
tóng zǐ
  • boy;lad;child
童子 [tóng zǐ]
  • (1) [child;lad]

  • (2) 未成年的人

  • 童子六七人。--《论语.先进》

  • 彼童子之师。--唐. 韩愈《师说》

  • 操童子业。--《聊斋志异.促织》

  • (3) 童生,明清科举,凡中举以前,不论年龄大小,皆称童生

  • 操童子业。--《聊斋志异.促织》

童子[tóng zǐ]
  1. 他参加了童子军。

    He 's in the Boy Scouts .

  2. 童子军步行去山谷。

    The boy scouts hiked out to the valley .

  3. 我的两个哥哥都当过童子军。

    Both my brothers were scouts .

  4. 他身着童子军制服,而不是将军的制服。

    He wore the garb of a scout , not a general .

  5. 一队童子军

    a Scout troop .

  6. 清仓义卖会是出售二手货的一种活动,通常是当地的童子军或教堂等机构以募款或慈善为目的发起的。

    Rummage1 sale is an event at which second hand goods are sold , usually by an institution such as a local Scout2 group or church , as a fundraising or charitable effort .

  7. 据美国女童子军(GirlScoutsoftheUSA)组织报告,童子军还提供其他学习生活-工作技能的机会。

    The Girl Scouts of the USA organization reports that it offers other opportunities to learn life-work skills .

  8. 那是,跟Campbell比,我还只是个童子军呢。

    Yeah , compared to Campbell , I 'm a boy scout .

  9. 美国童子军(TheBoyScoutsofAmerica)于2010年庆祝创立100周年。这个组织为青少年提供各种项目,旨在帮助他们成长为有责任感的人。

    The Boy Scouts of America , which celebrated its100th anniversary in2010 , provides programs designed to help young people develop into responsible adults .

  10. 是的,跟Campbell比,我还是个童子军呢

    Yeah , well , compared to Campbell , I 'm a Boy Scout .

  11. 生命急救……ShawnGoldsmith或许是最出色的童子军。

    Life saving first aid .. Shawn Goldsmith is the most highly decorated an eagle scout can be .

  12. 一些十几岁的童子军身穿红色衬衣,准备在Arafat山附近充当朝圣者的指导。

    Groups of teenage scouts wearing red shirts also prepared for their role in guiding pilgrims near Mount Arafat .

  13. 读高中时他曾经在SenatoCharlesSehumer实习,几天前见到了他的偶像,MaryMichaelBloomberg,他是一名商人,同时也是Eagle童子军的一员。

    In high school he interned for Senato Charles Sehumer and a couple of days ago met one of his icons , Mary Michael Bloomberg , a businessman and fellow Eagle scout .

  14. 之后,他的祖父将亲眼目睹shawn成功作为自己的使命,他向Bronx的童子军领队JoeAcquafreddaat寻求帮助,JoeAcquafreddaat最开始表示怀疑。

    His grandfather then made of his mission to see shawn succeed , with / help from scoutmaster Joe Acquafreddaat a troop 240 in the Bronx , who at first was skeptical .

  15. 童子军全国发言人格雷格希尔兹(greggshields)表示,召回的塑料徽章含有铅含量超过联邦安全限度的黄色和蓝色油漆。

    Gregg shields , national spokesman for the scouts , said the recalled plastic badges contained yellow and blue paints with levels of lead that exceeded federal safety limits .

  16. 在童子军(boyscout)运动创始人罗伯特贝登堡(robertbaden-powell)采纳“时刻准备着”作为座右铭时,他可能没有想到,中国制造业松懈的标准,会给该外向型组织带来威胁。

    When Robert Baden-Powell , founder of the boy scout movement , adopted the motto " be prepared " , it is unlikely he had in mind the threat posed to the outward bound movement by lax Chinese manufacturing standards .

  17. Shawn会入主政治,会在政坛中应用在童子军中学到的技能和专业,而其中最主要的就是诚实和正直。

    And it 's no surprise that Shawn one day wants to go into politics and take with him the public office the skills and expertise he learnt in scouts , mainly honesty and integrity .

  18. 王筠《教童子法》的实用价值与学术贡献

    The Practical Value and Academic Contribution of Methods of Teaching Children

  19. “妈,你猜我今天在童子军学什么啦!”

    " Mom , guess what I learned in Scouts today !"

  20. 我所学的这种方法是由一位女童子军想出来的。

    The method I was taught came from a girl guide .

  21. 我拿五本连环画书来换你的童子军小刀。

    I 'll trade you five comic books for your scoutknife .

  22. 暴民情绪能让童子军变杀手。

    Mob mentality can turn a boy scout into a killer .

  23. 新的幼年女童子军发誓待人慈善,乐于助人。

    New brownies make a promise to be kind and helpful .

  24. 当年我参加童子军,去爬山。

    When I was a boy scout , we went hiking .

  25. 那年夏天,我们的布朗尼童子军中队在花山营地宿营。

    That summer our Brownie troop was at Camp blossom hill .

  26. 他们加入了童子军,制造了一大堆麻烦!

    They joined the scouts , and coused tons of trouble !

  27. 柯路瑟不跟童子军买圣诞树。

    Luther krank just stiffed the scouts on a Christmas tree .

  28. 没人是真正清白的,童子军也不例外

    Nobody is a boy scout , not even boy scouts .

  29. 童子军获得所有可能的奖�

    Boy Scout badges LI boy scout wins all merit badges possible

  30. 但是马德琳对童子军可没兴趣。

    But Maddie didn 't go in for boy scouts .