
  • 网络hammurabi;King Hammurabi;Hammurapi
  1. 然而,汉谟拉比法典标志着人们对公正理解的进步。

    Nevertheless , the code of Hammurabi marked an advance in ideas of justice .

  2. 你听过汉谟拉比法典吗

    Ever hear of the Code of Hammurabi --

  3. 信息标题:国际汉谟拉比公司,我们在伊拉克和约旦的工作。

    Leads Title : We , International Hammurabi Company , working in both Iraq and Jordan .

  4. 汉谟拉比&巴比伦人的国王

    Hammurabi & King of the Babylonians

  5. 雕刻在石柱上的便是汉谟拉比为他的臣民制定的法典。

    Finely engraved on the pillar is the code of laws that Hammurabi imposed upon his subjects .

  6. 汉谟拉比的国民通过阅读这些法令来确定哪些是合法的哪些是违法的。

    By reading the laws , Hammurabi 's subjects would know what was and what was not lawful .

  7. 它起源于习惯法,以《圣经·旧约》为核心内容,并深受《汉谟拉比法典》的影响。

    It originates from customs law , and centers on the Old Testament under the influence of Hammurabi Code .

  8. 我们不和,这是因为汉谟拉比的法典,既是陌生的公民和不适用。

    We do not and this is because Hammurabi 's codex is both unknown to the citizenry and inapplicable .

  9. 让我们从一位古代国王汉谟拉比开始吧,他是西方世界古代最伟大的国王之一。

    Let us begin with ancient King & King Hammurabi who was one of the greatest ancient Kings of the Western World .

  10. “13不吉利”的说法最早要追溯到古巴比伦的《汉谟拉比法典》,该法典中跳过了第13条法律,原因不明。

    This belief might go back as far as the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi , which skips a 13th law for unclear reasons .

  11. 古巴比伦王国在著名的国王汉谟拉比(公元前1792~1750)的统治下曾经繁荣一时。

    The Babylonian kingdom flourished under the rule of the famous King , Hammurabi [ 2 ] ( 1792-1750 BC [ 3 ] ) .

  12. 汉谟拉比法典的精神在于通过严厉的惩罚阻止人们故意或过失性地伤害别人。

    The spirit behind hammurabi 's code was to deter men from harming one another intentionally or unintentionally by the threat of severe punishment .

  13. 汉谟拉比特别重视兴修水利工程。他组织人民开凿了一条连接克什(近巴比伦)和波斯湾的运河。

    Hydro-engineering works were a special concern of Hammurabi 's and he caused a canal to be constructed linking Kish ( near Babylon ) with the Persian Gulf .

  14. 惩罚性赔偿的法律精神,最早出现在公元前的《汉谟拉比法典》中,该法典就有了相应的法条予以记述。

    The spirit of the law of punitive damages first appeared in the " code of hammurabi " in B.C , the code has a corresponding law shall be described .

  15. 有一段时期,人们认为汉谟拉比颁布了西方世界史上第一部成文法,但目前的研究断定他颁布的不是第一部法律。

    For some time , Hammurabi was considered to have issued the first set of written laws in the history of the western world but current research has determined that his laws were not the first .

  16. 古代客栈老板的名声一直不好,公元前1754年,古巴比伦的《汉谟拉比法典》中就详细记载着一位老板所受的刑罚,因为他隐瞒了一位顾客的死亡实情,并将其抛尸河中。

    Ancient innkeepers had such an unsavory reputation that Babylon 's Code of Hamurabi from 1754 B.C.E. specified that the punishment for cheating a patron who ordered a drink was death ( by being thrown into the water ) .

  17. 无论是仅有七条规定的汉谟拉比法典,还是现代国家浩若烟海的各类法律法规,所有的制度,就其本质而言,均是人类在长期交往过程中演化出的关于协调的一种共同知识。

    As we have known , either Hammurabi code only with seven rules or the complicated system in modern society , any institution is a kind of common knowledge about the coordination that the mankind evolves out in the long-term course of associating with each other .