
  1. 探索和发展中小企业融资直接融资模式;

    The direct financing modes should be explored and developed ;

  2. 本文从整体上对房地产企业直接融资模式做了系统的分析和研究,对我国房地产企业和相关政府部门具有参考价值和指导意义。

    This article systematically analyze the direct financing pattern of real estate , having the reference value and giving the instructions to real estate enterprises and the relative government departments .

  3. 发达国家的企业融资都是以内源融资为主,外源融资为补充的,而外源融资的方式主要有两类,即以英美为代表的直接融资模式和以日德为代表的间接融资模式。

    While business financing is mostly by internal means in developed countries , there are still two external ways of financing , namely , the direct financing represented by GB and USA and the indirect by Japan and Germany .

  4. 在此基础上,结合我国金融体系和资本市场的特点,对融通仓、供应链战略联盟的直接融资模式和民间融资、私募融资的间接融资模式进行了深入研究。

    On the basis of that , this article deeply studies on the direct financing mode of exchange-storage center and supply chain strategic alliance , and the indirect financing mode of civilian financing and private financing combining with financial systems and the characteristic of capital market .

  5. 在英、美几百年的融资发展过程中,形成以直接融资为主的融资模式。

    Have formed direct financing in their financing development 's course of hundreds years .