
  • 网络Different goals;at cross purposes
  1. 当你作为一个孩子学习新事物时,你的大脑里就创建了越来越多达成不同目标的路径。

    When you were a child as you learnt new things , your brain created more and more roads to different destinations .

  2. 这样,您就可以引导为不同目标架构构建的Linux内核。

    With these , you can boot a Linux kernel that was built for a different target architecture .

  3. IAT效应在不同目标概念水平上的差异研究

    The Difference of IAT Effects on Different Levels of Target Concept

  4. 用层次分析法(AHP)得到不同目标和限制的重要性排序,从而建立目标规划模型。

    The Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) is used to obtain the sequence of importance of different requirements and constraints . Then the goal programming model is introduced .

  5. 采用BI和OWA多准则评价方法,从防灾的角度建立了唐山市不同目标建设用地适宜度评价模型。

    BI and OWA are used for the different targets of construction land suitability evaluation of Tangshan for disaster prevention .

  6. 您可以部署基于KVM的虚拟化,进行各种配置,使用可满足不同目标的架构。

    You can deploy KVM-based virtualization in a myriad of configurations using architectures designed to meet different goals .

  7. 预处理结合AWE技术求解导体目标RCS不同目标函数下水文模拟结果的综合

    An Effective Method for Solving Wideband RCS Based on AWE and Preconditioning Technique Combination of simulated outputs of hydrological models under different objective functions

  8. 在结构系统的被动控制中,通过引入遗传算法寻优,获得了不同目标函数下全局最优TMD参数设计方法。

    In the passive control of structural system , the global optimal TMD parameters design method is obtained by introducing the optimization of genetic algorithm .

  9. 用ANSYS可编程语言APDL编制采用初始应变影响矩阵法和多次复形法进行预应力取值优化分析的程序,并对按不同目标函数进行预应力取值优化得到的结果进行了比较。

    Programs according to the initial-strain-contribution-matrix method and multi-complex method obtained by ANSYS parametric design language APDL were worked out for the prestress optimization ; results of different objective functions were compared .

  10. 该方法通过建立二阶AR模型、估计代表不同目标的模型极点并由此估算目标加速度来判断目标性质。

    In this method , a second order AR model is established first , then , the poles of the AR model which represent different type targets are estimated and the acceleration of the targets can be estimated .

  11. 实验结果证明,采用TOPSIS方法的多目标优化管理方法能够得到较低的SLA违背率,较小的资源负载和较少的电源消耗,并且很好地平衡了不同目标之间的冲突。

    Experimental results show that the multi-objective approach based on TOPSIS can get less violation of SLA , resource load and power consumption , and balance the conflict between different objectives . 3 .

  12. 本文作者首先用灰度共生矩阵的方法提取图像的各纹理特征,然后对各特征图像进行K均值聚类,同时讨论了各特征对不同目标的分类性能。

    In this thesis , first , author investigates the performance of texture features derived from the gray-level co-occurrence matrix , then uses K-means clustering to achieve the pre-classification of SAR image , at the same time , discusses the difference between variant texture features in SAR image classification .

  13. 以MOLA系统为例,采用LM非线性拟合算法,得到了不同目标倾斜角及阈值情况下,最优化高斯拟合波形与实际接收信号波形的误差。

    The difference between optimum fitting-waveforms and practical waveforms of MOLA return signal , with different target slope angle and threshold value , were obtained by using LM nonlinear algorithm .

  14. Direct3D和GDI构建于不同目标,不同位置的事实意味着它们并不能像人们期望的那样能够良好的工作在一起。

    The fact that Direct3D and GDI were built up from different places with different goals meant that they did not work together as well as some people expected .

  15. 野外环境下用100MHz天线对湖底62m内的不同目标进行勘探,测量误差在5%~8%范围内,实现地质雷达对地下目标体的高精度定位。

    In field case , exploration accuracy was 5 % ~ 8 % when we used 100 MHz antenna to detect a few different objects located below a lake surface within 6.2 m. So locating accurately subterranean objects by geological radar has been realized .

  16. 这项测试通常涉及到对不同目标类型系统的攻击。

    The test usually involves different types of target system attack .

  17. 本文探讨基于不同目标下的政府对公众情绪的管理。

    This article focuses on public emotion management under different government goals .

  18. 不同目标优化的置换法及其在拱坝设计中的应用

    Substitution Method of Different Optimal Objectives and Its Application on Arch Dam Design

  19. 双馈异步发电机的不同目标优化控制

    Different Objectives Optimal Control for Doubly-Fed Induction Generator

  20. 针对不同目标时对接机构适应性研究

    Adaptability of docking mechanism to various targets

  21. 成就目标理论研究者基本一致地认为不同目标定向导致不同行为动机。

    Achievement goal theory researchers agree that the different goal orientation cause different behavior motivation .

  22. 针对城市雨洪控制利用的不同目标合理设计调蓄设施

    Rational Design of Detention and Retention Facilities for Urban Stormwater Management with Different Control Objectives

  23. 结果不同目标人群喜闻乐见的健教方式不同,对不同目标人群采取针对性健教干预取得了很好效果。

    Results It showed that different ways of health education were suitable for different target populations .

  24. 不同目标设置对男大学生篮球个人技术和心境状态的影响

    On Influence of Different Goal Setting on Individual Basketball Techniques and Mood Status for Male Undergraduates

  25. 专家们确认了国家可采用作为其大流行性疫苗接种战略的三种不同目标

    The experts identified three different objectives that countries could adopt as part of their pandemic vaccination strategy

  26. 需要特别注意的是那些跨越有着不同目标或衡量标准的部门的商业程序。

    In particular , watch out for business processes that span departments with different objectives or metrics .

  27. 通过对不同目标大小的红外飞机图像的实验,验证了算法的有效性。

    Infrared aircraft images of varying object size are experimented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm .

  28. 通过不同目标情况下的计算机仿真,验证了该方法的正确性与有效性。

    The correctness and validity of the method is verified by the imitation of computer in different cases .

  29. 不同目标设置对体育系武术普修课程初级长拳套路教学影响的实验研究

    The Effect of Different Object-settings on the Required Course " Chinese Con-boxing " for Students of Physical Education Department

  30. 一个地带或地区的分割为不同目标而保留例如居住和交易。

    Dividing an area into zones or sections reserved for different purposes such as residence and business and manufacturing etc.