
lǜ dì
  • green land;greenbelt;green field/patches
绿地 [lǜ dì]
  • [green] 城市中绿化植被的空地

  1. 基于GIS缓冲区功能的城市绿地影响分析

    Impact Analysis of Urban Greenbelt Based on GIS Buffer Function

  2. 基于GIS的高尔夫球场绿地规划

    Greenbelt Planning of Golf Course Based on GIS

  3. 它漂亮的花园和绿地也向公众开放。

    Its beautiful gardens and parkland are also open to the public

  4. 那个度假胜地被广阔的国家和地区绿地所环绕。

    The resort is surrounded by extensive national and regional parklands .

  5. 开罗居民的人均绿地面积仅13平方厘米。

    Cairo has only thirteen square centimetres of green space for each inhabitant .

  6. 几所乡村小木屋环绕在三角形绿地周围。

    Timbered cottages stood around a triangular green .

  7. 每个村庄都有一片绿地、一座教堂、一间酒馆和一座庄园宅第。

    Every village has a green , a church , a pub and a manor house

  8. 城堡俯瞰一片私家绿地。

    The castle looks over private parkland

  9. "但是沙尘暴把绿地变成了沙漠。"

    " But sandstorms turned the green land into a desert . "

  10. 研究人员需要根据绿地的性质和质量来检验差异。

    And researchers need to examine differences according to the nature and quality of green space .

  11. “这项研究第一次展现了长期处于绿地中与大脑构造的关系。”

    " This is the first study that shows the association between long-term exposure to green space and brain structure . "

  12. 另一项针对2593名儿童的研究表明,学校绿地面积越大,儿童的工作记忆能力就越强,注意力不集中的程度也就越低。

    Another study of 2,593 children shows that children in school with more green space have a greater increase in working memory and a greater decrease in inattentiveness .

  13. �城乡建设应当结合当地自然环境的特点,保护植被、水域和自然景观,加强城市园林、绿地和风景名胜区的建设。

    In urban and rural construction , vegetation , waters and the natural landscape shall be protected and attention paid to the construction of gardens , green land and historic sites and scenic spots in the cities in the light of the special features of the local natural environment .

  14. 运用RS和GIS技术进行城市绿地覆盖调查

    Using RS and GIS technology to investigate urban green land cover

  15. GIS和RS技术在城市绿地规划方面的应用

    Application of GIS and RS to Urban Green Land Programming

  16. 本文首次应用GIS技术研究沈阳市区主要绿地害虫的地理区划与分布规律。

    The urban pest distribution and geographic division of Shenyang green space were studied using GIS technology .

  17. 而在投资方式选择上,FDI进入发展中国家相对更倾向于绿地投资,而进入发达国家则相对更倾向于兼并重组。

    The FDI into developing countries relative prefer to Greenfield investment while into developed countries to merger and acquisition .

  18. 本文对基于服务式GIS的城市绿地信息系统的设计与实现过程进行了研究和探讨。

    The issues of design and implementation of Green Space information system based on Service GIS have been discussed and studied in this article .

  19. 采用管理学中的SWOT分析方法、实地调查方法和比较分析法,将住区分类,研究不同寒地住区的绿地规划策略。

    The paper adopts SWOT analysis method and the investigation method on the spot study different strategies of green land .

  20. 在概述并分析了GIS技术应用于城市绿地研究现状的基础之上,以福州市仓山区为研究区域,依照GIS软件工程理念完成了系统设计。

    After summarizing and analysing literatures about applying GIS in green space , it aimed Cangshan of Fuzhou city as study area and completed the system design in accordance with the GIS software engineering concepts .

  21. 以东北林业大学为例,对GIS、RS相结合用于城市绿地评价的方法进行了研究,并在此基础上,给出了城市绿地专题评价系统的构建方法。

    The method of appraising urban greenbelt was studied based on GIS and RS by taking Northeast Forestry University as an example , and an approach for designing a thematic evaluation system was also put forward .

  22. 本研究简要介绍了地理信息系统的发展、专题地理信息系统开发、GIS及相关技术在城市绿地生态研究中运用进展。

    And its aim is to daily manage , analysis and research together . At first , this paper introduce the development of GIS , the study evolvement of special GIS and the application of urban greenland by GIS and its correlated technology .

  23. 评价结果如下:(1)采用SEB方法对两个小区三种不同绿地的植物景观进行了量化评价。

    The results are as follows : ( 1 ) The SEB method is used to evaluate three different plant landscapes in two communities .

  24. 结果表明:该城区绿地土壤的容重较大,孔隙度和田间持水量少,有机质缺乏,养分含量不均,pH值呈上升趋势。

    The results were as follows : The soil bulk density was higher , total porosity and field capacity of preserving water were small , organic materials were scant , the content of nutrients distributed uniformly , and the trend of pH value was upward .

  25. 论城市绿地系统规划理论与方法的与时俱进

    On the Urban Green Space System Planning Theory and Method Renewal

  26. 北京夏季绿地小气候效应

    Summer effect of street trees and lawns on Microclimate in Beijing

  27. 居民对居住小区绿地需求的研究

    A Study on Residents ' Demand on Greenland in Residential Quarters

  28. 徐州市城区公园绿地系统景观结构分析

    Analysis of Landscape Structure of Park Green System in Xuzhou City

  29. 城市绿地系统是城市中一种特殊的生态系统。

    Urban Greenland system is a special eco system in city .

  30. 城市绿地减弱噪声效果分析

    Analysis of the effect of noise abatement in urban green areas