
fēng suǒ
  • blockade;block;seal off;siege;interdiction;suppress
封锁 [fēng suǒ]
  • [blockade;block;seal off] 用强制力量使与外界断绝联系或往来

封锁[fēng suǒ]
  1. 目前还不清楚谁会真正执行这项封锁任务。

    It 's not yet clear who will actually enforce the blockade .

  2. 有人在谈论实施报复性封锁,阻止供应物资通过。

    There 's been talk of a retaliatory blockade to prevent supplies getting through .

  3. 警方封锁了这个地区直到炸弹被安全拆除为止。

    Police cordoned off the area until the bomb was made safe .

  4. 他们的目的是封锁游击队的供给线。

    Their aim was to block guerrilla supply lines .

  5. 爆炸发生后随即封锁了火车站入口。

    The entrance to the train station was closed off following the explosion .

  6. 陆军士兵用运兵车封锁了十字路口。

    The Army boys had personnel carriers blockading the cross streets .

  7. 士兵们临时封锁了两国之间的边境线。

    Soldiers had temporarily closed the border between the two countries .

  8. 记者们说有关这场集会的新闻实际上被封锁了。

    Journalists said there was a virtual news blackout about the rally .

  9. 这些地区被军队封锁包围了。

    The areas are sealed off and ringed by troops .

  10. 直升飞机的探照灯来回扫射这个被封锁的公园。

    Helicopters with searchlights swept the park which was sealed off

  11. 有人气愤地喊道马路被士兵封锁了。

    Excited voices were shouting that the road was blocked by soldiers .

  12. 警察在两群人之间筑起了一道封锁线。

    Police formed a cordon between the two crowds .

  13. 当酒店工作人员和旅客们都聚拢过来时,警察封锁了那条路。

    Police blocked off the road as hotel staff and guests crowded around .

  14. 船长决定哪怕是对高级船员也要封锁这个可怕的消息。

    The captain decided to withhold the terrible news even from his officers .

  15. 一队全副武装的警察已经封锁了市中心。

    A heavily armed guard of police have sealed off the city centre .

  16. 所有逃跑的路都被武警封锁了。

    All escape routes were blocked by armed police

  17. 抗议者们试图冲破警察的封锁线。

    Protesters tried to break through a police cordon

  18. 警察封锁了市中心的部分地区。

    Police cordoned off part of the city centre

  19. 抗议者冲破警方封锁线来到教堂广场上,挥舞着愤怒的拳头。

    The protesters burst through police lines into the cathedral square , shaking clenched fists .

  20. 由于今天的示威游行,警方封锁了旧金山一条主干道上大约12个街区。

    Police closed off about 12 blocks of a major San Francisco thoroughfare for today 's march

  21. 领导层讨论了计划采取的一揽子经济措施,以减轻这一封锁带来的影响。

    The leadership discussed a plan of economic measures to counter the effects of such a blockade

  22. 警察将一切都封锁了。

    The police cordoned everything off .

  23. 城市中大片地区被示威者设立的路障封锁了。

    Large areas of the city have been closed off by barricades set up by the demonstrators .

  24. 那个两层建筑周围的大片区域被封锁,只有提供应急服务的车辆可以通行。

    A wide area round the two-storey building is sealed to all traffic except the emergency services .

  25. 他们封锁了一条车道在铺路。

    One lane is closed while they 're paving the road .

  26. 轮船在偷越封锁线时被截获。

    The streamer has been captured in running the blockade .

  27. 封锁可能要持续一段时间。

    The blockade is likely to last for some time .

  28. 封锁结束了。

    The blockade ceased .

  29. 他化装成商人,混过了封锁线。

    He disguised himself as a merchant and managed to pass through the blockade line .

  30. 他们花了好长时间才设法冲破敌人的封锁线。

    It was quite some time before they managed to break through the enemy 's blockade .