
  • theory of preserving childlike innocence
  1. 《童心说》的义理结构与中国非理性主义文学思想之发轫

    On Childishness and the Birth of Literary Thought of Irrationalism

  2. 从童心说看李贽的美学思想

    On Li Zi 's aesthetics viewed from his theory of children 's mind

  3. 本章分五个方面来阐述:1.童心说。

    There are five parts to expatiate it : ( 1 ) Tongxin Theory .

  4. 李贽童心说对俗文学的影响

    On Li Zhi 's Innocent Mind Theory and the Promotion of the Popular Literature

  5. 其“境界”说深受李挚“童心说”的影响,并要求情景交融,意与境浑。

    " Realm " by Li Zhi ," said the child ", and called for integration scenarios , Italy and muddy throughout .

  6. 禅宗思想启示了李贽对本心、真心的重视,并构筑了童心说的理论框架。

    Zen Buddhism inspire Li Zhi to value the true heart and to construct a basis for the theory of Child 's Mind .

  7. 他的许多思想,比如三教合一思想、童心说、肯定女性的地位与作用的思想等等,在历史上有重要地位。

    His thoughts , such as union of three religions , " Tongxin Shuo ", affirming status and function of women , etc , are very important in history .

  8. 在文学领域,李贽提出“童心说”,认为作家应该用“绝假纯真的童心”表达自己的个人观点。

    In the field of literature , Li held that a writer must express his own personal opinions with the " pure , true heart of a child . "

  9. 道统维护与思想启蒙&论童心说的双重使命及儒学的终结蒙台梭利纪律教育思想对幼儿园常规教育的启示

    Confucian Orthodoxy Maintenance and Ideological Enlightenment & On Dual Mission of Childlike Innocence Theory and Finality of Confucianism Discussion on Normal Education in Kindergarten from Maria Montessori 's Disciplinary Education

  10. 李贽童心说与克罗齐直觉表现说之比较他的表现说明他值得信赖。

    A Comparison Between Li Zhi s " Theory of the Childlike Heart " and Croce s " Theory of the Intuitive Expression "; He proved himself worthy of confidence .

  11. 作为晚明美学思潮的代表性人物,李贽通过“童心说”揭起了个性解放的大旗。

    As the representative person in the aesthetic movements in the latter of Ming Dynasty , years Li Zhi preached his opinion of individuality liberation through his theory of " innocent mind " .