid market borrowing for almost a year .

  3. 本文从国债再融资风险的角度,分析了国债结构管理在防范财政风险中的作用,并对我国国债现状进行了实证分析。

    According to refinance-risk , the article researches the role of public debt management in avoiding the fiscal risk , and analyzes the situation of the public debt management of China .

  4. 另一方面,政府、银行和企业急于锁定稳定的较长期债券,以降低在较短期内因经济前景恶化而产生的再融资风险。

    In turn , governments , banks and corporates are keen to lock in longer-term debt for stability to reduce the risk of refinancing in the shorter term , should the economic outlook deteriorate .

  5. 转向较长期债券预计将会降低2011年和2012年的再融资风险,从而减轻市场担忧,即到期债务逐渐增加,可能会使政府与企业更难续贷。

    The shift towards longer-term bonds is expected to reduce refinancing risks in 2011 and 2012 , easing worries that a build-up of debt maturing might make it more difficult for governments and companies to renew loans .

  6. 此外,要加强上市公司再融资的风险管理。

    At the same time , the risk management in the process of refinancing of the listed companies should be strengthened .

  7. 此外,上周OFR还指出:“根据我们的评估,美国非金融业务部门的信贷风险有所增加并在持续上升”,以至于“更高的基准利率可能会带来再融资方面的风险……并有可能促发更大范围的违约循环”。

    Also , the OFR observed this week : " In our assessment , credit risk in the US non-financial business sector is elevated and rising " - to a point where " higher base rates may create refinancing risks ... potentially precipitate a broader default cycle . "

  8. 发现公共部门往往承担了再融资带来的风险,并且没有得到合理的再融资收益分配。

    The public sector often bears refinancing risks , and does not geta reasonable distribution of refinancing gains .

  9. 由于美国经济增长将伴随着低利率、高通胀的预期,再加上融资风险高于大多数其它经济体的,美元将成为主要的牺牲品,他说。

    The dollar will be the main casualty , since US growth will come with lower interest rates , higher inflation expectations and greater financing risk than most other economies , he says .

  10. 频繁再融资所蕴含的风险,只有当债务成本持续下滑时才值得承受。

    Frequent refinancing represents a risk which only makes sense if the cost of debt is persistently falling .

  11. 最后对发行可转换公司债券再融资所面临的风险进行了研究分析,提出了规避风险的措施和建议。

    Finally , the risk of issuing convertible corporate bond was studied and analyzed , some measures and suggestion for evading risk were put forward .

  12. 啤酒行业处于竞争激烈,利润率较低的情况下,股权再融资可以在财务风险方面强化企业的竞争力。

    Beer industry in the fierce competition , with the profit rate low , the equity refinancing can strengthen the competitiveness of enterprises in the financial risk .

  13. 此外,前屋宇建设可提供更多的再融资方案,为风险较高的住户,如果它可以度身订造的保费收取按揭保险风险的借款人。

    Also , the FHA could provide more refinancing options for riskier households if it could tailor the premiums it charges for mortgage insurance to the risk profile of the borrower .

  14. 融资渠道再次打通后这要感谢央行向金融系统注入的大量资金银行和企业因无法为到期债务再融资而破产的风险也随之消退。

    Once funding became available again , thanks to the oodles of cash injected into the financial system by central banks , the risks that banks and companies would go bankrupt due to an inability to refinance maturing debt receded .