
  • 网络bathsheba;Bath-sheba
  1. 通过其母亲拔示巴(Bathsheba)和先知拿单(Nathan)的努力,所罗门在大卫在世时被施以涂油礼。

    Through the efforts of his mother , Bathsheba , and the prophet Nathan , Solomon was anointed king while David was still alive .

  2. 以后,大卫王和拔示巴结婚后有一个儿子。

    Later , after their marriage , King David and Bathsheba had a son .

  3. 拔示巴说,好,我必为你对王提说。

    And bath-sheba said , good ! I will make your request to the king .

  4. 我想到在大卫所有的罪行后,他仍娶了拔示巴为妻。

    I think of how after all his sins , David still took Bathsheba as his wife .

  5. 最终,当那个女人的丈夫死后,他娶了那个女人&拔示巴为妻。

    And finally , when her husband is dead , he takes Bathsheba as his own wife .

  6. 拔示巴说,求你将书念的女子亚比煞赐给你哥哥亚多尼雅为妻。

    So she said , 'Let Abishag the Shunammite be given in marriage to your brother Adonijah . '

  7. 拔示巴说,我有一件小事求你,望你不要推辞。

    I have one small request to make of you , 'she said . 'Do not refuse me . '

  8. 拔示巴进入内室见王,王甚老迈,书念的童女亚比煞正伺候王。

    So Bathsheba went to see the aged king in his room , where Abishag the Shunammite was attending him .

  9. 有人说,她是以连的女儿,赫人乌利亚的妻拔示巴。

    And one said , Is not this Bathsheba , the daughter of Eliam , the wife of Uriah the Hittite ?

  10. 19于是,拔示巴去见所罗门王,要为亚多尼雅提说。美军坚守住了巴斯托尼,这就决定了德军的命运。

    Bathsheba therefore went unto king Solomon , to speak unto him for Adonijah . The American defense of Bastogne sealed their fate .

  11. 于是,拔示巴脸伏于地,向王下拜,说,愿我主大卫王万岁。

    Then Bathsheba bowed low with her face to the ground and , kneeling before the king , said , 'May my lord King David live forever ! '

  12. 大卫安慰他的妻拔示巴,与她同寝,她就生了儿子,给他起名叫所罗门。

    And David comforted Bathsheba his wife , and went in unto her , and lay with her : and she bare a son , and he called his name Solomon : and the LORD loved him .

  13. 大卫王吩咐说,叫拔示巴来。拔示巴就进来,站在王面前。

    Then King David said , 'Call in Bathsheba . 'So she came into the king 's presence and stood before him .