
bào zhú
  • firecracker;maroon;banger;cracker
爆竹 [bào zhú]
  • [firecracker] 古时用火烧竹,毕剥有声,火花迸裂,称为爆竹。今人用纸卷火药,点燃发响,也称爆竹,或称爆仗

爆竹[bào zhú]
  1. 爆竹没响。

    The firecracker didn 't go off .

  2. 爆竹嘣地一响。

    The firecracker went bang .

  3. 他听到了远处的爆竹声。

    He heard the sound of distant firecrackers .

  4. 夜间爆竹声吵闹得很。

    The night was noisy with crackers .

  5. 爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。(王安石《元日》)

    Amid the din of crackers goes the departing year , the winds of spring bring warmth to help the wine mature .

  6. 烟花爆竹安全数据表(SDS)中各化学组分含量测定方法研究

    Research on the Methods of Determining the Chemical Elements Content in Pyrotechnic Composition on the Safety Data Sheet

  7. 印度排灯节(Diwali)期间的空气质量常常恶化,排灯节的庆祝活动包括燃放烟花爆竹直到深夜。

    Air quality often deteriorates during the Diwali festival , which is celebrated with intense launching of firecrackers late into the night .

  8. 该系统通过GPRS网络实现采集信息的无障碍交互,现场监测和远程遥测可以及时获取烟花爆竹集装箱运输的动态数据,能及时掌握运输船舶各项监测数据变化。

    The system can be achieved through the GPRS network collected information accessible interactive , on-site monitoring and remote telemetry can timely obtain the fireworks container transport firsthand data , this system is able to grasp the transport ship of the monitoring data changes .

  9. 航空航天局的官员们说,每一枚爆炸螺栓都具有一枚巨大的M-80爆竹的爆炸力。

    Each pyrotechnic bolt has the force of a large M-80 firecracker , NASA officials said .

  10. 作为剧中美国总统(JuliaLouis-Dreyfus饰演)的左右手,Amy(AnnaChlumsky饰演)是一个无拘无束,如小爆竹一样的女人,勇于追求自己事业中想要的一切。

    Instead of tiptoeing around her job as the right-hand woman to the President of the United States ( POTUS ) , played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus , Anna Chlumsky 's character , Amy , is a no-holds-barred , firecracker-of-a-woman who isn 't afraid to go after what she wants in her career .

  11. 烟花爆竹生产企业应建立远程监控系统

    Business Data Enterprises Remote Control and Supervisory System for Fireworks Factories

  12. 他点燃爆竹后,它砰地一声炸开了。

    When he lit the cracker it exploded with a bang .

  13. 德国人以爆竹和烟花迎接新年。

    The Germans greet the New Year with fireworks and crackers .

  14. 那爆竹在他手里爆炸了,他伤得很严重。

    The firework exploded in his hand and he hurt seriously .

  15. 桌上每个位置旁都有彩包爆竹。

    There was a cracker beside every place at the table .

  16. 烟花爆竹烧伤91例分析

    The Analysis of 91 cases of Burn Patients Caused by Firecracker

  17. 爆竹爆炸时次声冲击波致全身复合伤实验观察

    Experimental investigation of systemic composite injury due to firecracker exploding wave

  18. 听着震耳欲聋的爆竹声我烦躁得几乎要发疯了。

    I was nearly maddened by the deafening noise of firecrackers .

  19. 爆竹的巨响声一直持续到深夜。

    The loud sounds of firecrackers continued late into the night .

  20. 男孩们一下午都在放鞭炮和爆竹。

    The boys spent the afternoon setting off Squibs and firecrackers .

  21. 在中国的各地方有烟花爆竹,以及庆祝节日。

    The Chinese celebrate with parties , fireworks , and festivals .

  22. 烟花爆竹生产事故分析及防爆安全技术管理

    Accident Analysis and Fire Safety Management in the Process of Cracker Production

  23. 那男孩点燃了爆竹就跑开了。

    The boy touched off the firecracker and ran away .

  24. 在月亮还未升起时,爆竹已被点燃!

    Fireworks were lit long before the moon came out .

  25. 例如,为了这三个月,烟花爆竹将被禁止;

    For three months , for example , fireworks will be banned .

  26. 烟花爆竹企业安全监控预警系统研究

    Research of safety monitoring system for fireworks and crackers enterprise

  27. 被点燃的蜡烛;点燃了的香烟;点燃了的爆竹。

    The lighted candles ; a lighted cigarette ; a lit firecracker .

  28. 除夕之夜经常燃放烟花爆竹。

    Fireworks are often displayed on new year 's eve .

  29. 里面装有礼物和谜语的圣诞彩包爆竹。

    Christmas crackers with a gift and a riddle inside .

  30. 应不应该处于安全考虑禁止燃放烟花爆竹呢?

    Should fireworks be banned for the sake of safety ?