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chuán qí
  • legend;saga;romance;tales of marvels;short stories of the Tang and Song dynasties
传奇 [chuán qí]
  • (1) [saga]∶可以指长篇连续的英雄故事,情节曲折,然而又不特别离奇,讲述人或团体的历史或传说(或两者都有的)

  • (2) [tales of marvels;romance]∶中国唐、宋时代文言短篇小说的一种,以作意好奇为特点;明、清两代的长篇戏曲,一般每本由二十余出至五十余出组成

传奇[chuán qí]
  1. 唐宋传奇小说文体研究

    The Style Research about Tales of Marvels of Tang and Song Dynasty

  2. 因此,传奇小说的文体在不同时代展现了不同的传奇风貌。

    The restrict of society habitude and policy Therefore , the style About Tales of Marvels showed itself varied scenes in different times .

  3. 当时有许多当世高尔夫球传奇选手在打球。

    Many of golf 's living legends were playing .

  4. 他已成为军事史上的一个传奇。

    He has become a legend in the annals of military history .

  5. 在聆听这个长篇传奇故事时,赫伯特自始至终安静地坐着。

    Herbert sat quietly through the telling of this saga

  6. 她难以捉摸的魅力和怪异的行事方式都成了传奇。

    Her fey charm and eccentric ways were legendary .

  7. 这座城堡历史悠久,充满了传奇。

    The castle is steeped in history and legend

  8. “传奇”旅行社为老年人提供全年的国内外旅游服务。

    Saga features trips for older people at home and abroad all through the year

  9. 此事自此成为了家族传奇。

    The incident has since become a family legend

  10. 自从膝盖受伤后他就不再是那个传奇的运动员了。

    He has not been the same swashbuckling player since suffering a knee injury .

  11. 普拉多美术馆充满传奇色彩的艺术藏品属于旅游时的必看之选。

    You cannot go home without visiting the fabled art collections of the Prado .

  12. 他是一个伟人,一个传奇人物。

    He was a colossus , a legend .

  13. 马龙·白兰度、史蒂夫·麦奎因和詹姆斯·迪恩现在成了银幕上的的传奇人物。

    Marlon Brando , Steve McQueen , and James Dean are now legends of the silver screen

  14. 这个人物来自中世纪的传奇故事。

    The figure comes from a medieval romance .

  15. 戴尔的传奇故事非常出名。

    The Dell saga is well known .

  16. 他写了一篇关于俄克拉荷马州一家地方银行兴衰的精彩传奇故事。

    He wrote a brilliant saga of the rise and collapse of a bank in Oklahoma .

  17. 他俩的爱很有传奇色彩。

    The love between the two of them was very romantic .

  18. 这门课专讲现代文学中的神话和传奇作品。

    The course is about fable and legend in modern literature .

  19. 该计划是以苏珊·格雷在范德堡大学皮博迪教育学院提出的概念为基础的。苏珊·格雷是早期儿童教育研究领域的传奇式先锋人物。

    It was based on concepts developed at Vanderbilt University 's Peabody College by Susan Gray , the legendary pioneer in early childhood education research .

  20. 他们开始时是一个成功的音乐团体,那年则成为了演艺界的传奇人物。

    They began as a modestly successful musician group and ended the year as show business legends .

  21. W:李健?那个唱《传奇》的人吗?他都唱哪种歌呢?

    W : Li Jian ? The man who sang Legend ? What kind of songs does he sing ?

  22. 传奇影业紧跟PokemonGo游戏热潮,签下该游戏的电影版权。

    On the heels of Pokemon Go fever , Legendary1 has closed a deal for the film rights for the iconic Japanese property .

  23. 传奇影业与Pokemon公司20日宣布将联合推出Pokemon系列真人电影,影片将讲述Pokemon系列新角色侦探皮卡丘的故事。

    Legendary and The Pokemon Co. on Wednesday announced that they will launch the first Pokemon live-action film franchise2 based on Detective Pikachu , a new character in the Pokemon universe .

  24. 传奇故事是由父母传给孩子们的。

    Legendary stories are passed down from parents to children .

  25. 我是经典传奇故事,我从野鸡变凤凰。

    I 'm the legendary3 story of rags to riches .

  26. 这位传奇男星在过世后获得终身成就奖的肯定。

    The legendary actor received a posthumous achievement award .

  27. 到时候,英格兰史上最有名的转会传奇故事之一将落下帷幕

    It will complete one of the most remarkable transfer sagas in English football .

  28. 很久很久以前,在一个遥远的地方有传奇中的公主……饶舌大对决!

    Once upon a time , in a far away land , there was a princess … RAP BATTLE !

  29. 斯蒂格·拉森斯蒂格·拉森的作品《龙文身的女孩》在国际上引起了轰动,它将谋杀之谜、家庭传奇、爱情故事和金融阴谋结合在一起,成为一部情节复杂却引人入胜,并且充满娱乐气息的小说。

    An international publishing sensation , Stieg Larsson ’ s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo combines murder mystery , family saga novel .

  30. 的确,放眼各种成功学书籍和行业传奇,有很多成功案例都是在巨大的风险中产生的。

    Yes , if you examine all those success books and industry legends , you would find a lot of successful cases which were born under great risks .