
  • 网络Trinity College;Trinity College Dublin
  1. 圣三一学院图书馆:爱尔兰都柏林

    Trinity College Library : Dublin , Ireland

  2. 位于都柏林的圣三一学院图书馆是爱尔兰最古老的图书馆,由伊丽莎白一世女王主持建于1592年。

    The Trinity College Library in Dublin is the oldest library in Ireland , founded in 1592 by Queen Elizabeth I.

  3. 现在,这支来自圣三一学院的研究团队发现了另一种可以解释肥胖与癌症之间联系的方法。

    Now the team at Trinity have found another pathway that could explain the obesity-cancer link .

  4. 圣三一学院的MBA项目创建于上世纪60年代,它也把小课堂变成了一项学习财富。

    The Trinity programme , set up in the 1960s , also turns the small class into a learning asset .

  5. 都柏林大学圣三一学院的教授,EAGLELS的联合副主席DavidMcConnell对杨焕明的呼吁表示欢迎。

    David McConnell , a professor of biotechnology at Trinity College , Dublin and co-vice chairman of EAGLES , welcomes Yang 's appeals .

  6. ERB考试——以负责此次考试的教育档案局(EducationalRecordsBureau)的名字命名——会决定一个孩子能否进入那些最优秀的私立幼儿园,例如有拉克伦•默多克(LachlanMurdoch)和伊万娜•特朗普(IvanaTrump)等校友的圣三一学院幼儿园(Trinity)。

    The ERB - named after the Educational Records Bureau which administers it - determines if a child can get into the best private schools , such as Trinity which includes Lachlan Murdoch and Ivana Trump among its alumni .

  7. 在圣三一学院从不缺少舞会。

    There is no shortage of partying at Trinity .

  8. 珍闻:美国共和党总统候选人约翰·麦凯恩2006年在圣三一学院回答学生提问的时候也曾获得这一奖项。

    Tidbit : Republican presidential candidate John McCain was given this honor when he came to Trinity in2006 to answer questions from students .

  9. 所以大家都说,圣三一学院的学生有着最高的入学平均分、最低的大一平均分以及最高的毕业平均分。

    It is often said that Trinity students have the highest entering averages , the lowest first-year averages and the highest graduating averages .

  10. 2007年获得都柏林圣三一学院电子音乐博士学位并在该校任教。

    In2007 he completed a PhD degree in Computer Music and Composition at Trinity College Dublin , where he also lectured for some time .

  11. 不幸的是,圣三一学院的住宿条件只能说勉强凑合,大学第一年中,我的许多夜晚就是在抓老鼠和躲蜘蛛中度过的。

    Unfortunately , Trinity does not boast the most luxurious residences , and in my first year , many nights were spent hunting mice and dodging spiders .

  12. 他在卡尔加里大学取得学士学位以后,前往都柏林大学圣三一学院求学,先后获得了硕士和博士学位。

    He studied for his bachelor degree at the University of Calgary and went on to study for a master degree and a PHD in Trinity College , University of Dublin .

  13. 九五年考获英国圣三一音乐学院作曲技法高级文凭。

    He got his Licentiate , Trinity College London ( LTCL ) in Compositional Techniques in1995 .