
shāo jiǔ
  • liquor;spirit;aquavit;firewater;spirit usu. distilled from sorghum or maize;akvavit
烧酒 [shāo jiǔ]
  • [spirit usu. distilled from sorghum or maize] 白酒

烧酒[shāo jiǔ]
  1. 如果上的是烧酒的话就要格外注意了。

    Extra care should be taken when liquor is served .

  2. 加糖的奶油,用葡萄酒或烧酒打起泡沫。

    Sweetened cream beaten with wine or liquor .

  3. Drinky的灵感来自于很久之前朴恩惠独饮烧酒(日本称这种韩式烧酒为Shochu)度过的一个圣诞节。

    The inspiration for Drinky came during a dateless Christmas which Park spent with a bottle of soju ( the traditional Korean alcohol called shochu in Japan ) .

  4. 你知道这是什么吗?这是烧酒。

    Do you know what this is ? It 's so-ju .

  5. 哇,今天的烧酒真对胃口。

    Wow , I really have an appetite for so-ju today .

  6. 好吧,为什么我们不喝点烧酒呢?

    Alright , why don 't we drink so-ju to that ?

  7. 你闻到他的味道么?像烧酒。

    You get a whiff of him ? Like schnapps .

  8. 我们应该出去喝杯烧酒解决问题。

    We should go out and drink so-ju to resolve our differences .

  9. 我们在德国度假刚买回一瓶烧酒。

    We brought a bottle of schnapps back from our holiday in germany .

  10. 我们不需要这麽做啦,兄每周都会来一次,以后我们还可以一起喝烧酒。

    It will be okay if we get to drink soju together later .

  11. 圣诞节当天,布丁会被淋上白兰地(烧酒)然后点着火、点亮,然后端上桌。

    At Christmas , the pudding is doused in brandy and set alight .

  12. 那就是你说要买的烧酒吗?

    Is that what you call getting soju ?

  13. 烧酒技术于此时期得到推广运用。

    Distillation is widely used in this period .

  14. 欧洲最早的烧酒作坊出现于十七世纪中叶。

    Distilleries began to appear in Europe in the middle of the seventeenth century .

  15. 有一杯烧酒就好了!

    A giass of soju wouid be perfect !

  16. 双曲生料发酵酿制玉米烧酒的研究

    Studies on two variety of distiller 's yeasts uncooked material fermentation method for corn liquor

  17. 老师不能喝烧酒吗?

    Teachers can 't drink so-ju ?

  18. 液态法生产中国烧酒

    Producing Chinese Liquor through Liquid State

  19. 布依族人会酿酒、好饮酒。其酿制的酒有糯米酒、刺梨酒、白烧酒等。

    Buyi people like drinking and are adept at wine-making including glutinous rice wine and roxburgh rose etc.

  20. 干烧酒糟用作饲料高粱酒糟在烘焙食品中的应用

    Conference emphasizes use of distillers dried grains Utilization of Dried Distillers Grain from Sorghum in Baked Food

  21. 一种冷冻的甜点,含有奶油冻、坚果的混合物,有时还含有烧酒。

    A chilled dessert consisting of a mixture of custard and nuts and ( sometimes ) liquor .

  22. 豉味玉冰烧酒大曲饼培养过程的自动控制系统

    The Auto-control System of the Culture Process of the YU PING SHAO Liquor ′ s Big Yeast Cake

  23. 因加工原料中有绍兴酒(糟烧酒),故名“醉鱼”。

    For processing materials of zaoshao liquor has shaoxing wine ( name ), reason " drunk fish " .

  24. 俄罗斯有伏特加,韩国有烧酒,日本有清酒,而中国有白酒。

    Russia has vodka , Korea soju , Japan sake , and China - baijiu ( bye-joh ) .

  25. 磊花烧酒是客家人在继承和发展小曲米香型白酒生产过程中博采众长、自主创新的成果。

    Leihua distilled liquor was developed by Hakkas through the inheritance and innovation of traditional Xiaoqu rice-flavor liquor .

  26. 如果您不带上您的鼻子而光是用眼睛看看的话,烧酒就像白开水一样。

    If you watch the liquor without taking your nose toghter , it just like a cup of water .

  27. 豉味玉冰烧酒曲饼成型模的设计

    Drying the Ice The Research and Design of Shaping Mold of Soy Flavour YUK PING SHU Liquor 's Yeast Cake

  28. 因其主要采用烧(蒸)工艺,酒精含量较高,白酒亦称烧酒。

    As the major technology used in making white liquor is stewing or steaming , the alcohol content is high .

  29. 所谓灵魂的铅块便是由啤酒、烧酒、苦艾酒这三种酒的烈性构成的。

    It is of these three vapors , beer , brandy , and absinthe , that the lead of the soul is composed .

  30. 很多生产工艺的变化都能够用于葡萄酒的生产中。葡萄酒可以蒸馏制成烧酒或是白兰地酒。

    Many processing variations can be used during wine production . The wine can be distilled to make a ' burned wine ' or brandy .