- 网络Yale School of Management

Lisa Kahn , an economist at the Yale School of management , wrote a paper last year that concluded that " graduating from college in a bad economy has a long-run , negative impact on wages " .
Most new university graduates are not qualified for their first job , according to Barry Nalebuff , a professor at the Yale School of management .
Specifically , Yale lost $ 15 to $ 20 million over the last 15 years , says Edward Snyder , the new dean of the Yale School of Management .
Yale School of Management is making ' The Global Macroeconomy ' a required course .
Ex : The donation will be the largest ever to the management school by one of its graduates .
Zhang , who graduated from the Yale School of Management in 2002 , worked for the Yale Investments Office .
Yale SOM , which has about 400 students , usually admits a handful of silver scholars each year ; to date , 53 students have participated .
The School of Management , says it will use the donation to build a new campus , and provide scholarships as well as fund China-related activities .
This being business school , Edward Snyder , the new dean of the Yale School of Management , has a five-step plan for how to turn any middling institution into a leader in the field .
The writer is Professor of finance at the Yale School of management
She credits her professional success to the values instilled in her at the Yale School of management .
He ended up in the US at Yale School of Management and , after graduating in 1992 , became one of the first people from mainland China to work on Wall Street .
The program was devised by Joel Podolny , then the dean of Yale School of Management .
At Yale School of management , Dean Joel Podolny believed that saying " no " had to be part of the package .
Jeffrey Sonnenfeld , a senior associate dean at Yale School of Management , said Mr. Page 's post stands ' in sharp contrast with [ former Apple Inc. AAPL - 2.39 % CEO ] Steve Jobs 's denials and efforts to disguise the truth for a fair bit of time . '
The writer is a professor at the Yale School of management
They also developed a course for SOM on relief management .
There was a culture of risk-taking at SOM , she says .
SOM had given us the courage .
MS Mason remembers her years at SOM as , " stimulating and thought-provoking " .
Ms Mason put into practice what she learned at SOM , and ran her feeding programme like a business .
He received an MBA from the Yale School of Management and Ph.D in Civil Engineering from the University of Houston .
Brown-Kenyon holds on M.A. ( Oxon ) from Hertford College , University of Oxford , and an MBA from the Yale School of Management .
The Yale School of Management has pioneered a curriculum based on the co-teaching of integrated classes , but this is a challenging model that others are unlikely to follow .
Dr Michael Kraus , Assistant Professor at Yale School of Management in the US , said : ' Our study shows that even during the briefest interactions , a person 's speech patterns shape the way people perceive them , including assessing their competence and fitness for a job .