
  • 网络hamilton island
  1. “世界最好工作”的英国得主已于本周三抵达澳大利亚风景如画的汉密尔顿岛,开始了他在这个热带天堂岛屿为期半年的休闲般工作时光。

    The Briton who won a competition for the " Best Job in the World " arrived on Australia 's idyllic Hamilton Island Wednesday to begin his leisurely six-month posting in the tropical paradise .

  2. 我根本没想到会这样,退一步讲,我也放松了警惕。在汉密尔顿岛的最后几天,我本应该好好放松一下。

    This was not what I 'd wanted at all and had caught me little off guard to say the least-I 'm supposed to be relaxing in my last few days on Hamilton Island .

  3. 汉密尔顿岛管理员招聘是耗资110万美元的昆士兰州东北部岛屿魅力宣传活动的一部分。

    The job is part of a $ 1.1 million campaign to publicize the charms of northeastern Queensland state .

  4. 此项工作为应聘成功者支付半年15万澳元(约合10万美元)的高薪,还将免费为此人提供从其所在国到著名的大堡礁热带海域的汉密尔顿岛的往返机票。

    The job pays 150000 Australian dollars ( about 100000 US dollars ) and includes free airfares from the successful candidate 's home country to tropical Hamilton Island on the famed Great Barrier Reef .

  5. 招聘者自诩这是“世界上最吃香的工作”:澳大利亚昆士兰州的汉密尔顿岛提供一个包住宿、为期六个月的岗位。职责是对岛屿进行巡查并汇报相关情况。

    Touted as the " best job in the world " a six-month job opportunity came up on Queensland 's Hamilton Island offered a live-in position which involved exploring the area and reporting back on what it had to offer .

  6. 本·绍索尔,一个34岁的英国汉普夏男人,打败了来自世界各地将近三万五千名竞争者,获得到了这份梦寐以求的工作。他所需要做的就是在大堡礁汉密尔顿岛上游泳、探险和休闲,然后写一篇博客来促进这个岛屿的发展。

    Ben Southall , 34 , of Petersfield , beat out nearly 35000 applicants from around the world for the dream assignment to swim , explore and relax on Hamilton Island in the Great Barrier Reef , while writing a blog to promote the area .

  7. 昆士兰州于上月12日发起了这一号称“世界上最好工作”的招聘活动,并要求应聘者提交视频申请。该职位的薪水高达10万美元,主要职责就是在大堡礁的汉密尔顿岛放松6个月,同时撰写博客宣传该岛。

    Queensland launched the ' Best Job in the World ' campaign on Jan 12 , calling for video applications from people interested in a $ 100000 contract to relax on Hamilton Island in the Great Barrier Reef for six months while writing a blog to promote the island .