
tóng chē
  • Baby carriage;buggy;bassinet
童车[tóng chē]
  1. 童车翻倒了,南茜被甩了出来。

    The buggy turned over and Nancy was thrown out .

  2. 看看你是否能不用拿掉防雨罩就把童车折叠起来。

    Check if you can fold the buggy without having to remove the raincover .

  3. 大娃娃坐在崭新的童车里,满脸痴笑,能听得一清二楚

    The big doll , sitting in her new pram smirking , could hear it quite plainly .

  4. 他经常推着我坐着的童车,穿过市场街(MarketStreet)的印第安人雕像,穿过玫瑰大道(RoseAvenue),来到贫民院。

    He would push me in my go-cart out Market Street past the statue of the Indian and on out Rose Avenue to the poorhouse .

  5. 跑步时,比克边跑边推着童车里的女儿前进。

    He runs the last leg pushing her in a buggy .

  6. 只因为她妈妈没给她买一辆红色童车

    just because Mommy didn 't get her a little red wagon

  7. 童车玩偶出口量价齐升

    Export of Ride-ons and Dolls See Rising on Both Volume and Price

  8. 新童车国标2007年启动

    New baby carriage national standard start to implement in 2007

  9. 同时,为未来电动童车设计提供了参考依据。

    The purpose was to provide references for kid electric bike design .

  10. 推一辆童车是带幼儿一起去购物的方便办法。

    A pushchair is a handy way to take a young child shopping .

  11. 童车自适应设计系统的研究

    Study on kid bicycle self - adaptive design system

  12. 最近我在这个童车里睡得很多!

    I sleep a lot in this stroller recently .

  13. 这可怜的小家伙从他的三轮童车上摔下来了。

    The poor little fellow fell off his tricycle .

  14. 日本对我出口童车大谈石棉材料问题

    Japan discussed asbestos material matter about baby carriage export

  15. 浙江嘉兴50%童车企业通过强制性产品认证

    50 % baby carriage enterprises in Zhejiang Jiaxing has passed through compulsory product authentication

  16. 绑架童车中的婴儿。

    To abduct a baby in its pram .

  17. 我能再把你抱进童车吗

    Can I pull you in the wagon ?

  18. 推着一辆童车的年轻母亲。

    A young mother pushing a pram .

  19. 小孩应该用带子一直束在童车里,否则他们会翻跌出来的。

    Children should always be strapped into their buggies , otherwise they might tip out .

  20. 儿童在童车里被推着走。

    Children are pushed in a perambulator .

  21. 被人看到在街上推童车,他开始有些尴尬。

    At first he was embarrassed to be seen pushing a pram down the street .

  22. 运输方式:童车多是体积大、重量小,所以他的运输都以物流发送。

    Transportation : Baby car is transported by logistics because of big measurement and light weight .

  23. 参赛者们将婴儿抱进童车,然后把一包包尿布也放进去,然后必须在终点将其放下。

    Contestants pick up a baby , then packages of diapers and then must deposit them at the finish line .

  24. 本文主要研究内容为以下两方面:(1)童车的模块化设计分析。

    The essay mainly has two following parts : ( 1 ) The analysis on the modular design of baby carrier .

  25. 国际工贸合作导致的童车交易就是连接供给和需求的双方。

    International trade and industry cooperation children vehicles transaction is the result of supply and demand for linking the two sides .

  26. 民营童车要解决这个问题,首先有一系列的问题要处理。

    Private children vehicles to solve this problem , first of all , there are a series of problems to deal with .

  27. 致力提高中国童车质量标准&记浙江黄岩鑫海模业有限公司

    Who is the foundation of making Chinese baby carriage quality specification ? & Record the Zhejiang Huangyan Xinhai mold industry limited company

  28. 负责员工福利管理:商业保险、制服管理、福利童车管理等;

    Response for the employee welfare and allowance , such as commercial insurance , uniform management , welfare strollers management , etc. ;

  29. 以前,当我儿子坐在手推童车里时,只要有人弯下腰对他说“你好”,并夸他可爱时,他就踢那人。

    My son used to kick people when they bent down to say hello and how cute he was when in the stroller .

  30. 我那时侯将弟弟放在童车里,然后就把那童车当成了球门柱&他都被我的球击中过几次。

    I would put him in the pram and use the pram as a goalpost – he did get hit a few times .