
bào zhà
  • explosion;bomb;explode;blast;detonation;burst;blow up;go off
爆炸 [bào zhà]
  • [explode;burst;blow up] 物体体积急剧膨大炸裂,使周围气压发生强烈变化并产生巨大声响的现象

  • 原子弹爆炸

  • 炮弹在头顶上爆炸了

爆炸[bào zhà]
  1. 汽车剧烈地摇晃着、颤动着,就像要爆炸似的。

    The car was juddering and vibrating as if it would explode .

  2. 他们叫她在急救人员赶到前别动,但她觉得车就要爆炸了。

    They told her to stay still until the emergency personnel arrived , still she thought the car was going to explode .

  3. 据目击者说,飞机起飞后不久就爆炸了。

    According to observers , the plane exploded shortly after take-off .

  4. 房间两边的窗子朝里面爆炸了。

    The windows on both sides of the room had imploded .

  5. 恐怖主义组织声称对这几起枪击和爆炸事件负责。

    Terrorist groups claimed responsibility for the shootings and bomb attacks .

  6. 一名警员在其汽车爆炸时遇难。

    A police officer was killed when his car blew up .

  7. 爆炸的力量震碎了所有的窗户。

    All the windows broke with the force of the blast .

  8. 购物中心承受了全部爆炸力。

    The shopping centre took the full force of the blast .

  9. 万幸的是,没有人在爆炸中受伤。

    By sheer luck nobody was hurt in the explosion .

  10. 爆炸后不久,放置炸弹的人就逃离了这个国家。

    The bombers skipped the country shortly after the blast .

  11. 在炸弹爆炸事件中,数千人被炸死,或成为残废。

    Thousands suffered death or mutilation in the bomb blast .

  12. 在这次爆炸中,两座建筑物被摧毁,其他许多建筑物也被损坏。

    Two buildings were destroyed and many others damaged in the blast .

  13. 早期的报道暗示叛乱武装插手了爆炸案。

    Early reports suggest the hand of rebel forces in the bombings .

  14. 爆炸在地面留下了一个巨大的坑。

    The explosion made a massive hole in the ground .

  15. 爆炸的全部破坏力都集中在这所学校。

    The school took the full force of the explosion .

  16. 大楼所有的玻璃都在爆炸中震碎了。

    The explosion shattered all the windows in the building .

  17. 这次炸弹爆炸事件是一连串恐怖主义袭击中最近的一起。

    The bombing was the latest in a spate of terrorist attacks .

  18. 一步弄错,炸弹就可能会爆炸。

    One false move and the bomb might blow up .

  19. 爆炸相当剧烈,造成的破坏范围很大。

    It was a large explosion and the resulting damage was extensive .

  20. 有关爆炸事件的报道很简略,未及详情。

    The reports of the explosion were brief and uninformative .

  21. 迄今还没有人宣称对最近的爆炸丑行负责。

    No one has yet claimed responsibility for this latest bomb outrage .

  22. 爆炸松动了这座楼房的地基。

    The explosion had weakened the building 's foundations .

  23. 喷气式飞机撞上山坡爆炸了。

    The jet smashed into a hillside and exploded .

  24. 炸弹在挤满人的大街上爆炸了。

    The bomb went off in a crowded street .

  25. 警方称这次爆炸具有恐怖分子袭击的所有特征。

    Police said the explosion bore all the hallmarks of a terrorist attack .

  26. 反叛分子否认对这次爆炸事件负有任何责任。

    The rebels disclaimed all responsibility for the explosion .

  27. 第一批投下的炸弹在不远处爆炸。

    The first salvo exploded a short distance away .

  28. 阵阵闪光后就是一声爆炸的巨响。

    Flashes of light were followed by an explosion .

  29. 爆炸发生以后,满街的人都奔跑躲避。

    After the explosion the street was full of people running for cover .

  30. 那次爆炸把当地几座建筑物夷为平地。

    The blast levelled several buildings in the area .