
běi wēn dài
  • the north temperate zone
北温带 [běi wēn dài]
  • [North Temperate zone] 北回归线和北极圈之间的纬度带,即北纬2327'至6633'的纬度带。这里没有太阳的直射光线,也没有太阳终日不出和不没的现象

北温带[běi wēn dài]
  1. 蓼属中草本植物科主要在北温带;包括荞麦。

    A family of plants of order Polygonales chiefly of the north temperate zone ; includes the buckwheats .

  2. 本种属于北温带分布类型的植物,贵州是其分布的南缘。

    This species is distributed over the north temperate zone , and Guizhou is the most south boundary of its distributions .

  3. 北温带干旱地区土壤-大气界面CO2通量的变化特征

    Changing characteristics of CO_2 flux from the interface of soil-atmosphere at arid area in north temperate

  4. 百合属由Linnaeus于1753年建立,是一个北温带的属,北半球广泛分布。

    The genus Lilium , established by Linnaeus in 1753 , was widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere .

  5. 菜粉蝶Pierisrapae(Linnaeus)广泛分布于整个北温带以及中国大多数地区,以及南亚的印度北部地区。

    Cabbage white butterfly ( Pieris rapae ) is widely distributed in the whole north temperature zone , most areas in China , South India in South Asia .

  6. 毛茛科白头翁属(Pulsatilla)分布于北温带,全世界约60余种,主产欧、亚两大洲,我国有11种。

    Pulsatilla is a large genus of c. 60 species , distributed mainly all over Europe and Asia . There are 11 species in our country .

  7. 水青冈属(Fagus)植物是北温带落叶阔叶林的主要树种,该属共有11种。中国5种均为特有种。

    There are 11 species in Fagus , 5 of them are endemic to China . They are the major trees of deciduous broadleaved forest in Northern temperate region .

  8. 升麻属(Cimicifuga)植物隶属毛茛科(Ranunculaceae),全世界有18种以上,分布北温带,国产近十种,产于东北到西南广大地区,产量大,资源丰富。

    There are more than 18 kinds of Cimicifuga species in the world , and they are distributed in the north temperate zone , ten of them are distributed in China and its resources are plentiful .

  9. 北温带的沼泽灌木,有苦滋味的香叶。

    Bog shrub of north temperate zone having bitter-tasting fragrant leaves .

  10. 北温带分布的群落类型是此区的主要群落类型。

    North Temperate communities are main community in the area .

  11. 北温带地区一个二年或多年生草本属;山荠。

    Biennial or perennial herbs of north temperate regions : winter cress .

  12. 北温带的一种平铺覆盆子,具有黄色或橙色的浆果。

    Creeping raspberry of north temperate regions with yellow or orange berries .

  13. 植物区系组成以北温带成分和世界广布成分为主。

    The flora mainly consists of northern temperate element and Cosmopolitan distribution type .

  14. 北温带的一种簇状多年生卷耳。

    Densely tufted perennial chickweed of north temperate zone .

  15. 该区植物区系的基本性质是以北温带为主。

    The basic characteristics in the basin should be determined by North Temperate .

  16. 北温带分布的植物有67属,占总属数的48.6%。

    The proportion of North Temperate is 48.6 % .

  17. 生长于北温带和夏威夷的一种带有羽状复叶的小型岩石生蕨类植物。

    Small rock-inhabiting fern of northern temperate zone and Hawaii with pinnate fronds .

  18. 北温带沼泽灌木,有常绿的坚韧的叶子和小的白色的圆柱形的花。

    North temperate bog shrub with evergreen leathery leaves and small white cylindrical flowers .

  19. 北温带成分,占8%;

    North temperate zone elment , 8 % ;

  20. 北温带地区的一个草本属,叶灰白;珠光香青。

    Genus of herbs of north temperate regions having hoary leaves : pearly everlasting .

  21. 与北温带联系紧密,高山花卉和现代松柏类植物多样化中心;

    It is the center of alpine flowers and current diversified pine and cypress plants .

  22. 也是北温带与热带的分界线。

    It is also the divider between the northern temperate zone and the tropical zone .

  23. 羊胡子草属中的任何一种苔草;生长于北温带沼泽的一种植物,具有簇状的穗。

    Any sedge of the genus Eriophorum ; north temperate bog plants with tufted spikes .

  24. 在本区的温带成分主要以北温带成分为主。

    In addition , north temperate components make up main composition of the temperate component .

  25. 4599%的种类属于北温带分布区类型。

    45.99 % of the species belonged to the plant type of north temperate zone .

  26. 主要为北温带多年生直立茎草本植物的一个大属,有些有毒。

    Large genus of chiefly perennial erect branching herbs of north temperate regions some poisonous .

  27. 北温带地区常绿灌木的一个属。

    Evergreen shrubs of north temperate regions .

  28. 包括大约35个种,间断性的分布于北温带地区。

    35 species of shrubs and perennial herbs , is disjunctively distributed in the northern temperate regions .

  29. 耧斗菜属的一种长有不规则花距鲜艳花朵的植物;分布于北温带特别是高山地区。

    A plant of the genus Aquilegia having irregular showy spurred flowers ; north temperate regions especially mountains .

  30. 植物种类相对丰富,植物区系成分多样,以北温带成分为主;

    The vegetation types are relatively abundant , diverse elements of flora , mainly to North temperate elements .