
  • 网络St George’s Day;St George's Day;Diada de Sant Jordi;Saint George's Day;San Jorge
  1. 这对欢乐的父母向全世界炫耀着他们的第三个孩子,他们看上去非常高兴。这个孩子出生于圣乔治日,出生时的体重为8磅7盎司。

    The beaming parents looked delighted as they showed off their third child to the world who was born weighing 8lbs 7oz on St George 's Day .

  2. 王室宝贝的预产期是2019年4月下旬,可能是英格兰国庆日圣乔治日(4月23日)前后,这意味着这位英国王室第七顺位继承人(排在哈里之后)有可能会和堂哥路易王子同一天生日。

    The royal baby is due in late April 2019 , possibly around St George 's Day , April 23 , meaning the child , who will be seventh in line to the throne behind Harry , could share a birthday with its cousin Prince Louis .