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  • 网络stop;Plosive Consonants;plosive sounds;plosive
  1. 英语特殊爆破音的成因与实践

    The Formation and the Practice of English Plosives

  2. 英语爆破音、无摩擦延续音/r/的发音特征及其英汉音位系统的对比研究&兼与王桂珍教授商榷

    Analysis on Features of Plosives and Approximant / r / with the Contrastive Study of Their Phonemic Systems for Both English and Chinese & A Discussion in Addition with Professor Wang Gui-zhen

  3. 本研究的实验音段为英语词尾单一爆破音。

    The target sound segments are English singleton coda stops .

  4. 声门爆破音起声时间的定量研究

    Quantitatively Study of Voice Onset time & Glottal Stop

  5. 新西兰研究人员发现,鱼类之间可以通过咕哝、低吼、啁啾和爆破音相互交谈。

    Fish communicate with each other in a secret language of grunts , growls , chirps and pops , researchers in New Zealand have discovered .

  6. 爆破音的种种变体,不仅仅是一种单纯的发音问题,还在一定的程度上从一个侧面反映了英语音系结构的特征;

    This paper holds the view that the plosive variants are not only the issues of articulation but also reflect the features of English phonological structure .

  7. 他们不但产生连续不断的低频噪音,而且还会生成空穴,这就意味着空穴产生的气泡爆裂,发出巨大的爆破音。

    They not only generate continuous low frequency sound , some propellerscavitate , which means they create air bubbles that collapse , creating loud popping sounds .

  8. 本文还就英汉音位系统进行了对比,并就英语的爆破音谈了发好浊辅音的方法。

    It has also made the comparison between the Chinese and English phonological systems and has talked about the methods of pronouncing voiced consonants concerning English plosives .

  9. 但是河北方言与北京方言也有一些明显的差异,比如来源于中古汉语入声字(音节以爆破音结尾)的某些词语的发音就有差异。

    However , there are also some distinct differences , such as differences in the pronunciation of certain words that derive from entering tone syllables ( syllables ending on a plosive ) in Middle Chinese .

  10. 英语爆破音变体发生的语流环境是一个外显的语音现象,在深层次上受着英语特有的音系结构的支持,而且,多变的语音受着固定不变的音系结构支持。

    The phonetic environment in which English plosion occurs is an explicit phenomenon which is conditioned by the implicit phonological structure specific to the English language . Moreover , the variability of sounds is controlled by the fixed phonological structure .