
  • 网络Tube worm;tubeworm
  1. 美洲牡蛎、扇贝、温带珊瑚和管虫则遭遇极坏,它们的壳变得又弱又小。

    American oysters , scallops , temperate corals , and tube worms all fared poorly and grew thinner , weaker shells .

  2. 这些细菌生活在管虫里面,管虫为他们提供硫化氢和二氧化碳。

    These bacteria that live inside the tube worms , the tube worms provide them with hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide .

  3. 它们在热泉的邻居,包括蟹类和两公尺长的巨型管虫

    They share the vents with crabs and two-metre-long tube worms .

  4. 最有特点的一个叫做管虫。

    The most distinctive of these was something called the tube worm .

  5. 这管虫特别长。

    The tube of the tube worm is really , really long .

  6. 还有一个问题。管虫没有嘴,没有消化器官。

    And another thing , the tube worm has no. mouth , or digestive organs .

  7. 脑珊瑚里的圣诞树管虫。

    Christmas tree worms on brain coral .

  8. 而细菌呢,有点像通过化学合成的方式来为管虫提供食物,记得之前讲过的化学作用吧。

    And the bacteria , well the bacteria kind of feed the tube worms through chemosynthesis , remember that chemical reaction I described earlier .

  9. 不同温度及培养液对鲤斜管虫种群密度的影响刺桐姬小蜂虫瘿密度与刺桐受害肿大程度关系

    Effects of Media and Temperature on Population Growth of Chilodonella cyprini Relationship between the gall density of erythrina gall wasp and swelling degree of infested parts of Erythrina variegata var. orientalis

  10. 可我们都管她叫眼泪虫因为只有在葬礼上才能见到她

    but we called her Grievey , because we only saw her at funerals .

  11. 你们都管自己叫萤火虫

    You called yourselves the fireflies .