
  1. 不幸的是她已经删除了那条短信。

    It was unfortunate that she had erased the message .

  2. 不幸的是她也总是很激动

    Unfortunately , she was always excited , too .

  3. 不幸的是她丢了。

    Unfortunately , she was lost .

  4. 很不幸的,她来到这里的时候,我们必须先和她聊聊,好吗?

    Unfortunately , when she gets here , we 're going to have to talk to her first , okay ?

  5. 好的不幸的是她做错了邮件我猜邮件打回来了

    Alright . Unfortunately , she did it wrong , and mailed , I think she mailed back to herself .

  6. 可是我不幸的发现她戴着一副厚重的大眼镜,美丽的眼睛被遮挡在厚厚的镜片后面,这是多么遗憾的一件事情啊,心情变得些许哀伤。

    But unfortunately I found her wearing a pair of big thick glasses , beautiful eyes are obscured behind the thick lenses , this is how regrettable thing ! the mood became a little sad .

  7. 每个人都祈求她多吃一点,她自己也在努力不再越来越瘦,但是不幸的是她好像就是胖不了。一位知情人告诉杂志记者。

    Everyone has been begging her to eat more and she is trying not to get any skinnier , but unfortunately she just doesnt seem to be putting on any more weight , a source told the magazine .

  8. 不幸的是,她在绝望中自杀了。

    Tragically , she took her own life in despair .

  9. 听到这个不幸的消息,她大哭了一场。

    She had a cry about the sad news .

  10. 不幸的是,她没准许我们做这件事。

    Sad to say , she hasn 't given us permission to do it .

  11. 不幸的是,她得了重病后失明了。

    Unfortunately , she became blind after a serious illness .

  12. 可对她来说不幸的是,她丈夫Carlos却盼儿心切。

    Unfortunately for Gabrielle , her husband Carlos felt differently ...

  13. 不幸的是,她不知道那是什么东西。

    Unfortunately , she doesn 't know what that something is .

  14. 不幸的是,她只是外表华美,内心残忍。

    For , on the inside , she was very cruel .

  15. 不幸的是,她除了休闲的以外,没别的衣服。

    Unfortunately , she doesn 't have anything except casual clothes .

  16. 但是,非常不幸的是,她是最严重的一位。

    But , unfortunately , she was the worst one .

  17. 不幸的是,她总是说错话。

    She has the unfortunate knack of always saying the wrong thing .

  18. 当遇到不幸的时候,她表现得很镇静。

    When the bad luck came upon her , she showed her composure .

  19. 听到那不幸的消息,她放声痛哭。

    She burst out crying at the sad news .

  20. 那件不幸的事把她逼疯了。

    The tragedy drove her out of her mind .

  21. 战争结束后很不幸的是,她沉溺于自身。

    After the war it 's unfortunate because she goes in on herself .

  22. 不幸的是,她妹妹可没她那么害羞。

    Unfortunately for Jane , her sister wasn 't as shy as she was .

  23. 不幸的是,她没有回来(付账)。

    Unfortunately , the woman did not return .

  24. 更为不幸的是,她所在的家庭是一个畸形的、缺乏爱的家庭。

    Unfortunately , she lives in a dysfunctional family which is lack of love .

  25. 罗斯身上发生了不幸的事情,她被谋杀了。

    That something horrible had happened to rose , that she 'd been murdered .

  26. 我知道她是不幸的,尽管她嘴上逞强。

    I know she 's unhappy , all her brave talk to the contrary .

  27. 但不幸的是,她是为布什效力。

    Unhappily , she worked for Mr Bush .

  28. 不幸的是,她不会跳舞。

    Unfortunately , she can 't dance .

  29. 听到这不幸的消息,她哭了。

    She wept at the sad news .

  30. 不幸的是,她在半途便忍痛放弃,因为经历了太多的负面批评。

    Unfortunately , she gave up halfway because of the pain she experienced due to harsh criticisms .