
fù jiāo ɡǎn shén jīnɡ xì tǒnɡ
  • parasympathetic nervous system
  1. 缺血性脑卒中诱导的免疫抑制综合征与副交感神经系统的相关性

    Ischemic stroke induced immunodeficiency syndrome and Parasympathetic nervous system

  2. 而更多氧气能作用于副交感神经系统,从而让人体更加镇静。

    This extra oxygen can have a relaxing effect on the parasympathetic nervous system , which promotes a state of calmness .

  3. 目的探讨人淋巴组织中乙酰胆碱受体α3(AChRα3)亚基mRNA的表达及副交感神经系统对免疫系统作用的物质基础。

    Objective To explore the expression of α 3 subunit mRNA of acetylcholine receptors ( AChR ) in human lymphoid tissue and the effect of the neuroendocrine parasympathetic system on the immune system .

  4. 副交感神经系统主要作用是促进胃肠运动,起源于脑干的迷走神经运动背核(DMV)。

    The parasympathetic innervation mainly originates in the middle and caudal parts of the dorsal motor nucleus of the nervus vagus ( DMV ) .

  5. 此外,经典的交感神经、副交感神经系统和肠道自主神经系统ENS是重要的对调节肠道功能是重要的(3)。

    In addition to the classic sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomous nervous system , the enteric nervous system ( ENS ) is important for the regulation of enteric function ( 3 ) .

  6. 属于或关于副交感神经系统的。

    Of or relating to the parasympathetic nervous system .

  7. 副交感神经系统使身体放松。

    Parasympathetic System relaxes the body .

  8. 气息在鼻孔中交替流动,表明交感和副交感神经系统处于平衡状态。

    The flow of the breath in alternate nostrils indicates the state of balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems .

  9. 自主神经系统(包括交感神经和副交感神经系统)的功能紊乱是引起各种心血管疾病的重要因素。

    The dysfunction of autonomic nervous system ( the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems ) plays an important role on cardiovascular diseases .

  10. 交感和副交感神经系统功能可分别由小波变换分解的2组成份的数字和图形参数作定量解释。

    Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous function can be evaluated respectively and quantificationally by data and graphs from the two decomposed components by wavelet transform .

  11. 比较这两个体位的结果,其近似成份可能代表了交感神经系统的活动,而细节成份表达了副交感神经系统的调节。

    Compared with the two postural results , it shows that approximation signal may express sympathetic activity , and detail signal represents parasympathetic modification .

  12. 一种由胆碱衍生而来的神经传递素,由位于体细胞和副交感神经系统的神经纤维末端释放出来。

    A neurotransmitter that is a derivative of choline ; released at the ends of nerve fibers in the somatic and parasympathetic nervous systems .

  13. 锡吕玛塔吉在她早期多次教导中提示中央通道也称为中脉描绘了副交感神经系统。

    H.H Shri Mataji revealed several times in Her teachings in earlier days that the Central Channel-also called the Sushumna Nadi-represents the ' Parasympathetic System ' .

  14. 比如在很多复杂情况下,内源性阿片肽调节心血管系统,而且这种调节发生在交感和副交感神经系统中。

    For example , the endogenous opioid systems regulate the cardiovascular function in many complex situations , and this regulation occurs through both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system .

  15. 结论:M波可能是机体在颅高压状态下,由副交感神经系统反射而产生的反应,其持续存在提示预后不良。

    Conclusion : M wave might be the response of the body that was efferent by the parasympathetic nerve of the heart . The constant existence of M wave in ICP might be the poor prognosis .

  16. 有些形式的冥想已被发现能激活副交感神经系统,而这又会刺激身体的放松反应,改善血液供给、降低心率、放缓呼吸并促进消化活动。

    Some forms of meditation have been found to activate the parasympathetic nervous system , which stimulates the body 's relaxation response , improves blood supply , slows down heart rate and breathing and increases digestive activity , he said .

  17. 结论感觉、交感及副交感神经系统均参与偏头痛的发病,在此过程中有多种与血管舒缩有关的肽类含量改变,同时伴有部分内源性阿片肽的相关变化及β-EP的降低。

    Conclusion The sensory , sympathetic and parasympathetic systems are involved in the development of migraine , there are changes of many kinds of neuropeptides levels relating to vasomotion , and with relative changes of parts endogenous opiate peptides in this disease , and the lowering of β EP .