
  • 网络MBA;Guanghua School of Management;Peking University
  1. 北京大学光华管理学院的经济学家刘国恩(GordonLiu)说,当前的草案连专家也难以看懂。

    The current draft'is also hard for experts to understand , 'said Gordon Liu , an economist at the Guanghua School of Management at Peking University .

  2. 引领这些院校崛起、成为精英院校的将是:清华大学经济管理学院、北京大学光华管理学院及中欧国际工商学院(ceibs)。

    The rise of these schools into the elite will be led by the school of economics and management at Tsinghua , by the Guanghua School of management , Peking University , and by the China Europe International Business School ( CEIBS ) .

  3. 多少利益流到了国外?FDI给中国经济安全带来隐患的思考访北京大学光华管理学院副院长、EMBA中心主任武常歧教授

    How much interest flew abroad ? Hidden danger of China 's economic safety caused by FDI

  4. 在其它举措当中,北京大学光华管理学院还将在雄安新区建立高端培训中心。

    Among other measures , the university 's Guanghua School of Management will establish a training center in Xiongan for business and management talents .

  5. 作者单位北京大学光华管理学院;上海财经大学高等研究院;北京大学中国医药经济研究中心。

    Organization Guanghua School of Management , PKU ; Institute for Advanced Research , SHUFE ; China Center for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research , PKU .

  6. 今天在演播室,我们将连线来自北京大学光华管理学院的吴长奇教授与我们一起分享更多关于此次合并的情况。

    For more on this issue we 're joined on the phone by Professor Wu Changqi from the Guanghua Management School of Peking University . Thank you for speaking to us .

  7. 北京大学光华管理学院教授蔡宏斌说,会议上会讨论一些重要的议题,例如,城市化、社会保障、税收和金融改革。

    Cai Hongbin , a professor at Peking University 's Guanghua School of Management , said key issues such as urbanisation , the social safety net , taxation and financial reforms would be discussed .

  8. 例如,在北京大学光华管理学院,我们可以看到一系列核心和选修课程都是基于战略管理展开的,通常包括金融、市场营销、信息技术和人力资源管理。

    At Peking University 's Guanghua School of Business , for example , one sees the usual array of core and elective courses based around strategic management , including finance , marketing , information technology and human resource management options .

  9. 北京大学光华管理学院副教授陈玉宇说,研发、营销和会计等本应在工业化过程中产生的高端岗位留在了西方,而我们只有富士康的流水线。

    ' High-end jobs that should have been produced by industrialization , including research , marketing and accounting etc. , have been left in the West , ' said Chen Yuyu , professor at Peking University 's Guanghua School of Management .

  10. 目前她的办公地点位于学会的北京办公室,亦即北京大学光华管理学院。

    She will be based in the Beijing office of IACMR , at the Guanghua School of Management , Peking University .