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fù cí
  • adverb;adv
副词 [fù cí]
  • [adverb] 起修饰或限制动词或形容词作用、表程度或范围的词

副词[fù cí]
  1. 这个句子以一个副词开头。

    The sentence opens with an adverb .

  2. 副词“更”在古代汉语和现代汉语中的使用频率很高。

    In both ancient and modern Chinese languages , the adverb " geng " is very often used .

  3. 我们在形容词“quick”后加“ly”构成副词“quickly”。

    We add the suffix " ly " to make the adjective " quick " into the adverb " quickly " .

  4. 这是一个副词,用来形容悠闲自在地做某事。她不慌不忙地发表了演说,试图推迟投票。4Steadily2稳定地

    She unhurriedly delivered her speech , in an effort to delay the vote .

  5. little的比较级和最高级形式很少见,且通常不受副词修饰。

    The comparative and superlative forms of little are rare and it is not usually modified by adverbs .

  6. TG理论对英语副词位置规律的预测

    TG Theory 's Prediction of English Adverbial Positions

  7. 此外,各类别副词还有各自“适用”的VP类型。

    Another issue concerns that each kind of adverb has suitable VPs for itself .

  8. 副词在与助词着(·zhe)的语义分析

    A Semantic Analysis on the Adverb " Zai " and the Partical " Zhe (· zhe )"

  9. 然后考察对外汉语教学大纲和HSK考试大纲中频率副词的语法设置及语法分级。

    At last it reviews the grammatical settings about Frequency Adverbs in teaching outline and the HSK outline .

  10. 此外,笔者借助社科统计软件包SPSS(10.0版本)来测定CLTST3语料库中不同分数段的作文中连接副词的使用频率和作文质量之间的关系。

    Moreover , SPSS ( 10.0 ) was used to test the relationship between the Chinese learners ' use of adverbial connectors and the quality of their English writing .

  11. 其次,在定式句中他们能够正确地将题元动词置于否定词、动词短语副词以及被搁浅的量化词的右侧;在疑问句中也不将题元动词提升至C位置。

    Secondly , they correctly place thematic verbs on the right of negators , VP-adverbs and stranded quantifiers in finite clauses , and in questions they do not raise thematic verbs to C. Thirdly , they provide overt nominative subjects for nearly all the finite clauses .

  12. V就VP格式是现代汉语口语中比较常见的一种格式,具体来讲就是指一个动词和以该动词为中心的动词性短语组合,中间插入一个副词就组成的结构。

    " V jiu VP " is a common format in the modern Chinese spoken language formats , and the structure of the composition refers to a verb and the verb as the center of the verb phrase combinations to insert an adverb " jiu " .

  13. 例如海上人命安全公约采取一些特别的副词,“Horizontally,conversely,electro-hydraulically,equidistantly,expeditiously”似乎更有可能出现在像更严肃的国际海事公约的书面写作里面。

    Take some particular adverbs from SOLAS for example ," Horizontally , conversely , electro-hydraulically , equidistantly , expeditiously " seem more possible to be used in the more serious writing like international maritime convention .

  14. 生成规则构成了XMGEN的主要知识源,共分五个子模块,分别实现句子、名词短语、动词短语、形容词短语和副词短语的细化生成。

    The generation rules make up of the major knowledge resource of XMGEN , which include five submodules : Sentence , Noun Phrase , Verb Phrase , Adjective Phrase , Adverb Phrase .

  15. 添加个副词或副词词组或介词词组。

    Add an adverb or adverb phrase , or prepositional phrase .

  16. 程度副词的特点范围与分类

    On the Characteristics , Range and Classification of Adverbs of Degree

  17. 维吾尔族学生使用汉语副词中的偏误

    The Uygur National Minority Students Use in Chinese Adverb by Error

  18. 语气副词是副词小类里比较独特的一类。

    Modal Adverbs are relatively special in the Word Class System .

  19. 近代汉语副词“逐旋”的演变

    A study of the development of the adverb " zhuxuan "

  20. 程度副词句法语用特点的调查研究&兼论程度副词量性特征与其句法语用特征的对应

    A Statistical Investigation on Pragmatic and Syntactic Characteristics of Degree Adverbs

  21. 就是现代汉语中较活跃的一个副词。

    " Jiu " is an active adverb in modern Chinese .

  22. 副词语义指向自动识别的路径探讨和个案分析

    Computer Identification of the Adverb Semantic Orientation : Path & Case

  23. 试论现代汉语语气副词状语的疑问功能

    On the interrogative function of mood adjunct of the Modern Chinese

  24. 汉语副词的线性顺序及核心功能语类

    The Linear Order of Adverbs and Core Functional Heads in Chinese

  25. 行为方式副词通常放在它们所修饰的动词后面。

    Adverbs of manner usually come after the verbs they modify .

  26. 面向对外汉语的都类总括范围副词对比分析

    Comparative Analyses of Summary Adverbs in Teaching Chinese as Foreign Language

  27. 儿童理解程度副词的特征

    The characteristics of children 's understanding of degree - adverbs

  28. 谈谈单个频度副词的用法

    Talking about the usage of the single - word adverbs of frequency

  29. 《张协状元》近代口语副词简论

    A Roughly Study on Modern Colloquial Adverbs in Zhang Xie Zhuang Yuan

  30. 二是重叠式副词的研究现状。

    Secondly , the current state of reduplicative adverb research .