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  • Encore;APCO;ankh
  1. 钢琴大师朗朗用一种令人惊叹的方式在旧金山演奏了一曲安可:用iPad演奏了NikolaiRimsky-Korsakov的名曲野蜂。

    Piano master Lang Lang performed a surprising , offbeat encore at a concert in San Francisco : the pianist played Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov 's " Flight of the Bumblebee " on the iPad .

  2. 我们要求他们演奏安可曲。

    We asked them to play an encore .

  3. 坤宁安可提高大鼠血清E2水平,降低FSH、LH水平。

    Result : 1.KNA could increase the E_2 level while decrease FSH , LH in serum .

  4. 不过,与安德玛广为人知的品牌标识不同的是,安可玛汀商标的两个U没有交叉,于是并未形成A,只能说是一个U下面连着一个或许像是小写字母的n。

    But unlike in Under Armour 's famous brand , the letters do not intersect . An A never gets formed . That leaves a U and what might pass for a humble lowercase n.

  5. 结果:瘤消安可明显抑制U(14)的肺转移率,大、小剂量组肺转移率分别为25.0%和23.0%;

    Results : LXA could obviously inhibit the lung metastasis of U_ ( 14 ), the lung metastasis rate in high and low dose LXA group was 25.0 % and 23.0 % respectively .

  6. 安可顾问公司(APCOWorldwide)驻北京的GaryLi表示,中国武器制造商已渐渐习惯在YouTube或电视新闻上看到他们的武器。

    Gary Li , a Beijing-based consultant for APCO Worldwide , said Chinese arms makers had become used to seeing their weapons on YouTube videos or TV news .

  7. 安可玛汀是UncleMartian的音译,而这几个中文字可以勉强理解为“再来一次,玛汀”。

    In Chinese , it is a mere transliteration of " Uncle Martian " - An Ke Ma Ting . The characters mean , roughly , " Encore Ma Sandbar . "

  8. 结论(1)PG缺乏条件下促胃动力药胃复安可引起胃黏膜出血性损伤,可能与ET-1升高、NO下降致胃黏膜微循环紊乱有关。

    Conclusions ( 1 ) Gastric prokinetic drugs metoclopramide may induce damage in rat stomach under PG deficient conditions . The higher ET-1 level and lower NO level may cause gastric microcirculation disturbance .

  9. 咨询公司安可顾问(APCOWorldwide)大中华区主席麦健陆(JamesMcGregor)称,这很大程度上取决于监管者如何解释该法。安可顾问与多家科技公司有业务联系。

    James McGregor , head of consultancy Apco Worldwide , which works with a number of technology companies , said that much would depend on how the law was interpreted by regulators .

  10. 安可•多玛斯科原来是一名生物化学家,现在转行做了时装设计师,开创了QMilch服装品牌——该服装面料完全是用牛奶制成的。

    Anke Domaske , a biochemist turned fashion designer , is the inventor of QMilch - a fabric made entirely of milk .

  11. 安可和其他的同伴曾花了数日找寻失踪的两人。

    He and other climbers spent days searching for the missing pair .

  12. 我的孩子不能给我的回应,我需要,安可。

    My children can 't give me the feedback that I need , LOL.

  13. 写剧本?他大笑,这样的话,安可再也不理我了。

    Write a play ? He laughed.Anne would never speak to me again .

  14. 安可玛汀首次进军运动服饰市场推出的是鞋类产品。

    Uncle Martian 's first foray into the athletic wear market is shoes .

  15. 安可梦口服液对慢性疲劳小鼠免疫调节功能的影响

    Effect of an ke meng oral liquid on immunoloregulation in mice with chronic fatigue

  16. 心得安可阻断β2受体激动剂的免疫抑制效应。

    Propranolol could blocked the immune inhibitory response caused by β 2 receptor excitant .

  17. 起码,能显示出一些创造力的是安可玛汀这个名字。

    What did appear a bit creative , at least , was the name Uncle Martian .

  18. 到了现在,安可已经成为大家期待的一个环节,艺人也会提前计划好安可阶段的表演。

    In some modern circumstances , encores have come to be expected , and artists often plan their encores .

  19. 结果表明,本实验所用儿茶酚胺类物质对离体黄体细胞孕酮生成有极明显的刺激作用,β受体阻断剂心得安可显著抑制儿茶酚胺促孕酮生成作用。

    The results showed that the hCG stimulated a dose-related increase in progesterone by rabbit luteal cells in vitro .

  20. 心得安可增强人的子宫的活动,非妊娠子宫比妊娠子宫更敏感。

    Propranolol increases the activity of the human uterus , more in the nonpregnant than in the pregnant state .

  21. 肖恩·安可花了12年的时间在哈佛研究快乐,他得出的结论是:快乐是“一种选择”。

    Shawn Anchor spent 12 years researching happiness at Harvard and concluded that happiness is " a choice . "

  22. 安可表示,这一发现带给我和珍妮佛以及全家人的是终结与解脱感。

    Mr Anker said the discovery " brings closure and relief for me and Jenni and for our family . "

  23. 马瑞里安可没这么好运,对方连人带马朝他摔去,一团砸在他身上。

    Marillion was less fortunate . Horse and rider crashed to the ground in a tangle on top of the singer .

  24. 16年前发生雪崩事故当日,安可也和二人一起在攀登希夏邦马峰,不过他因为受了轻伤而得以幸存下来。

    Mr Anker had been on Shishapangma with the two climbers on the day of the avalanche but escaped with minor injuries .

  25. 安可最初是自发行为引出的,演唱会或演奏会结束后,观众都会持续鼓掌并要求艺人追加表演一些节目。

    Encores originated spontaneously , when audiences would continue to applaud and demand additional performance from the artist after the concert had ended .

  26. 结论安可来对各种严重程度哮喘均具有缓解哮喘症状及改善肺功能的作用,且具有服用方便、副作用少、耐受性好的优点。

    Conclusion The results of our study suggest that Accolate improve lung function and symptoms in mild to severe asthmatics with an excellent tolerability profile .

  27. 不过,按照惯例来讲,就算提前有安排,安可曲目也不会出现在演唱会或演奏会的节目单上。

    Traditionally , in a concert that has a printed set list for the audience , encores are not listed , even when they are planned .

  28. 欣流“于1998年首次通过审议。同阿斯利康公司的”安可来“和紧急治疗公司的”奇摩“一样,是一种治疗哮喘和过敏的一流药物。

    First approved in1998 , it 's part of a class of asthma and allergy drugs that includes AstraZeneca PLC 's Accolate and Critical Therapeutics Inc. 's Zyflo .

  29. 官方媒体确认,安可玛汀背后的企业是中国东南部福建省的一家名为廷飞龙的体育用品公司。

    The state news media identified the company behind Uncle Martian as an apparel manufacturer in Fujian Province , in southeastern China , called Tingfei Long Sporting Goods .

  30. 阿拉斯加安可拉治凯奇坎消防部门的一份声明中称,事发在周二凌晨,这只兔子抓着主人的胸部将其叫醒。

    The rabbit woke up the homeowner in Anchorage , Alaska , early on Tuesday morning by scratching on her chest , the Ketchikan Fire Department said in a statement .