
  1. ERP贯穿着符合中国企业管理规律的现代管理思想。

    ERP have a through knowledge of modern management thought that is in conformity with the law of Chinese enterprise management .

  2. 阐述了中国金融与国际金融的整合动力机制与途径,总结了金融安全原理,从而揭示金融安全活动管理规律。

    Explained Chinese finance to international finance conformity dynamical mechanism and rout . Summarized financial security principle scientifically .

  3. 文章针对在科研院所调查过程中发现的一些问题,对科研组织的战略管理规律进行分析。

    For the problems found in the investigation in scientific research institutions and institutes , this paper analyzes the strategic management of scientific research organizations .

  4. 本文通过阐述体校学生不良品行形成的原因及矫正措施,探讨对体校学生的教育和管理规律。

    The paper represents through the reason of forming bad manners and correct methods of the students in the sports school , inquires into the education and management of sports school 's students .

  5. 新资本协议在国际活跃银行中的普遍推行,为中国监管部门和中国跨国银行的经营提供了新的经营管理规律,也赋予了中国商业银行前所未有的发展机遇和挑战。

    The implementation of the New Accord in active international banks has brought China 's regulatory authority and multinational banks with the new operation management rules as well as the unprecedented development opportunities and challenges .

  6. 如何进一步将这些工作经验总结作理论的提炼、以及如何从这些大量的实际素材和数据中挖掘出更多的科学管理规律,是值得进一步研究的课题。

    How to further summarize these work experience to form theory , and how to mining out more scientific management knowledge from these actual materials and data may be the works worthy of further study .

  7. 通过对该厂各工序间物流管理规律的跟踪实测,验证核实,为进一步优化全连铸生产的物流衔接,提高全连铸生产水平创造了有利条件。

    Tracing and verification on the material flow con - trol in each and every process in the plant has provided very favorable conditions to further optimize the link & up of material flow in 100 % concasting and improve operating level .

  8. 高校德育是一项系统工程,同时也是整体工程。高校德育系统工程是一门研究大学生的思想与行为活动规律、教育管理规律和高校德育运行规律并服务于特定目的的科学;

    Moral education in higher institutions is an item of systematic and holistic engineering , which is an science with some given aims and researches the rule of mentality and behavior of college students , the rule of education management as well as the operating rule of itself .

  9. 对大学生教育管理中规律性系统性的思考

    Thinking on regularity and systematicness in educational management of college students

  10. 方法以经济与社会的发展为前提,对计量管理的规律进行论述。

    Methods The measurement administration was discussed on the basis of the development of economy and society .

  11. 为了保证薪酬体系的正常运行,文章还根据企业薪酬管理的规律提出相应的应用措施。

    In order to guarantee the normal operation of the compensation system , the enterprise salary management according to the law of the application of corresponding measures continuous .

  12. 研究战略联盟这种企业间特殊竞合关系,探索并提炼出组织问合作、联盟、竞争的管理学规律,并运用其来指导我国企业的经营管理的实践,无疑具有非常重要的现实意义!

    It is obviously of great significance to do researches on strategic alliances and abstract principles of cooperation , alliance and competition across organizations , which can guide domestic firms in operation and management .

  13. 在我国,行政学是一门外来学科,它被人们看作是研究政府管理活动规律的科学。

    Our country , administrative study is regarded as a foreign subject , it is mainly concerned about the rules related to the government activites , therefore , we neglect its publicity for the long time .

  14. 本文遵循奖酬管理基本规律,运用海氏系统法研究现代企业管理中奖酬管理问题,结果证明海氏系统法是一种现代的科学的奖酬管理方法。

    The essay follows the basic principles of bonus and salary , and deals with research on the management problems of the modern enterprise and proved that Hays Systematic Law is the modern and scientific method of bonus and salary management .

  15. 但是,对高校学生党员目标管理的规律和原则认识不够深入,将导致高校学生党员的目标管理教育实践产生许多问题。

    However , members of the college students of management by objectives and principles of the law of understanding is not deep enough , party members and college students will lead to the goal of management education practice a lot of problems .

  16. 作为科学行政认知成果的行政科学,也不只是研究行政管理的规律,即提供科学的行政图景,它还提供科学的行政思维方式和科学的行政价值规范。中国行政管理学从思想到学说的发展

    The science of administration does not only focus on rules of administration , that is , the administering blueprint , but provide methods of thinking and criterion of value . A Study of the Historical Development of the Formation of the Science of Administration in China

  17. 为实现科技兴国,迫切需要深入研究和探索重大工程科技进步管理系统规律,旨在为重大工程科技进步管理指明方向。

    To realize " invigorating nation applying S T ", it 's needed to make further researches on the management system law of the progresses in S T of great projects , so as to indicate the direction for the management of the progresses in S T of great projects .

  18. 生产运营管理进步一般规律与创新路径研究

    Study on the Innovation Path and the General Rules of Productive Operation Management Progress

  19. 第三部分的主要任务是对管理权威演变规律的探讨及应用。

    Emphasis of the third part is exploring and utilizing the developing principles of management authority .

  20. 学校的发展必须依靠教师,这是学校管理的基本规律。

    The teacher is the most important element in school management since school development depends on teacher recruitment and their effectiveness .

  21. 从哲学角度对油气管道风险管理的内在规律和未来发展作了以下探讨。

    From the perspective of philosophy it is discussed the intrinsic laws of pipeline risk management and the directions of its future development .

  22. 物业管理遵循市场规律,开始引入竞争机制,整体管理水平有了很大的提高;

    The property management follow the regulation of market and lead into the competition mechanism , the level of property management is raised ;

  23. 从而为探索新形势下高校教学管理工作的规律,提供现实的依据。

    Thus , it provides realistic basis for probing into regular pattern of teaching management work under the new situation in colleges and universities .

  24. 组织系统管理效率递减规律,即熵值效应,是一个具有普遍意义并且具有重要研究价值的课题。

    The degression rule of the administrative efficiency of organizational systems , namely entropy effect , is a universal subject with important research value .

  25. 认真掌握放疗设备管理的工作规律才能充分发挥放疗设备的作用。

    Control the work regulation of but radiology treatment equipments management and then can develop the function of put the equipments of radiology treatment well hard .

  26. 这对我们认识高校体育场馆管理的客观规律和选择符合高校体育场馆特点的管理模式有重要作用。

    This is for us to understand management of University stadiums and selection consistent with the objective laws of the characteristics of university stadiums management has an important role .

  27. 该文简述高值耗材库房建立的详细步骤,并针对如何使库房的运行更加规范化,更符合物流管理学的规律进行初步的探讨。

    Describes briefly the specific steps to establish a medical high-valued disposable depot and discusses the laws how to standardize the depot management and to accord with the logistic principles .

  28. 这种只注重税收收入而轻视管理方式及其规律的现象曾在相当长的时期内普遍存在于国内外的税收理论和实践中。

    This phenomenon of putting more emphasize on tax revenue itself other than taxation management and its rule once prevailed on tax theory and practices worldwide for a fairly long period .

  29. 本文运用分销网络的理论,对施耐德电气公司在中国成功建立分销网络案例进行分析,阐述了工业品分销网络建立与管理的一般规律和方法。

    This paper analysis the case that Schneider Electric setup distribution network in China successfully by using the distribution network theory and expound the rules and methods for industrial product distribution network building and management .

  30. 本文立足凉山州企业文化建设的现状,遵循现代文化管理的发展规律,初步提出构建凉山州企业人本文化的基本设想。

    The article , following the principle of development of culture management , initially puts forward the basic thoughts and measures of construction of humanism culture model based on the situation of enterprise culture construction in Liangshan Prefecture .