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shāo bing
  • sesame seed cake;griddle cake sprinkled with sesame seed
烧饼 [shāo bǐng]
  • [sesame seed cake;griddle cake sprinkled with sesame seed] 烤熟的小面饼,表面多有芝麻

  • 园子里面,顶着篮子卖烧饼油条的有一二十个。--《老残游记》

烧饼[shāo bing]
  1. 到了班里的时候我发现我的烧饼教授给了我个不及格。

    Got to class and my douchebag professor gave me an F.

  2. 烧饼吃起来真香,啊,生活真美好!

    Sesame seed tastes really fragrant , ah , life really beautiful !

  3. “烧饼国王”是我悄悄为他起的名字!

    And King of pancakes I secretly call upon him !

  4. 我喜欢饺子和包子,还有一样,就是烧饼。

    I like jiaozi and baozi , and one more thing , shaobing .

  5. 你要请我吃烧饼啊?

    You want to treat me to pita bread ?

  6. 我吃了俩烧饼,喝了杯豆浆。

    I had two clay oven rolls and a cup of soybean milk .

  7. 把容量转移到大口烧饼里,把体积补足到300毫升左右。

    Transfer the contents to a beaker , make up the volume to around300ml .

  8. 低头做烧饼,抬头防意外。

    Head up and prevent accidents do pancake .

  9. 但也有关心我的读者来信,问我找到了烧饼没有?

    But also have about my letters and asked me to find a pancake ?

  10. 饼皮上则添增全麦、小麦胚芽、亚麻籽、竹炭粉、多层次烧饼等不同种类。

    For the crust , they 've added whole wheat , flax seeds and wheat germ .

  11. 制作美味可口的烧饼。

    To make delicious pancakes .

  12. “那不是问题,”精神病医生应道,“我也热爱烧饼呀!”

    " That 's not a problem ," the psychiatrist responds . " I love griddle cakes too !"

  13. 拉到了,他应当在最好的饭摊上吃顿饭,如热烧饼夹爆羊肉之类的东西。

    There he would have a meal at the best food-stall , hot sesame buns with grilled mutton ;

  14. 我拿着装了两个烧饼的小塑料袋边观赏美景边溜达。

    I have installed two sesame seed holding a small plastic bag while and enjoy the scenery while strolling .

  15. 比利时本地居民和来自其他国家的游客们都聚集在圣诞集市上,这里销售着温热的红酒、还有比利时有名的烧饼。

    Belgians and tourists stroll through Christmas markets that sell hot , spiced wine and Belgium 's famous waffles .

  16. 下一个人,一名化学家,表示他的狗,大口烧饼里,表达出他能做的一切。

    The next man , a chemist , beckoned his dog , Beaker , to show what he could do .

  17. 我国乡镇政府改革的困境与出路&翻烧饼:谷城县乡镇改革述评意大利西北的一个海港城市;利古里亚区的首府。

    Repeating : Review on the Towns Reform of Gucheng County ; a seaport in northwestern Italy ; provincial capital of Liguria .

  18. 在上海,在汉口,在南京,也都有了说京话的巡警与差役,吃着芝麻酱烧饼;

    Shanghai , hankou , Nanjing all employed policemen and clerks who spoke Beiping dialect , and all enjoyed sesame paste buns .

  19. 安康的美食芝麻烧饼、羊肉饼、蒸面等等这半年是吃不上了。

    I will lost my favour foods for half year , sach as the sesame cracker , mutton cake , steam noodle * etc.

  20. 我国民事诉讼两审终审制度运行中终审不终的现象屡见不鲜,裁判结果的不断反复被民间戏称为翻烧饼。

    " Final judgment does not mean final " in operation of second trial final judgment system of civil action in our country is common occurrence .

  21. 哦,有荷叶饼,空心芝麻烧饼,葱白,黄瓜和甜面酱.我来告诉你怎么吃。

    Oh , they are pancakes , hollowed sesame buns , scallions , cucumbers and hoisin sauce . I will show you how to make one .

  22. 待了会儿,老程回来了,端着两大碗甜浆粥,和不知多少马蹄烧饼与小焦油炸鬼。

    After a while , Old Cheng returned with two large bowls of sweet gruel and a whole lot of little " horse-hoof " buns and crispy fritters .

  23. 过去国家总预备费有相当一部分是买烧饼油条用掉了,如一九五三年就是如此。

    In the past , a considerable portion of the state 's general reserve funds has been spent on trivial things , as was the case in 1953 .

  24. 本文论证了古代胡饼的形制、流变以及胡饼在中阿文化交流中的媒介作用,纠正了将胡饼当做今天烧饼的错误解释。

    This article discuss the medium action of the form of the ancient Hubing in the exchange of the Chinese-Arabic culture , and correct a wrong explain that make Hubing for roast cake of today .

  25. 2010年03月09日在成功推出粥、油条和烧饼之后,全球快餐连锁巨头肯德基再次加快了在中国市场“本土化”的步伐。

    2010-03-09 After the successive introduction of porridge , fried dough sticks , and sesame seed cakes , the global fast-food giant KFC is speeding up their efforts of " going local " in the Chinese market .

  26. 食疗:牛奶,燕麦,豆腐,芝麻酱,花生,海带,紫菜,黑木耳,虾皮,河虾。祥子把这个托付给小福子去办。小福子给买来热芝麻酱烧饼和酱肘子;

    Dietotherapy : Milk , oaten , bean curd , sesame paste , earthnut , kelp , laver , black agaric , dried small shrimps , river shrimp . He entrusted this to Joy , who bought some hot sesame griddle cakes and a jellied pig 's leg .