
  1. 研究表明:(1)我国农户正式融资制度呈现如下3个典型特征:在数量上,表现为供给过剩与不足并存的局面。

    It shows that : ( 1 ) rural household financing system shows the following three characteristics : in quantity , excess supply and undersupply exist at the same time .

  2. 其次,非国有企业会和以银行为代表的正规金融机构建立良好合作关系,降低双方的信息不对称程度,力争从这个主要的外部正式融资渠道获得贷款;

    Second , the NSOEs will establish intimate relations with financial institutes such as banks to eliminate asymmetry between them so that the enterprises can get credit through the normal financial channels ;

  3. 因此,农户融资制度的效率存在帕累托改进的空间,且改进的瓶颈是过高的交易成本,改进的重点则是农户的正式融资制度。4、我国农户正式融资制度帕累托改进的可能选择。

    Therefore , there is space for Pareto improvement of the efficiency of peasant household financing system , the bottleneck for improving is too high transaction costs and the focus of improvement should be on formal peasant household financing system . 4 .

  4. 政府财政投资、正式金融性融资、非正式融资、业主投入、外资投入五种渠道几乎可以概括我国企业的资金来源。

    The five channels which are Government financial support , Formal financing , Informal financing , Owner / shareholder investment , Foreign capital investment , could almost sum up the capital resources of companies in China .