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dài cí
  • pronoun
代词 [dài cí]
  • [pronoun] 代替名词、动词、形容词、数量词的词。如:我、他们、自己、人家、谁、怎样、多少、那里、这儿、这么些

代词[dài cí]
  1. 这里你应该用复数代词。

    Here you should use plural pronoun .

  2. All,bothandhalf都可与of连用,其后接名词或代词

    All , both and half are used with of followed by a noun or a pronoun

  3. 比较级、最高级、模糊限制语、数词、量词和代词也出现在广告中

    Comparatives , superlatives , hedges , numerals , quantifiers and pronouns are also used in advertisements .

  4. 你不能相信片面之词。在themanwhocame这一片语中who这个词是关系代词。

    You must not believe an ex parte statement . The word ` who ' in ` the man who came ' is a relative pronoun .

  5. 汉语人称代词与指示代词同形类型及其动因初探是一个从H到F的同态。

    A Typological Study of the Homomorphism between Personal Pronoun and Demonstrative Pronoun in Chinese is a homomorphism from H to F.

  6. 英汉语(第三人称)强势反身代词(IR)被认为是一种代词性反身代词,不同于真正的、语法化了的反身代词。

    The third-person intensive reflexives ( IRs ) in English and Chinese are normally taken to be'pronominal reflexives'unlike'real , grammaticalized'reflexives .

  7. 以人称代词为核心的DP结构

    A DP Structure Headed by a Personal Pronoun

  8. Fox有关名词前指及代词前指在语篇中分布规律的理论,并尝试用实例证明这些规律的解释力。

    Fox . Our analysis of the distribution of anaphora in a sample text proves the explanatory power of Fox 's rules .

  9. 结果显示政治演讲中的频繁出现的含糊代词we,常用词family还有权威性词语如truth,都能增加演讲的说服性。

    After an analysis , the author finds that the frequent use of vaguely defined pronouns we . common words family , and authoritative words truth can enforce the persuasion of political speech .

  10. “人称代词+名词短语”与“名词短语+人称代词”都是以人称代词为核心的DP结构。

    ' Personal pronoun + NP ' and ' NP + Personal pronoun ' are all DP structures headed by the personal pronoun .

  11. 第三章的第二部分介绍了该论文CDA研究框架中的一些重要概念&意识形态,人称代词,情态和互文性。

    The second section in Chapter Three introduces some useful concepts of CDA in this framework-ideology , personal system , modality and intertextuality .

  12. 在去年夏季面向新入教职员工的迎新活动中,布劳尔女士发放了一张由威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校LGBT资源中心(LGBTResourceCenter)设计的袖珍代词表。

    At last summer 's orientation for new faculty members , Ms. Brauer handed out pocket-size pronoun charts created by the L.G.B.T. Resource Center at the University of Wisconsin , Milwaukee .

  13. 第二,他们口语中的英语化特征主要表现为(1)更多地在主语位置上使用代词和更多使用主语+是+形容词+的结构,致使汉语口语中的SVO结构增多;

    B ) their spoken Chinese has the following features : ( 1 ) increased use of pronouns in subject position and the subject + shi * de structure , which result in an increased number of SVO constructions ;

  14. 其次,杨宪益夫妇的译本类符/形符比最高(高于TEC),词长最长,词汇密度最高,平均句长最短以及人称代词使用频率较低。

    Secondly , The Yangs ' version shows the highest type-token ratio ( also a slightly higher than TEC ), the longest word length , the highest lexical density , the shortest average sentence length and a lower frequency of personal references at the lexical and syntactic level .

  15. 人称代词的对比研究表明,ETT-C和ETT-B倾向于大量使用第三人称,但与ETT-C相比,ETT-B中使用了更多的第一和第二人称来缩短与读者的距离并建立与读者的互动。

    In terms of person pronoun , the third person pronoun is favored by both ETT-C and ETT-B. But compared with ETT-C , ETT-B use more first and second person pronouns to shorten the distance and establish interaction between the writers and readers .

  16. 山西临猗方言人称代词的音变

    Tone Change of Personal Pronouns of Linyi Dialect in Shanxi Province

  17. 无指代词说能成立吗

    Whether the Theory of Indefinite Pronoun Can Be Established or Not

  18. 东汉汉译佛经代词研究

    Study on the Pronouns in Chinese Translated East Han Buddhist Sutra

  19. 第九部分,三身代词构成的复合称谓。

    Part nine , the compound appellations composed of personal pronoun .

  20. 某个代词在上下文中指的是什么。

    What a certain pronoun refers to according to the context .

  21. 人称代词有一定的数和格的形式;

    Its personal pronouns have certain forms of number and case ;

  22. 汉语儿童人称代词的获得

    A study on the acquisition of personal pronouns by Chinese-speaking children

  23. 英汉指示代词功能对比及认知分析

    A Functional Comparison and Cognitive Interpretation of English and Chinese Demonstratives

  24. 同素异序词成因质疑古汉语同素逆序借代词刍议

    On the Same Morpheme Contrary Order Metonymy Words of Ancient Chinese

  25. 其次,考察了常用日语人称代词的历史和发展。

    Secondly , sees the history and development of frequent pronouns .

  26. 韩佳:不是。“自家”是一个人称代词,表示自己。

    No. " Zijia " is a pronoun , meaning oneself .

  27. 英语名词的性属类别涉及到其相应代词的性属选择问题。

    Gender of the pronoun should be identical with its referent .

  28. 采用优先选择策略的中文人称代词的指代消解

    Vicissitude of Strategy Chinese Pronominal Anaphora Resolution Via a Preference Selection Approach

  29. 影响代词加工的语义和语法因素研究

    A study of semantic and grammatical factors influencing pronoun processing

  30. 中国学生英语代词使用倾向调查

    A survey of the tendencies in using English pronouns among Chinese students