
fù yǔ yán
  • paralanguage
  1. 语言符号和副语言符号的文化信息处理

    On the Translation of Culture-related Information in Language and Paralanguage Symbols

  2. 本文运用关联理论阐释了副语言的描述及其翻译的过程。

    In the thesis the relevance theory is utilized to interpret the translation of paralanguage .

  3. 语境可分为三大类,即语言环境(linguisticcontext)、副语言环境(paralinguisticcontext)和语言外环境(extralinguisticcontext)。副语言交际与文化教学

    Context can be divided into three categories : linguistic context , paralinguistic context and extralinguistic context , which are closely related with each other . Non-verbal communication and culture teaching

  4. 副语言交际策略是指人们传递信息的特定的态势和手段。

    Paralinguistic communicative strategy refers to the specific gestures and approaches .

  5. 以副语言信息为中心的口译中非语言信息的研究

    A Study of Nonverbal Messages in Interpretation-With Focus on Paralinguistic Messages

  6. 副语言特征对语义的补足作用

    G Language The Supplementary Function of Paralinguistic Feature in an Utterance Meaning

  7. 它们被称为“语言的副语言特征”。

    They are called " paralinguistic features of language . "

  8. 它不是副语言。

    It is not a sort of para language .

  9. 副语言的研究十分有意义。

    Therefore , the study of paralinguistic theory is absolutely necessary and significant .

  10. 因而,如何积极有效地处理副语言符号交际中的跨文化因素是一个值得重视的研究课题。

    Therefore , how to deal with the cultural imformation effectively should deserve researchers'attentions .

  11. 第三章详细的阐述了副语言符号的定义、作用和分类。

    Chapter Three deals with the definition , functions and classification of nonverbal language .

  12. 第一类,就是我们所说的声音的副语言特征。

    Now , the first category , is what we call vocal paralinguistic features .

  13. 社会语言学把伴随言语交际过程的辅助表达行为称为副语言行为。

    All the subsidiary expressing behavior in the utterance is called paralinguistic behavior in sociolinguistics .

  14. 汉语成语里的副语言习俗

    On Sub - language in Chinese Idioms

  15. 教师的体态语、环境语、副语言的特征及功能。

    The approaches mentioned in this article include teachers'body language , environment language , paralanguage .

  16. 副语言的文化意蕴

    On Cultural Connotation of Paralanguage Culture

  17. 在文学作品中,副语言可以替代人物的话语表达,传递其情感倾向。

    In literary works , paralanguage can substitute characters ' utterance and convey their emotional attitude .

  18. 跨文化交际中的日语副语言表现

    Japanese Paralanguage Expressions in Cross-cultural Communication

  19. 英语会话中的副语言反馈信号研究

    Paralinguistic Feedback in English Conversation

  20. 本文简要谈了副语言中的语调和它的功能。

    The thesis gives a brief talk on intonation and its functions , which included in paralanguage .

  21. 人体语言是人体动作、表情等所产生的副语言信息,这种信息比有声语言丰富得多、深刻得多。

    The human body language is the sublanguage information produced by the human body movements and facial expressions .

  22. 现在,让我们来看看第二种,身体的副语言特征,它涉及到身体。

    Now , let 's come to the second category , physical paralinguistic features , which involves the body .

  23. 从这一角度,本文希望能从一个客观详尽的方式来探讨副语言。

    From this new angle , this paper aims to explore the paralanguage in an objective and detailed way .

  24. 英语会话中的交际策略包括转述策略、求助策略、拖延策略、副语言策略、减缩策略等类型。

    The communicative strategies include L2-based strategy , cooperative strategy , stalling strategy , paralanguage strategy and reduction strategy .

  25. 副语言是交际系统中不可或缺的一部分,副语言的描述也大量存在于文学作品中。

    Paralanguage not only functions as an indispensable part of communication system , but also abounds in literary works .

  26. 最常见的就有语言沟通、副语言沟通、非语言沟通、道具沟通等等。

    The general means of communication constitutes such ways as in language , sub-language , non-language and visual aids , etc.

  27. 第二个问题是副语言的准确口译对口译质量的提升有重要作用,而现在大多数口译员无法对副语言进行准确口译。

    The second is the inaccurate interpreting of paralanguage , which is very important to the good quality of interpreting .

  28. 在交际过程中,副语言和语言相互补充,共同完成信息的传递。

    In the process of communication , paralanguage together with language finishes the information transfer , they complement with each other .

  29. 第五章运用关联理论详细解读了副语言描述的翻译过程,并进行了实例研究。

    Chapter Four makes a detailed analysis the process of translating paralanguage using relevance-theoretic approach , and does a case study .

  30. 力图明确广义与狭义副语言的研究范围及其交际功能。从动态和静态两个方面来看,广义副语言指表情、动作、体势语和狭义副语言、服饰及环境语。

    Broadly , paralanguage refers to expressions , motions , body language dynamically and narrow paralanguage , dress and environmental language statically .