
bá zhuó
  • select and promote the best;specially advance;promote
拔擢 [bá zhuó]
  • [specially advance;promote] 提拔

  • 蒙荐举拔擢,常思有以报恩。--《后汉书.岑彭传》

拔擢[bá zhuó]
  1. 以能力为取向,在公平的原则下,内部拔擢有实力的员工,为公司贡献实绩并获得相对报酬。

    Promote impartially the internal employees with potentials based on competence and compensate such employees according to their performance .

  2. 但他过去在美国曾被拔擢担任园艺督导,他说当时一个月平均薪资是六千三百美元。

    Across the border , where he had risen to become a gardening supervisor , he says he earned an average of US $ 6,300 a month .

  3. 五年内,我希望能够按照我的贡献得到同等比例的拔擢,晋升的职位可以负担相当大的责任,以及可以分配到公司不少的认股权。

    In five years I hope to have been promoted in proportion to my contributions to a post that requires substantial responsibilities and entails sizable stock options in the company .

  4. 相对于荐举制和九品中正制,科举凸显了公平和公正,确实起到了抑制门阀、拔擢寒庶的作用。

    Compared with the recommend system and grade system , the imperial examination system highlighted fairness and justness , indeed played a critical role in suppressing powerful family and promoting civilian in the history .