
běi dǒu qī xīng
  • The Big Dipper;great dipper;plough;Charles's Wain
  1. 北斗七星本身不是一个星座。

    The Big Dipper is not by itself a constellation .

  2. 蒙古族北斗七星神话比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Mongolian Myths about the Big Dipper

  3. 物“b”坐北斗七星的票。

    Exhibit b.two tickets for a big dipper .

  4. 在定位模式下,你要从数据库中选择一个目标,可以是行星、恒星、星座或星群&星座内的一簇恒星,如北斗七星(BigDipper)。

    In locate mode , you select a target from the database , be it a planet , star , constellation or asterism - a pattern of stars within a constellatioin : for example , the Big Dipper .

  5. 在北面,北斗七星正向一座山丘后隐去。

    In the north , the big dipper is sinking behind a hill .

  6. 当你迷路时北斗七星可以给你一点方向感

    The big dipper can give you a sense of direction when you are lose

  7. 我欣喜地发现了北极星,并顺着它的方向找到了像勺子形状一样的北斗七星。

    I was glad to find the North Star , which pointed out for me the Big Dipper .

  8. 图中的左方是北斗七星,中央是狮子座,由于相片曝光时间较长,星都拉长了成为星迹。

    In this photo , Big Dipper is on the left while Leo is in the middle of the image as star trail .

  9. 在这张被曝光了十分钟的照片中,左上角的北斗七星呈现出条纹状,它们在12月的天空中旋转。

    Stars of the Big Dipper , upper left , wheeling through the December sky , show as streaks in this ten-minute exposure .

  10. 我们老师说,只要看得到小北斗七星就表示天空够暗,就可以看到流星雨了。

    Our teacher said that as long as we can see the little dipper , then it 's dark enough to watch meteor showers .

  11. 马奥尼先生引导着我们,为我们指出北极星、北斗七星、小熊星座和猎户座,当然,这些星座都是我们肉眼可以看见的。

    Mr. Mahoney oriented us by pointing out the North Star , the Big and Little Dippers and the constellation Orion , all visible to the naked eye , of course .

  12. 该图拍摄于上月的某个夜晚,远远的背景中还有美丽的星空,其中就包括大熊座中的北斗七星。

    The scene , captured one night last month , also shows a beautiful starscape far in the background , including the Big Dipper , part of the constellation of the Great Bear ( Ursa Major ) .

  13. 最早的数字七的神秘性实际上很大一部分是来源于原始先民对北斗七星的崇拜信仰,这种崇拜信仰也只有在当时极端的自然环境和蒙昧的原始社会中方能得以形成。

    The mystery of the first number seven from the original in fact a large part of the worship of ancestors of the Big Dipper . The worship of that time only in extreme natural environment and ignorance of the primitive society to the formation of China .

  14. 在这张2009年的双子座流星雨图片上,一条绿色的光尾在接近美国加利福尼亚州巴斯托的巴莫哈韦沙漠闪烁着划过,背景是明亮的北斗七星群。这种情景简称流星连胜。

    In this picture from the 2009 Geminid shower , a bright meteor with a greenish tinge flashes through the sky over the Mojave Desert near Barstow , California , USA. Recognizable in the background are bright stars in the northern asterism known as the Big Dipper , framing the meteor streak .

  15. 北斗神话是在先民对北斗七星实际观察的经验中形成的一种集体表象,它包含着一定历史时期的先民的信仰意识和思维模式。

    Big Dipper myth is observed in the ancestors of the actual experience of the Big Dipper form a " collective representation ", it contains a certain historical period of the ancestors of faith awareness and thinking mode .