
  • 网络Sub-brand;sub brand;Subsidiary Brand;Auxiliary brand
  1. 中国葡萄酒成熟品牌的副品牌开发策略

    The analysis on the sub-brand development strategy of Chinese established brand names in wine market

  2. 你同意当你对副品牌忠诚度不容易改变时,是因为你已非常熟知它们了!

    Do you think your sub-brand loyalty is difficult to be changed because you are very familiar with the brand ?

  3. 本文在对邮政实施差异化战略的讨论中,提出了以下新观点:1、邮政副品牌策略的组织与实施;

    First , the organization and implementation of sub-brand strategy of Post .

  4. 副品牌策略&企业多元化经营的策略选择

    By - brand Strategy-Enterprise 's Choice in Diversified Operation

  5. 采用副品牌策略能有效地抑制四大效应,帮助企业跨越品牌延伸的陷阱。

    Using vice trademark can restrain four effects efficaciously and help enterprises surmount this trap .

  6. 论企业的品牌与副品牌营销

    Brand and side-brand marketing in enterprises

  7. 品牌墙和副品牌墙位于入口元素内部,客户进入设施时,用起亚品牌向客户问候。

    Brand wall & sub brand wall located inside the entry element to greet customers with the Kia brand as they enter the facility .

  8. 品牌延伸的具体实施策略是影响延伸效果的重要因素,而延伸实施中最常见和有效的措施就是一般营销策略和副品牌策略。

    Marketing strategy and main-subsidiary brand strategy are the most familiar and effective operation tactics , which have great influence on the effect of brand extension .

  9. 副品牌策略作为企业多元化经营的策略选择,既可以避免品牌延伸陷阱,又可节约宣传费用。

    By - brand strategy as the choice of enterprises can not only avoid falling into " brand - extending - trap ", but also save large propaganda expenses .

  10. 上世纪90年代初,带有标识的装束司空见惯,因为当时各大品牌都借助标识以推行特许经营制(尤以外国市场为甚)与销售副线品牌(diffusionlines)。

    The logo became all too ubiquitous in the early 90s when brands used the logo to prop up licenses , especially in foreign markets , and sell diffusion lines .

  11. 结果斯诺登迟到了20分钟。他一身休闲打扮,穿着黑色牛仔裤和一件保守的黑色V领T恤,戴着一副没有品牌logo的墨镜。

    In the end he 's 20 minutes late , dressed casually in black jeans and black V-neck , buttoned-up T-shirt carrying a pair of unbranded dark glasses .

  12. 施魏策尔说,他邀请Suja与WholeFoods的产品团队合作创立了价格不那么昂贵的果汁和冰沙副线品牌SujaElements。

    Mr. Schweizer says he called on Suja to work with Whole Foods ' product team to create a secondary line of less expensive juices and smoothies .

  13. 关联度较高的品牌命名方式值得中国的服装品牌在进行副线品牌名时可作为借鉴。

    The ways of these high-related brands names are worthy of learning when Chinese garment brands plan to develop a bridge brand .

  14. 汤普森的继任者将是麦当劳高级副总裁兼首席品牌官史蒂夫o伊斯特布鲁克,伊斯特布鲁克于1993年加入麦当劳,2011年离职,先后担任PizzaExpress和拉面道的首席执行官,PizzaExpress和拉面道都是总部位于英国的餐饮品牌。

    Thompson 's successor , SVP and chief brand officer Steve Easterbrook , joined the company in 1993 but left in 2011 to become CEO first of Pizza Express and then Wagamama , both UK-based restaurant brands .

  15. JW万豪酒店副总裁兼全球品牌经理米兹•加斯金斯一直在负责具体的整合工作。

    Mitzi Gaskins , vice president and global brand manager for JW Marriott , has overseen much of that effort .