
  • 网络Jeremiah;The Book of Jeremiah;JER
  1. 耶利米书第31章第3节讲到神说“我以永远的爱爱你。”神爱你,正象他从前爱他的以色列百姓一样。

    Jeremiah 31 : 3 says , I have loved thee with an everlasting love . God loves you , just as He did His Hebrew people back then !

  2. 巴克尔引用了《耶利米书》中的一段作为证据:因为坚持为“天后”进行燔祭,供奉无酵饼和酒,埃及的流亡犹太人受到了指责。

    As evidence , she cites a passage in the book of Jeremiah where Jewish exiles in Egypt are scolded for continuing to offer cakes , libations and incense to the " Queen of heaven " .

  3. 耶利米书第三十二章17节:主耶和华阿,你曾用大能和伸出来的膀臂创造天地,在你没有难成的事。

    Ah Lord God ! see , you have made the heaven and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm , and there is nothing you are not able to do .

  4. ??耶利米书17:9告诉我们”人心比万物都诡诈、坏到极处”我们生来就有诡诈的心。

    God 's Word says , " The heart is deceitful above all things , and desperately wicked . " ( Jeremiah 17 : 9 ) We are all born with that deceitful , sinful heart .

  5. 神在耶利米书31:3说,我以永远的爱爱你,因此我以慈爱吸引你。但是,神也是圣洁公义的神,他说我们都违反了神的律法。

    He says in Jeremiah 31 : 3 , " I have loved you with an everlasting love . " Because God is holy and truth , He must tell us about our condition , and our condition is that we have broken His laws .

  6. 在耶利米书32:7,神说“我是耶和华,是凡有血气者的神,岂有我难成的事吗?”得胜的秘诀就是象约书亚那样:要听,读,默想,背诵,并顺服神的话。

    In Jeremiah 32 : 7 God asks a question that needs no answer : " Is there anything too hard for Me ? " The secret of success for you is the same as for Joshua : that you hear , read , meditate , memorize and OBEY the words of your God !

  7. 耶利米是上帝的先知并著有两部著作-耶利米书和耶利米哀歌。

    Jeremiah , was a prophet of God and wrote two books or scrolls - Jeremiah and Lamentations .