
zhènɡ fānɡ xiànɡ
  • positive direction;forward
  1. 逆变器带上RC吸收回路及感性负载时,单边设置死区时正方向的负载电流使输出电压减小,负方向的负载电流使输出电压增加,从而影响了逆变器输出的共模电压。

    When the inverter has RC snubbers and inductance load and adopts the asymmetric dead-time inserted mode , the forward load current makes the output voltage reduced and the negative-going load current makes the voltage raised . This may bring the change of the output CMV of the inverter .

  2. 因为它是可逆的,所以可以正方向运行。

    And now since it 's reversible , we can run it forward or backward .

  3. 这是y的正方向,而这是x正方向。

    This is the increasing y direction and this is the increasing x direction .

  4. 如果我把x反向取作正方向,那么这些符号将全部改变。

    If I reverse the direction of increasing x then all my signs will change .

  5. ,轴正方向,,if,you,call,this,the,increasing,direction,of,x,动量是正方向的,而这个动量是负的,总动量永远不变。

    X so this momentum is positive and this momentum is negative , the total momentum will never change .

  6. 单位矢量,始终指向,轴的正方向,轴方向的单位矢量,and,the,unit,vector,是这个。

    Unit vectors are always pointing in the direction of the positive axis x in the x direction is this one .

  7. 如果沿着C走,我应该说沿着C的正方向走,就是我确定了C的定向。

    If I walk along C , I should say in the positive direction , in the direction that I have chosen to orient C.

  8. 因此加速度必然,是在x正方向-,这里是正好,必然如此。

    Therefore the acceleration since I call-that the " plus x direction " that was my plus sign must come out plus .

  9. (几何)X轴和一条直线所形成的角(从X轴的正方向按逆时针方向测量)。

    ( geometry ) the angle formed by the x-axis and a given line ( measured counterclockwise from the positive half of the x-axis ) .

  10. 根据人体视线和脚尖的同向性及两腿的自然分开特征,对点云进行方位调整,使人体朝向z轴正方向。

    Based on the directions of eyesight and the natural separating of two legs , the human 's orientation is adjusted to facing z positive direction .

  11. 所以速度的符号,和平均加速度的符号,这二者都取决于,这里x正方向,是如何定义的,和0点的选取没有关系。

    So the signs in the velocity and the signs in average acceleration depend crucially on how I have defined my increasing value of x not where I choose my zero points .

  12. 为了方便,正方向设为向下,方向如何取并不打紧,还有重力mg的-,作用。

    And just for my convenience I call this now the plus direction just for my convenience it doesn 't really matter So now we have here mg that is gravity acting upon you .

  13. 依照牛顿第二定律:,处在正方向。,F,of,s,is,in,plus,direction。。。,减反方向的mg,等于,故秤的,读数是。

    And so we get Newton 's Second Law : Fs ma minus mg & it 's in this direction equals m times a and so the bathroom scale m indicates m times a plus g.

  14. 这时有正方向的,减去m1gsinα和Ff最大。

    T Now I have T , which is in the positive direction minus m1 g sine alpha minus F f max.

  15. 原生质体再生处理后,硫霉素产量变异向正方向移动,筛选到1株PR-117,相对效价提高60%。

    After protoplast regeneration , the curve of normal distribution of relative titer had a positive mutation and mutant PR 117 was obtained , whose relative titer was 60 percent higher than original strains .

  16. 对于位于平行于组织-空气界面下方平面内的任意走向的直线神经纤维,修正的激活函数由感应电场x分量和y分量在x方向的导数和直线神经纤维与x轴正方向的夹角决定。

    The modified activating function of the arbitrarily-running nerve in the plane parallel to the boundary of air-tissue is determined by the spatial derivatives of the induced Ex 、 Ey along the x axis and the angle between nerve and x axis .

  17. 还有q2一撇,在这个例子中,我们把箭头朝正方向。

    And we 're going to have q2 prime , and we 're going to draw the arrows in the positive direction in these cases .

  18. 试验中发现新13号合金预生膜试样在NP氧化预处理剂中不同于一般合金材料(如18-8不锈钢,Incoloy800合金),在低酸度区,腐蚀电位随酸度升高向正方向移动的特性。

    The behaviour of alloy 13 prefilmed specimen in NP preoxidation solution is different from 18-8 S. S. and Incoloy 800 . In the low acidity , the corrosion potential moves toward positive direction as the acidity becomes high .

  19. 高压线路保护中,当系统发生故障时,由于电压的降落,CVT将产生暂态效应,可能引起正方向距离保护的暂态超越。

    In the protection of HVPS ( High Voltage Power Supply ), the transient effect of CVT time by the fall of voltage in fault is likely to lead to the transient overreach of the protection .

  20. 电化学测试结果表明,渗锌涂层涂覆一层SiO2薄膜后电极电位大幅度向正方向移动,是Zn-SiO2复合涂层提高抗腐蚀性能的主要原因。

    Electrochemical results show that the potential of sherardizing coating shifts markedly to positive with SiO 2 deposit , which is the main reason for increasing corrosion resistance of Zn-SiO 2 composite coating .

  21. 结果表明:石英玻璃的脱羟是二级对峙反应,正方向是放热反应,活化能为153kJ·mol-1,逆反应活化能为306kJ·mol-1;

    The results show that the process of dehydroxylation belong to a second order opposite reaction , the positive direction is an exothermic reaction with an activation energy of 153 kJ · mol - 1 , and the activation energy of negative direction is 306 kJ · mol - 1 ;

  22. 这个方向,是y的正方向。

    And this is the direction , positive direction , of y.

  23. 所以当曲面正方向如此时,结果是正的。

    So , in the direction that we are counting positively .

  24. 我把这个选为正方向。

    I will now choose this the plus direction .

  25. 我需要选择一个正方向。

    And I need to choose my orientation .

  26. 四阶非线性效应使孤子中心向正方向平移。

    Forth-order nonlinear effect has the influence on a positive shift of the soliton centre .

  27. 美这种存在,与人类意念正方向指向有关。

    Beauty is in relation to the pointing of the positive direction of human 's thought .

  28. 当然这是因为没给出抛物面的的正方向。

    Of course , I didn 't tell you which way I am orienting my paraboloid .

  29. 对于这个定理,我选择的方向是,指向外的正方向。

    The orientation that will work for this theorem is choosing the normal vector to point outwards .

  30. 因而箭头是从高电位指向低电位,并且与假定的电流正方向一致。

    Thus the arrow points from high to low potential and in the direction of assumed current flow .