
  • 网络communication art;Art of Communication
  1. 浅谈医学留学生临床教学的沟通艺术

    Elementary introduction of the art of communication in clinical teaching for medical foreign students

  2. 音乐教学中师生沟通艺术的探索

    The discovery of communication art between teachers and students in music teaching

  3. 三是沟通艺术;

    The third is communicative art ;

  4. 叔本华和王国维都非常重视艺术的解脱作用,这就构建起了沟通艺术与人生的桥梁。

    Wang Guowei and Schopenhauer are both pay attention to the extricated function of art , which set up a communication bridge between art and life .

  5. 审美创作主体是沟通艺术世界和现实世界的过滤器,在创作过程中其主体作用是极其重要的。

    During the whole process of creating , the aesthetic subject plays a vital role , serving as the filter to communicate the world of art and reality .

  6. 规范、医学职业精神、医患沟通艺术等方面来改进和完善现代医德教育的内容。

    Modern medical moral education should be improved in the beliefs of medical morals , norms of medical morals , medical profession spirits and arts of communication in doctor-patient .

  7. 主要表现为以下几个问题服务意识的树立、诊断技术的抉择、沟通艺术的驾驭、温馨环境的营造、诊断因素的认识、桥梁身份的把握。

    The following problems are elaborated further : erecting serving consciousness , selecting diagnosing techniques , driving communicating art , creating snug environment , realizing diagnosing factors , grasping bridge status .

  8. 护士在构建和谐护患关系中起着主导作用,人性化护理是构建和谐护患关系的基础,而有效的沟通艺术是构建和谐护患关系的桥梁。

    Nurses play a critical role in the establishment of harmonious nurse-patient relationship , of which the humanistic nursing is the essence , and the effective communication is the best measurement .

  9. 以之为基础,互联网艺术家致力于创造为艺术交流、艺术创作、艺术表演所需要的协作性网络。这种协作性网络有助于沟通艺术联系、创造新的作者身份与多声部艺术。

    Internet artists have made efforts to create cooperative network that is necessary for the communication , creation and performance of arts and useful for relations between arts , for new authorship creation and for the growth of multi part arts .

  10. 笔者选择性的探讨了几种常用的现代思想政治教育方法艺术的运用机理,即语言艺术的运用、激励艺术的运用、批评艺术的运用、疏导艺术的运用和沟通艺术的运用。

    The writer selectively discusses several kinds of utilization mechanism of the method-art which are used commonly . Such as the language art utilization , the drive art utilization , the criticism art utilization , has unblocked artistic the utilization and the communication art utilization .

  11. 她表示:“我学会了沟通的艺术。”

    " I learnt the art of communication , " she says

  12. 提出一种开放及重视沟通的艺术态度。

    Proposed an open attitude and attention to the art of communication .

  13. 教师与学生沟通的艺术初探

    Preliminary Exploration of Mutual Understanding between Teachers and Students

  14. 这就是沟通的艺术,但我在沟通上有我自己的风格。

    It 's communication , but it 's stylistic .

  15. 与病人沟通的艺术

    The art of communication with patients

  16. 你可能会变得更加善于沟通的艺术,甚至会为你自己的复杂的词藻感到惊讶。

    You can become more articulate and masterful with the communication arts and even surprise yourself with your growing sophistication with words .

  17. 试论馆员与读者的人际沟通准则及艺术

    Discussion on Norms and Arts of Interpersonal Communication between Librarians and Readers

  18. 医患沟通的语言艺术

    The Verbal Art for Communication between Doctor and Patient

  19. 他积极提倡改良最易与民众沟通的戏剧艺术形式,提出新的理论以宣传反清思想,从而鼓动民众进行社会革命。

    Energetically he called for amending the drama form which was the easiest way to communicate with the masses . Moreover , he advanced new theory and publicized anti-Qing Idea so as to encourage the people to fight .

  20. 沟通是一门艺术。

    Communication is an art .

  21. 公共雕塑作品本身就是一种沟通媒介,是艺术与社会对话的平台之一。

    Public sculpture is itself a medium of communication arts and social dialogue is one of the platforms .

  22. 教学管理艺术形成的内容包括沟通与化解矛盾艺术的形成、表扬与批评艺术的形成等。

    And the content of the formation of art of classroom management includes the art of classroom interaction and solving the contradictions .

  23. 本文分别阐述了护理工作者在临床实践中开展护患沟通的基本原则、沟通技巧与沟通艺术。

    Nurse-patient communication skills in emergency department The article illustrates the principle and the arts in the communication with patients in the clinical practice .

  24. 加强医患沟通构建和谐医患关系和谐医患关系建设中的医患沟通艺术

    Strengthening hospital patient communication to build harmonious hospital patient relationship The Communication Abilities Improves the Harmonious Physician-patient Relationship Construction in Medical Practice

  25. 为促进家校之间的有效沟通,应建立家校沟通的长效机制,畅通沟通渠道、拓展沟通方式、讲究沟通艺术。

    We should establish a long-term mechanism , unblock the communication channels , develop communication ways , pay attention to the communication art in order to improve the efficiency of family-school communication .