
běi hǎi dào
  • Hokkaido
北海道[běi hǎi dào]
  1. 北海道的阿伊努人是史前某个种族的最后残存者。

    The Ainu settlers in Hokkaido are the last remnant of a prehistoric race .

  2. 英国探险家约翰爵士(StJohn)讲述了迈克唐纳离开长崎二十年后北海道附近一位外国海难幸存者的经历。

    Yet St John , the British explorer , relates a foreign shipwreck on Hokkaido justtwo decades after MacDonald left Nagasaki .

  3. 介绍了日本JR北海道客运公司开发研制摆式列车的概况。

    General conditions of development of tilting trains in the Hokkaido Transport Corporation in JR are described .

  4. 从制度方面来说,这还意味着要超越现行的宽松安排,或是上次北海道八国集团(g8)峰会那样单纯的午餐邀请。

    From an institutional standpoint , this also implies going beyond the existing loose arrangements or mere lunch invitations such as the last G8 summit in Hokkaido .

  5. 在日本最小的城市银行北海道拓殖银行(hokkaidotakushokubank)于1997年破产前的很多年,日本政治家一直忽视了这场不断恶化的危机。

    For many years Japanese politicians ignored the festering crisis , until Hokkaido Takushoku bank , the smallest of the city banks , collapsed in 1997 .

  6. 日本AINU人的族群认同与捍卫文化遗产的实践&北海道学术考察印象

    Ethnic Identity of AINU People and their Practice of Defending Cultural Heritage & the Academic Investigation of Hokkaido

  7. 主要的岛屿(有时指的是主岛屿)从北向南依次是北海道(Hokkaido),本州(Honshu)(或称大陆),四国岛(Shikoku),和九州(Kyushu)。

    The main islands ( sometimes referred to as the Home Islands ), running from north to south , are Hokkaido , Honshu ( or the mainland ), Shikoku , and Kyushu .

  8. 圆斑星鲽(Veraspervariegatus),俗称花斑宝、花瓶片,自然分布于我国黄渤海和东海、日本北海道以南至九州沿海。

    Spotted halibut ( Verasper variegatus ) is distributed in China Yellow Sea and East China Sea , south of Hokkaido to kyushu coast .

  9. 但在位于京都市中心的旧皇宫京都御所附近的入山豆腐店(iriyamatofu),早起的人们还能看见两大缸北海道产大豆在烧木柴的黏土灶上滋滋冒着热气。

    But at iriyama tofu , near the old imperial palace in central Kyoto , those who get up very early can see two large vats of hokkaido-grown soya beans simmering over wood-burning clay stoves .

  10. 位于日本北部岛屿北海道岛的上白泷站,距离东京北部约1300km,三年前就本应停运。

    The Kami-Shirataki station in Japan 's north island of Hokkaido , about 1300km north of Tokyo , was supposed to shut operations three years ago .

  11. 1993年7月12日日本北海道地震次声波

    Infrasound waves caused by earthquake on 12 July 1993 in Japan

  12. 您将有时间到北海道最大的地下购物商场去逛一逛及购物。

    Time will be given to explore Sapporo Underground Shopping Mall .

  13. 北海道方言动词活用与标准话的不同

    Difference Between the Verb Diversifications of Hokkaido Dialect and Standard Japanese

  14. 每年有许多香港观光客造访日本北海道。

    Every year many tourists from HK visit Hokkaido in Japan .

  15. 它是北海道唯一的不冻商业港。

    It is the island 's only ice-free trading port .

  16. 日本北海道泥炭地及其开发与利用

    Exploitation and transformation in the peatlands of Hokkaido of Japan

  17. 北海道黄杨微体繁殖技术的研究

    A Study on the Technique of Micro-propagation of Euonymus Japonicus

  18. 北海道方言相似于标准日本语的历史因素

    The Historical Roots the Similarity Between the Hokkaido Dialect and Standard Japanese

  19. 水的教堂,北海道,日本

    Church on the water , Hokkaido , japan , 1998

  20. 旅游官员将此现象称为“北海道热潮”。

    Tourism officials call it the " Hokkaido boom " .

  21. 明天的这个时候我在北海道呢。

    By this time tomorrow I 'll be in Hokkaido .

  22. 日本北海道的土层改良技术的评介

    Soil Layer Improvement in Hokkaido of Japan and Its Evaluation

  23. 借鉴北海道管理经验推进林业可持续发展

    Using Hokkaido experience in forestry management to promote sustainable development forest of China

  24. 位于北海道佐幌,距札幌约170公里。

    Set on the island of hokkaido , 170km from Sapporo in japan .

  25. 北海道9号苹果在冀北山地引种初报

    Preliminary study on introduction of apple hac-9 in mountain area of North Hebei

  26. 温度对北海道黄杨叶片光系统Ⅱ功能的影响

    Effect of temperature on the photosystem ⅱ of " Hokkaido Boxtree " leaves

  27. 只有在他的国家最北部的岛屿北海道那才有可能。

    That was only possible in his country on its northernmost island , hokkaido .

  28. 日本北海道水稻品种区域试验方法及其评价

    Rice Regional Testing Way and Evaluation in Hokkaido

  29. 战后日本北海道开发及其新方向

    The Development of Hokkaido and Its New Trends

  30. 北海道大学:孩子们,树立远大的理想和抱负吧!

    Hokkaido University : Boys , be ambitious !