
bá dé tóu chóu
  • 熟语become the first to do sth.
  1. 最稳定的一家仍然是连续第四年拔得头筹的哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)。

    The steadiest institution is still Harvard Business School , which took the top spot for the fourth year in a row .

  2. 受国际市场增长和此前同系列电影所带来的新影迷提振,《雷神2:黑暗世界》(Thor:TheDarkWorld)在北美周末票房排行榜上拔得头筹。

    Boosted by international market growth and new fans brought in by recent films , ' Thor : The Dark World ' hammered the competition at the box office this weekend .

  3. 《Out》杂志主编亚伦·希克林(AaronHicklin)为这位在《Out》杂志百大名人榜上拔得头筹的总统写道:

    Editor-in-chief Aaron Hicklin wrote of the top entry in Out 's list of 100 :

  4. 这儿是超级电脑“沃森”(Watson)的研发地,而沃森在2011年就在“危险边缘”(Jeopardy!)节目的比赛里拔得头筹。

    This was the home of Watson , the electronic genius that conquered Jeopardy ! in 2011 .

  5. 在过去两次的排名中均居第二的新加坡南洋理工大学(NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,简称N.T.U.)超过香港科技大学,拔得头筹。

    Nanyang Technological University in Singapore , second in the past two editions , overtook Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to secure the top spot .

  6. 而过去连续两年拔得头筹的LeonardGreen&Partners投资公司的排名则跌出了前20。

    Leonard Green & partners , which has led this ranking for the past two years , fell completely out of the top 20 .

  7. 这部剧将讲述小丑女和小丑(TheJoker)结束分分合合恋情后的故事,小丑女将在高谭市各式罪案中努力拔得头筹。

    The series will follow Harley after she breaks free from her on-off squeeze The Joker and tries to become top dog among Gotham 's criminals .

  8. 斯坦福大学商学院的毕业生拔得头筹,他们过去3年的年均薪水为18.2万美元。哈佛商学院毕业生则捧回了17.6万美元&尽管他们的母校位列MBA排行榜第一。

    Alumni from Stanford Graduate School of Business drew the highest salary , averaging an annual $ 182,000 over three years , while Harvard Business School graduates took home $ 176,000 on the same basis – though their alma mater is the top-ranked MBA .

  9. 近期利润下滑的中国移动在发展高速4G网络服务上拔得头筹,并希望4G网络能够助其应对日益激烈的竞争并重拾增长动能。

    China Mobile , which has reported declines in earnings , had a head start on speedier fourth-generation mobile services in China , hoping the new services would help fend off rising competition and help it regain growth momentum .

  10. 日前,“格莱美奖”得主、流行歌手贾斯汀·汀布莱克在《GQ》杂志评选出的“全美十大型男”中拔得头筹,他称自己的衣着品味得益于身为银行家的继父。

    Grammy-winning pop singer Justin Timberlake has topped GQ magazine 's list of the " 10 most Stylish Men in America , " and gives his banker stepfather the credit for his dress sense .

  11. 与其他公司的迷你平板电脑价格比较,Ipad迷你的价格并不能使苹果公司拔得头筹。Ipad迷你的价格足足比其竞争对手如“KindleFireHD”,BarnesandNoble's“NookHD”andGoogle's“Nexus7”高出170多美元。

    And around the world , the Ipad mini 's price is NOT helping to give the company a jump start . It sells for around 170 US dollars more than major rivals like the " Kindle Fire HD , " Barnes and Noble 's " Nook HD " and Google 's " Nexus 7 . "

  12. 要拔得头筹,质量和数量都是必需的。

    Both quality and quantity are required to reach the top .

  13. 在三省联合化学测试中拔得头筹。

    Place first in a three province wide chemistry test .

  14. 他险胜大卫·贝克汉姆和007英雄丹尼尔·克雷格,拔得头筹。

    He narrowly beat David Beckham and James Bond hero Daniel Craig .

  15. 具有讽刺意味的是,冰岛拔得头筹,而垫底的是塞拉利昂。

    Iceland , ironically , comes top , and Sierra Leone bottom .

  16. 看样子是的,拔得头筹

    Yeah , looks that way . First ones here !

  17. 假如用举起自身重量来衡量力量的大小,那么非洲象能够拔得头筹。

    In the way of sheer weight , African elephants take the cake .

  18. 三星在显示器市场也拔得头筹,拥有15.1%的市场份额。

    In the display monitor market , it was first with 15.1 % share .

  19. 这是纽约城第一次在这项年度民意调查中拔得头筹,该调查对美国40个最大的城区进行评估

    It was the first time New York had won the title in the annual poll

  20. 接着,尖锐的女议员米歇尔·巴赫曼在六月一度拔得头筹。

    In July Michele Bachmann , a shrill congresswoman , had a moment of ascendancy .

  21. 该项目还在就业成功率以及国际课程经验方面拔得头筹。

    The programme was also ranked first for placement success and for international course experience .

  22. 中国队以6胜、1平、1负的战绩在亚洲区小组赛中拔得头筹。

    China topped their Asian group with six wins , one draw and a solitary defeat .

  23. 这是一个高度竞争的社会,人人都渴望拔得头筹。

    This is a highly competitive society in which everyone is eager to come out on top .

  24. 有一年,按用户数量计算,韩国以20%的普及率拔得头筹。

    In one year , it was South Korea , by 20 per cent , counting subscribers .

  25. 在与密拉特相邻的一个邦,他们的项目在一所工程大学举办的商业计划竞赛中拔得头筹。

    They won first place in a business plan competition at an engineering college in a neighboring state .

  26. 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥和嘎嘎小姐在今年金球奖拔得头筹。

    Actors Leonardo DiCaprio and Lady Gaga have led the winners at this year 's Golden Globe awards .

  27. 相反,华为——一家电信器材制造商(现在也制造消费产品)——拔得头筹。

    Instead , Huawei -- a telecoms infrastructure firm that now makes consumer products -- took the top spot .

  28. 但德勤的报告显示,香港更有可能拔得头筹。

    But Deloitte 's findings suggest that Hong Kong may have a better chance of taking the top slot .

  29. 外国企业受到的合资和技术转让的要求导致本土企业在高速铁路、电力汽车和可再生能源部门拔得头筹。

    Joint-venture and technology-transfer requirements on foreign companies promote national champions in high-speed rail , electric cars and renewable-energy sectors .

  30. 最后,众神建议十二只动物比赛赛跑,看谁能拔得头筹。

    Finally , the gods suggested that all12 animals participate in a race to see who would come in first .