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  1. 论汉魏时期民间艺术&摇钱树

    Brief Introduction on a Han-Wei Dynasty Folk Art & Money Tree

  2. 汉魏时期佛教造像遗迹

    Relic of Buddhist Statues in Han and Wai Period

  3. 华歆是汉魏时期政治舞台上比较活跃的人物。

    Hua Xin was a active politician in the Han and Wei Dynasty .

  4. 汉魏时期的咏史诗为左思咏史诗的发展打下了坚实的基础。

    These all laid a solid foundation for the development of Zuo Si 's epics .

  5. 所说的《人物》,指的就是汉魏时期重要的思想家、文学家刘劭所著的《人物志》。

    " Talking about " people ", referring to Han period is an important thinker and writer Liu Shao-book " Figures .

  6. 代汉者当涂高是广泛传布于汉魏时期的一条谶言。

    " The Han Dynasty will be replaced by Dang-tu-gao " is an augury which spread widely in the Han and Wei Dynasties .

  7. 赋体是汉魏时期的主流文学形式,能够代表当时语言的实际状况。

    Fu , as the mainstream literary form in Han Dynasty , can represent the actual state of the language at that time .

  8. 大量带有绘画资料的墓葬的考古发现表明,汉魏时期是河西地区经济发展的重要时期。

    A lot of picture graves discovered by archaeological studies shows that Han Wei times was the important period for economical development in Hexi area .

  9. 同时,本文进一步揭示了魏氏月体纳甲说对汉魏时期著名易学家虞翻的易学思想所产生的重要影响。

    Meanwhile , its impact on the I Ching learning of YU Fan , a famous expert in I Ching of the Eastern Han Dynasty will be further exposed .

  10. 该祭坛虽然建于汉魏时期,但其星象传承的上限则可推至4000~5000年前。

    Though this altar was built during the Han-Wei period , the upper limit of the passing on and adoption of star configurations can still be inferred to 4000 ~ 5000 years ago .

  11. 所有曹操宗族墓群的文字砖对研究汉魏时期社会状况,汉末的思想文化,中国古代汉字书体的演变等是极具价值的。

    All these text bricks are extremely valuable for studies of the social conditions in Han and Wei Dynasties , the ideology and culture in the late East-Han Dynasty , the evolution of ancient Chinese chirography .

  12. 王羲之(321——379或306——361)吸取了汉魏时期书法的精髓并形成了自己的风格,他因此被称为“书圣”。

    Wang Xizhi ( 321 - 379 or 306 - 361 ) absorbed the essence of calligraphy of the Han-Wei period and created a style of his own to earn his fame as the " Sage Calligrapher . "

  13. 继秦退弹筝而取韶虞之后,筝并末因此失去它的光彩,到了汉魏时期,筝已成为各阶层喜闻乐见的一种乐器。

    Continue Qin extract Zheng and choose after the splendid supposition , the Zheng has not lost its splendor , Reach Chinese period Wei , Zheng become a kind of musical instrument loved by all of different levels already .

  14. 它的发现与发掘对研究沈阳地区汉魏时期历史与葬俗具有重要意义

    Its discovery and excavation has the special significance for studying the Han and Wei history of Shenyang and the burial custom of this area . Correcting faults of punctuations in epitaph collections of Han , Wei , Northern and Southern dynasties

  15. 悼祭文发轫于汉魏时期,此后蓬勃发展,至唐蔚为大观,对其流变和内容进行分类具有可行性和必要性。

    Mourns the memorial ceremony oration to start at the time of Han and Wei , here after the vigorous development , presents an impressive sight to Tang Dynasty , changes to it with the content carries on the classification to have the feasibility and the necessity .

  16. 试论汉魏时期高句丽政权的统辖区域&以《三国史记·高句丽本纪》记事为中心中原、南方政权对高句丽的管辖册封及高句丽改称高丽时间考

    A Study of the Koguryo Regime in the Han and Wei Period and Its Governing Region ; The Domination and Conferring Titles on Koguryo of the State Political Power of Central Plains and the South & Checking on the Time of Changing the Name from Koguryo to Koryo

  17. 略论汉魏唐宋时期蹴鞠运动的兴盛明清新城王氏家族兴盛原因述论

    Discussion on the Cause of Prosperity of Wang 's Family of Xincheng during the Ming and Qing

  18. 本文主要论述汉魏六朝时期佛教表现艺术,旨在通过这一研究,为进一步认识这一时期相关的文学艺术活动提供借鉴。

    This thesis mainly focused on the Buddhist Performing Arts in the Han , Wei and Six Dynasties period .

  19. 汉魏六朝时期我国传统文献家训产生的原因及其影响。

    4 , the cause and effect of the occuring of the traditional documentary family education in Han Wei Liu Chao dynasties ;

  20. 汉魏六朝时期出现的大量具有虚构成分的叙事作品,足以说明当时人们较普遍地具备了自觉的虚构意识。

    Fictitious elements manifested in narrative works in Han Wei and the six dynasties demonstrate that people of that time generally had a fictitious awareness .

  21. 生态适应与文化创造:汉魏六朝时期岭南人民对植物的利用

    Ecological Adaptation and Cultural Creation : How People Living in Lingnan Make Use of the Plants during the Han , Wei and the six Dynasties

  22. 中国古代舞蹈艺术发展史中的重要阶段&汉魏六朝时期乐舞探微

    The Important Stage Within the Development History of Chinese Ancient Art of Dancing & Exploration of Yue Wu ( Dance with Musical Accompaniment ) in Six Dynasties from Han

  23. 首先,汉魏六朝时期的文献语言是汉语发展历史上的过渡阶段,它起着承前启后的桥梁作用&承前表现在它保留和继承了先秦的许多语言现象,并有所发展;

    The first , the language of the ancient books and the records in the Han and the Northern and Southern Dynasties is the transitional period of the development history of Chinese .

  24. 汉魏六朝时期是汉语发展变化的转折时期,语言正经历着从上古到中古汉语过渡过程中新旧交替的变化。

    Han , Wei and the Six Dynasties period was a turning point in the development and changes in Chinese period , the language is undergoing a transition process from Primitive Age to the Mediaeval Age of China .

  25. 宋代古题乐府特指宋人拟作汉魏六朝隋唐时期乐府古题的诗歌,它是乐府诗史的重要组成部分,也是中国古代诗歌的重要组成部分。

    Song Dynasty Ancient Title Poems of Yue-fu refers specifically to the intended theme of Han , Wei and Six Dynasties of ancient verse poetry , it is an important part of the Song , but also an important verse poetry stage of development .

  26. 汉魏两晋南北朝时期,是道教的产生与发展时期。

    Taoism emerged and developed in the Period of Wei , Jin , and the Northern and Southern Dynasties .

  27. 这类女性的出现,是汉魏两晋南北朝时期崇尚才智识鉴的社会风气和人生价值观在妇女身上的反映。

    The characteristics of these women reflects the life value and the social mode in Han , Wei , Jin , South and North Dynasties when intelligence and penetration are highly thought of .