
bào yīn
  • sonic boom;shock-wave noise
爆音[bào yīn]
  1. 建议对其他部门,高速民用运输,爆音,臭氧环境,和火箭的单级入轨概念的超音速活动。

    Advised on hypersonic activities for other divisions , the High Speed Civil Transport , sonic boom , ozone environment , and rocket SSTO concepts .

  2. 不管是喘振或者爆音,都将引起燃烧室的熄火。

    Either stall or surge may result in combustor blowout .

  3. 爆音深深的震动了我的心

    The noises of shock wave convulsed my heart deeply

  4. 在无线广播听到那些静电爆音的

    those loud bursts of static on your radio .

  5. 内爆音变鼻音现象。

    The implosive changes into the nasal . 2 .

  6. 但爆音代表著我的存在

    But the noises of shock wave represents my existence

  7. 嗯第二次爆音…

    Yeah , and the second burst ...

  8. 音效的质量低劣:爆音、不同步,有时甚至没有声音。

    Sound can be poor quality : crackling , out of sync , and shutting down .

  9. 应用数字信号处理技术,锁定噪声信号并且在尽可能不影响声音信号的的情况下对噪声进行处理,去除环境噪声、设备噪声、爆音、噼啪声等。

    With DSP it is possible to characterize a noise signal and minimize its effect without affecting a music signal .

  10. 本文还介绍了内爆音的分布、听感、以及相对于普通浊爆音的声学表征。

    The paper also describes the distribution of implosives in China , their audio impression and acoustic features with comparison to modal voiced explosives .

  11. 引擎发生空爆音然后死了火,所以他加大了油门。以土荆芥精油为助剂的20%毒死蜱微乳剂的研究

    The motor coughed and then died , so he gave it the gum . Development of 20 % Chlorpyrifos Micro-emulsion with Chenopodium Ambrosioides Essential Oil as Auxiliary

  12. 我踩大油门,西风牌汽车加速爬上了斜坡。引擎发生空爆音然后死了火,所以他加大了油门。

    I put my foot down and the Zephyr gathered speed up the slope . The motor coughed and then died , so he gave it the gum .