
  • 网络Yale School of Management
  1. 耶鲁管理学院(yaleschoolofmanagement)的经济学家莉萨卡恩(lisakahn)去年在一篇论文中得出这样的结论:“大学毕业时遭遇恶劣的经济形势,会对工资产生长远的负面影响”。

    Lisa Kahn , an economist at the Yale School of management , wrote a paper last year that concluded that " graduating from college in a bad economy has a long-run , negative impact on wages " .

  2. 耶鲁管理学院教授巴里纳尔巴夫(barrynalebuff)表示,多数大学应届毕业生无法胜任自己的首份工作。

    Most new university graduates are not qualified for their first job , according to Barry Nalebuff , a professor at the Yale School of management .

  3. 耶鲁管理学院的新任院长爱德华斯奈德(EdwardSnyder)介绍,确切地说,耶鲁在过去的15年中,赔了1500万到2000万美元。

    Specifically , Yale lost $ 15 to $ 20 million over the last 15 years , says Edward Snyder , the new dean of the Yale School of Management .

  4. 耶鲁管理学院将《全球宏观经济》设成了必修课。

    Yale School of Management is making ' The Global Macroeconomy ' a required course .

  5. 这将是迄今为止耶鲁管理学院收到的最大一笔毕业生个人捐款。

    Ex : The donation will be the largest ever to the management school by one of its graduates .

  6. 张磊于2002年毕业于耶鲁管理学院,曾就职于耶鲁投资办公室。

    Zhang , who graduated from the Yale School of Management in 2002 , worked for the Yale Investments Office .

  7. 虽然耶鲁管理学院总计拥有约400名学生,但其银质奖学金项目每年录取的学生往往屈指可数;迄今为止,总计有53名学生参与了该项目的学习。

    Yale SOM , which has about 400 students , usually admits a handful of silver scholars each year ; to date , 53 students have participated .

  8. 耶鲁管理学院表示,这笔捐款将用于建设新校区、设立奖学金以及资助与中国有关的活动。

    The School of Management , says it will use the donation to build a new campus , and provide scholarships as well as fund China-related activities .

  9. 作为商学院的教授,耶鲁管理学院的新任院长爱德华斯奈德拥有一套可以让任何中流商学院跃居第一梯队的五步计划。

    This being business school , Edward Snyder , the new dean of the Yale School of Management , has a five-step plan for how to turn any middling institution into a leader in the field .

  10. 作者是耶鲁大学管理学院(yaleschoolofmanagement)金融学教授

    The writer is Professor of finance at the Yale School of management

  11. 她把自己的事业成功归功于耶鲁大学管理学院(yaleschoolofmanagement)灌输给她的价值观。

    She credits her professional success to the values instilled in her at the Yale School of management .

  12. 他后来前往美国耶鲁大学管理学院(YaleSchoolofManagement)留学,1992年毕业后成为最早在华尔街工作的中国内地人之一。

    He ended up in the US at Yale School of Management and , after graduating in 1992 , became one of the first people from mainland China to work on Wall Street .

  13. 该项目由乔伊·波多尔尼(JoelPodolny)设计,他当时是耶鲁大学管理学院的院长。

    The program was devised by Joel Podolny , then the dean of Yale School of Management .

  14. 耶鲁大学管理学院院长乔尔波多尔尼(joelpodolny)相信,说“不”是整体变革的一部分。

    At Yale School of management , Dean Joel Podolny believed that saying " no " had to be part of the package .

  15. 耶鲁大学管理学院(YaleSchoolofManagement)资深副院长索诺菲德(JeffreySonnenfeld)说,佩奇发布的帖子与前苹果(AppleInc.)CEO乔布斯(SteveJobs)在很长时间内否认和试图掩盖真相的做法形成了鲜明对比。

    Jeffrey Sonnenfeld , a senior associate dean at Yale School of Management , said Mr. Page 's post stands ' in sharp contrast with [ former Apple Inc. AAPL - 2.39 % CEO ] Steve Jobs 's denials and efforts to disguise the truth for a fair bit of time . '

  16. 本文作者为耶鲁大学管理学院教授

    The writer is a professor at the Yale School of management

  17. 他们还为耶鲁大学管理学院开发了一门救助管理课程。

    They also developed a course for SOM on relief management .

  18. 她表示:耶鲁大学管理学院有一种冒险文化。

    There was a culture of risk-taking at SOM , she says .

  19. 耶鲁大学管理学院赋予了我们这种勇气。

    SOM had given us the courage .

  20. 梅森认为,她在耶鲁大学管理学院度过的时光“激励人心并发人深省”。

    MS Mason remembers her years at SOM as , " stimulating and thought-provoking " .

  21. 梅森把她在耶鲁大学管理学院的所学付诸实践,并像经营企业一样经营她的食品计划。

    Ms Mason put into practice what she learned at SOM , and ran her feeding programme like a business .

  22. 他拥有耶鲁大学管理学院工商管理硕士学位以及休斯顿大学土木工程博士学位。

    He received an MBA from the Yale School of Management and Ph.D in Civil Engineering from the University of Houston .

  23. 他拥有牛津大学赫特福学院硕士与耶鲁大学管理学院企管硕士学位。

    Brown-Kenyon holds on M.A. ( Oxon ) from Hertford College , University of Oxford , and an MBA from the Yale School of Management .

  24. 耶鲁大学管理学院已率先通过双方合作来建立进行“综合课程教学”的班级,这将是一个其他人不敢跟随、极具挑战性的(授课)模型。

    The Yale School of Management has pioneered a curriculum based on the co-teaching of integrated classes , but this is a challenging model that others are unlikely to follow .

  25. 美国耶鲁大学管理学院的助理教授迈克尔·克劳斯博士说:“我们的研究显示,即使是在最简短的互动中,一个人的言语模式也能决定别人对自己的看待方式,包括对他们的能力以及是否适合一份工作作出评估。”

    Dr Michael Kraus , Assistant Professor at Yale School of Management in the US , said : ' Our study shows that even during the briefest interactions , a person 's speech patterns shape the way people perceive them , including assessing their competence and fitness for a job .