
  1. 任务准备条件对汉英连传目的语语法准确性的影响

    Effects of Task Planning upon Grammatical Accuracy in C-E Consecutive Interpreting

  2. “孚”为《周易》经传常用语之一。

    Fu is a frequent word in Zhou Yi .

  3. 由于其特殊的语体特征,真实录音材料中传信语的使用频率较高,类别也比较繁杂。

    Owing to its special style features , authentic listening materials are rich in evidentials .

  4. 因此,本文认为理想的翻译就是将源语符号的指称意义、语用意义与言内意义对等地传达到目的语中。

    And it is believed that meaning is relation in semiotics . As Nida put it , translation means translating meaning . Therefore , the ideal translation is the equivalent transfer of the three folds of meaning of signs : referential meaning , pragmatic meaning and linguistic meaning .

  5. 英汉同声传译中译语语速与信息量的关系

    The Correlation between Articulation Rate and Information in the Output of English-Chinese Simultaneous Interpreting

  6. 连续传译中的语篇结构转换模式

    Discourse Restructuring Models in Consecutive Interpreting

  7. 信息忠实性是衡量交替传译中译语质量的首要标准,其次是语言准确性和译语流畅性。

    Faithfulness stands out as the first criterion for interpretation quality , which is followed by linguistic precision and fluency in order of importance .

  8. 一部好的儿童文学翻译作品不仅能忠实地再现原文的内容和形式,而且还能将异域文化传译给目的语读者。

    A good translation can not only faithfully reproduce the content and form of the original work but also bring foreign culture to the target language readers .

  9. 在翻译时,译者应该依据特定社交语境所提供的背景信息,运用恰当的翻译策略,最大程度地传译出称呼语的人际功能和语用含义。

    In translating , translators should , on the basis of the context information , employ suitable translating strategies and deliver into target language as many interpersonal functions and pragmatic connotations of address forms as possible .

  10. 按照时间顺序,明清刊本《水浒传》中的语&图互文经历了这三种形态,不同形态背后蕴藏的文化意义昭示我们,图像作为文学批评的一种形态,应当引起足够重视。

    According to the time sequence , Ming Kan Ben " outlaws " in " language & Image " intertextual experiences these three forms , different forms of hidden behind the cultural significance that , the image as a form of literary criticism , should cause enough take seriously .