
  • 网络Communication skill;communication
  1. 角色扮演有助于提高沟通技巧。

    Role-play is helpful in developing communication skills .

  2. 改进非语言性沟通技巧对ICU护理工作满意度的影响

    Influence of modified non-language communication skills on satisfaction degree of patients toward nursing work in ICU

  3. 良好的沟通技巧及分析问题的能力,熟悉MRP;

    Good negotiation skill ; Analytical skill ; detailed knowledge of MRP .

  4. 但《高风险情境中的沟通技巧》(ToolsforTalkingWhenStakesAreHigh)一书的合著作者约瑟夫•格雷尼却认为,在职场中保持沉默往往伴随着沉重的代价。

    But keeping silent on the job comes with considerable costs , says Joseph Grenny , coauthor of Crucial Conversations : tools for talking when stakes are high .

  5. 对医生在人际关系和沟通技巧方面进行培训和检验的需求,直到近年来才正式得到承认。在1999年,美国医疗专科委员会(AmericanBoardofMedicalSpecialties)将这些技巧列为医生的关键能力之一。

    The need to train and test physicians in interpersonal and communication skills was formally recognized only relatively recently , in 1999 , when the American Board of Medical Specialties made them one of physicians ' key competencies .

  6. Randall'sESLCyber听力休息吧,是一个能够让学生们操练他们沟通技巧的资源,通过使用他们每天交流中所使用的对话。

    Randall 's ESL Cyber Listening Lounge is a resource that allows students to practice their communication skills by using dialogues that occur in everyday conversation .

  7. Fay说:即使是在经济低迷时期,公司也想找到有卓越沟通技巧的员工。

    " Even before the downturn , companies were looking for individuals with strong communication skills ," Fay says .

  8. ETS个人潜力指数评估的6项个人素质分别包括:“知识与创造力”、“沟通技巧”、“团队合作能力”、“应变能力”、“策划和组织能力”与“道德与诚信度”。

    The six personal attributes captured by ETS PPI are Knowledge and Creativity ; Communication Skills ; Teamwork ; Resilience ; Planning and Organisation ; and Ethics and Integrity .

  9. 这些穷学生中的大部分人尚且年少就辍学了。MAD相信,通过教授他们沟通技巧和电脑技术能帮助更多的孩子留在学校,让他们汲取更多知识。

    Most of these kids end up dropping out of school at a young age , and MAD believes that by giving them communication and computer skills , it can help more kids stay in school and achieve more .

  10. 提高沟通技巧,能够落落大方地与他人讲话是非常重要的。Videojug为大家提供了几点好的建议,让你成为一个更善于沟通的人。

    Improving your communication technique , and being comfortable speaking to people is extremely important . Watch our top tips for being a better communicator .

  11. 帮助护士掌握护患心理沟通技巧;

    Mastering the skills of psychological communication between nurses and patients ;

  12. 我觉得我有我的改善沟通技巧。

    I think that I have to improve my communication skills .

  13. 良好的人际沟通技巧,能够影响和调动人员开展工作。

    Good interpersonal skills and able to influence and motivate people .

  14. 培训内容包括生理学、运动机能学、人际沟通技巧。

    Training includes physiology , kinesiology , and interpersonal communication skills .

  15. 运用你的沟通技巧,尽量避免对抗。

    Use your communication skills to try to avoid a confrontation .

  16. 图片展示沟通技巧的临床应用

    Exploration of the Clinical Application of Communicating Skills by Picture Presentation

  17. 良好的沟通技巧,性格开朗并有很强的销售意识。

    Good communication skill , open personality and strong sales passion .

  18. 护患沟通技巧的核心概念&同感心

    Empathy-The Core Concept of Communication Skills between Nurses and Patients

  19. 浅谈护士与心血管病人的沟通技巧

    Discussion on the skill of nurse communicate with patients with cardiovascular diseases

  20. 沟通技巧在门诊学龄前儿童患者中的应用

    The Communication Technique for Children Preceding School Age in Clinic

  21. 情境模拟在护患沟通技巧教学中的运用

    Application of scene simulation in teaching of nurse-patient communication skills

  22. 护患交流与沟通技巧的探讨

    Probe into the skill of communication between nurse and patient

  23. 良好的沟通技巧,分析能力和逻辑思维。

    Good communication skills , analytical skills and good logicality .

  24. 良好的中英文沟通技巧,书面及口头报告。

    Good Chinese and English communication skills , both written and oral .

  25. 机构业务销售经验,很强的沟通技巧。

    B2B sales experience , strong presentation and communication skills .

  26. 练就良好的沟通技巧是日常生活的重要部分。

    Developing good communication skills is an important part of everyday life .

  27. 你应该通过聆听而不仅是无意识的听来建立你的沟通技巧。

    You develop communication skills by listening , not just by hearing .

  28. 学习新的词汇是提高你沟通技巧的宝贵方法。

    Learning new words is an invaluable addition to your communication skills .

  29. 笑气吸入联合沟通技巧在人工流产术中的临床应用

    Clinical Application of Nitrous Oxide Inhalation Combining Communication Skill in Artificial Abortion

  30. 与脑瘫患儿家属的沟通技巧

    Communicating skill of nurses with the relation of cerebral paralysis