
  • 网络The North Atlantic Drift;North-Atlantic Current;north atlantic current
  1. 北大西洋暖流流经不列颠群岛西海岸,生天色变暖。

    The North Atlantic Drift passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them .

  2. LGM时期墨西哥湾暖流和北大西洋暖流的减弱以及拉布拉多寒流的增强,使得向北热量传输的减少,从而导致了SST的剧烈下降,同时也导致了海冰的扩展。

    The weaker Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Drift and stronger Labrador Current during LGM could lead to the decrease in oceanic northward heat transport , resulting in the strong cooling of the SST and the increase in the sea ice concentration .

  3. 北大西洋暖流直接影响北半球气候。

    The Northern Hemisphere owes its climate to the North Atlantic Current .

  4. 那么北大西洋暖流呢?

    What about the North Atlantic Current ? -

  5. 这是一片水域之中的一部分——湾流、北大西洋暖流、加那利洋流都从不同方向汇聚其中,马尾藻海扮演着平静的中心的角色。

    It 's a body of water within a body of water - the Gulf Stream , the North Atlantic Current , and the Canary Current all hit it on different sides , with the Sargasso Sea acting as the calm center .

  6. 科学家宣称,全球变暖让从热带流向北大西洋的海洋暖流减慢。

    Global warming is slowing down the ocean current that carries warm waters from the tropics to the North Atlantic , scientists say .

  7. 北美洲的一条河流;流入圣劳伦斯湾和北大西洋。由日本向东北流入北大西洋的一股暖流。

    A North American river ; flows into the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the North Atlantic . a warm ocean current that flows NE off the coast of Japan into the N Pacific .