
  • 网络PUMC;Peking Union Medical College;Peking Union Medical College, PUMC;Beijing Union Medical College
  1. 北京协和医学院遗传学家张学希望能够发现CGHT的遗传基础,他开始在全国搜寻CGHT病例。

    Hoping to discover the genetic basis of CGHT , geneticist Xue Zhang of the Peking Union Medical College in Beijing scoured his country for cases of the disease .

  2. 在北京协和医学院。

    At the Peking Union Medical College .

  3. 北京协和医学院疾病控制专家黄建始表示:小规模的试验和大规模的推广完全是两码事。在试验范围内甲流疫苗可以说基本可靠,但是很难说它是不是适合所有的人。

    " The pilot project and public distribution can be totally different . It was basically safe under test conditions , but it ` s hard to say if it ` s suitable for everyone ," said Huang Jianshi , a disease control expert at Peking Union Medical College Hospital .

  4. 北京协和医院是北京协和医学院的临床学院、中国医学科学院的临床医学研究所。

    Peking Union Medical College Hospital is the clinical medical school of China Union Medical University , and the clinical medicine research center of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences .