
  • Green plants;Plants;Planting
  1. 给所有的植物浇完水后,他对她说:“好多绿植啊”。

    So many kinds of green plants , he said to her after watering all the plants .

  2. 由绿植划分道路组团;

    Green plants divide road group ;

  3. 他们两人都91岁高龄,但都精神矍铄,为了ITV的纪录片节目《女王的绿植》(TheQueen'sGreenPlanet)在白金汉宫的植物园边走边录制。

    The pair , both a youthful 91 , strolled through the gardens of Buckingham Palace for an ITV documentary , The Queen 's Green Planet .

  4. 尽管看上去与其他毕业生并无二致,但23岁的他已是一家年盈利达200万的绿植公司的CEO了。

    Li looks no different to other graduates , but the 23-year-old is already the CEO of a plant wall ( see box ) company that makes 2 million yuan in profits a year .

  5. 《女王的绿植》节目中还会提及女王的Queen'sCommonwealthCanopy项目,通过威廉王子在加拿大,哈利王子在加勒比,安吉丽娜朱莉在纳米比亚做出的贡献。

    The Queen 's Green Planet also features Prince William in Canada , Prince Harry in the Caribbean and actress Angelina Jolie in Namibia working on the Queen 's Commonwealth Canopy projects .

  6. 如果社区规划完整的道路体系与绿植分布,是宠物们的撒娇场地;

    Community planning 's complete road system and green plant distribution is pets'playing ground ;

  7. 她一只手端着一盆绿植,另一只手里拿着一本书。

    She bore a plant in one arm and a book in the other .

  8. 由绿植划分道路组团;灌木丛与乔木丛分别划分行走路径与车行道路体系。

    Green plants divide road group ; brushwood and arbors divide walk path and roadway system .

  9. 两年前,他就开始收集绿植、玩偶和小物件来装饰自己的桌面。

    He started decorating two years ago by collecting plants , toys and small ornaments on his table .

  10. 街的拐角,有一扇窗户,窗边有书、绿植和阳光

    At the corner of the street , there is a window , with books , plants , and the sun

  11. 我一向很喜欢你办公室满是绿植和阳光的样子,虽然朝北。

    I always liked how your office is full of plants and sunshine , even though it faces the north .

  12. 庭院内栽种绿植,景观与建筑紧密结合,创造了优美的室外环境。

    With various green plants growing in the yard , such landscape closely serving the building brings beautiful outdoor surroundings .

  13. 当然还有宿舍,一个小房间住八个人,上下铺,有一些轻便电热炉,还有一株绿植。

    It had the dormitories of course , which housed eight people in one little room , in bunks , with a little hot plate and a plant there .

  14. 两岸原生绿植带,岸前休憩空间,五个森林带,三大水系将运河与院落别墅紧密相连,互为一体。

    Primitive green plants zone on two banks , rest space before banks , five forest belts , three water systems closely connect the canal and yard villas into one combination .

  15. 办公桌井然有序但又不失生气,一盆绿植加一张家中宠物犬的靓照会让同事觉得,在威严背后,你和他们是一样的。

    Quite organized but not too bland desk , with a pot plant and a snap of your Labrador , should reassure your colleagues that beneath your superpowers you are human .

  16. 他们阅读了国外的学术论文,同时向国内植物墙方面的专家拜师学艺,自主研发出一套滴灌系统,并最终找到合适的种植基地、粘合剂以及绿植。

    They read foreign academic papers , learned from Chinese plant wall experts , worked out their own drip irrigation system , and finally found a suitable planting base , glue and plants .

  17. 女王穿着得体的花裙子,在说到自己的宫殿为什么会有这么多绿植覆盖是,不时地展现她顽皮富有幽默感的一面。

    In a suitably floral dress , Her Majesty , who frequently reveals glimpses of her impish sense of humour , suggests one reason why the palace grounds are so filled with greenery .

  18. 我觉得很可能是因为这里的草坪及绿植的原因,球在这儿的草坪上滚动得很光滑速度很快,这点我很喜欢,而且越来越喜欢了。

    I think a lot of it is probably with the type of grass and the greens they 're using pretty quick and smooth which I really enjoy and constantly I grew up on .

  19. 并按照软装饰的使用类别分为:织物、工艺品、绿植、灯光、企业信息软装饰,并重点分析了他们在家具展示空间中的具体运用。

    And in accordance with the use of soft decoration is divided into categories : fabrics , crafts , plants , lighting , soft furnishings business information , and analyzed their furniture display space in the concrete application .

  20. 这个公共浴池很像温泉浴场,在宁静的建筑群里有一大片沐浴区,包括桑拿、注满天然温泉的柏木浴池、冷水浴池,在树木和绿植的环绕中,还有一系列各种尺寸和温度的户外浴盆。

    The calming complex features a large bathing area complete with saunas , cypress-wood pools filled with natural spring water , cold-water baths and a series of outdoor tubs of varying sizes and temperatures surrounded by trees and greenery .

  21. 这家位于二楼的咖啡馆藏在一个小楼梯的上面,七年前开张,对顾客来说它就像一个安宁的港湾:单人椅子、仿古木桌、浓密的绿植、一壁的书籍,水族箱传出轻缓的水流声。

    Tucked away at the top of a small staircase , the first floor caf é , which opened seven years ago , is a serene haven of one-person seats , antique wooden tables , forest-like green plants and a wall of books complete with the soothing sound of flowing water from an aquarium .